He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2383 A rebellious foam frog

"By the way, doctor, this thing"

At this time, Xiaozhi suddenly took out a polyhedron device, each face was gray-green, and the edges and corners were covered with black patterns.

"Isn't this the Kigard polyhedron? Why is it in Xiaozhi's hands?"

Dr. Bratano was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses after thinking about it, and couldn't help but cursed with a smile:
"Those two guys, they're giving someone else the job I gave them!"

The "two guys" he said naturally referred to Dexio and Gina.

"The two of them can be regarded as my students. They are quite talented in academic research, but they have a playful personality and like to travel around~"

When talking about the two, Dr. Bratano's face was full of helplessness.

However, this young couple is originally two rich second generations who come to experience life, and Dr. Brattano is hard to say anything about their unrestrained behavior.

After all, every time, the task is perfectly completed, so let's play if you want to play.

"Ah, that thing"

Hearing that Xiaozhi made a gesture to return the polyhedron in his hand to the doctor.

"It's okay, Xiaozhi, you can keep this thing, it's actually just a test product, and I don't know if it will work as expected in the end~"

Dr. Bratano waved his hands.

The Zygurd Polyhedron can absorb the individual cells of Zygurd, the ancient god in the Kalos region, scattered all over the place, and when combined into one, can reproduce Zygurd in a complete state.

But this is just his conjecture. The hardware of the polyhedron was made with the help of Hitron, the owner of the Miare Gymnasium.

Originally, I just asked Gina and Dexio to take time to use this device when they were free, but Dr. Brattano didn't hold out any hope.

Now in Xiaozhi's hands, maybe some miracle can really happen?
"All right!"

Xiaozhi's eyes are much firmer and hotter. He carefully put away the Kigard polyhedron, and will go to the surrounding forest later.

He has even thought about the scene where he manipulates Z God Zigold in the future!
While the three of them were still chatting, there was a sudden noise from the direction of the gate of the institute.

Xiaozhi turned his gaze curiously, and found that it was a boy with short blond hair. He was young, and he seemed to be a novice trainer, right?
The strangest thing is that there are many strange white foams on the face and clothes, which are dirty.

"Doctor! The foam frog you gave didn't obey orders at all! It even attacked the trainer, I want another one!!"

As soon as he came in, he shouted loudly, holding a poke ball high in his hand, with an annoyed expression on his face.

Hearing that Dr. Bratano got up quickly, Xiaozhi and Pansy looked at each other and got up curiously.

Bubble frog. This time it should be Yusanjia in the Carlos area, right?


Isn't that the same as Pikachu back then? But as long as they understand each other, the two can still become the strongest partner.

"Is it like this again? I thought you could tame this foam frog with your level."

However, Dr. Bratano didn't seem surprised, and he took the poke ball directly without any comfort or teaching.

The blond-haired trainer in front of him was well-known before his debut and has good potential, but even so, can't he satisfy this foam frog?
"Just give me an ordinary one. It's too troublesome to communicate. It's better to have a gentler foam frog!"

The blond boy seemed to be overshadowed by the foam frog, and his requirements were directly reduced to the minimum.

Dr. Bratano had no choice but to ask his assistant to take out a new Poké Ball from the room.

When the red light fell, it was a small water-blue frog with big erect eyes, and the neckline and back were covered with white foam, as if carrying a white package.


The foam frog let out a cry, squinted its eyes, and raised its little white palm to say hello.

"Is this the water-attribute Yusanjia in the Kalos area?!"

From behind, Xiaozhi said with a pleasant expression on his face.

When I mentioned that I didn't obey the command, and even attacked the trainer, I thought it would be a proud Pokémon like the rattan snake.

But looking at the appearance of the foam frog, it is more like that kind of gentle and indifferent personality?

Compared with the Yusanjia in my hometown, it feels somewhat similar to the seeds of the frog.

"That's right! This kind of foam frog is what I want!!"

This rookie trainer looked ecstatic, he had to find an obedient partner or something!

After speaking, he took the poke ball and took the docile foam frog back before leaving in satisfaction.

In the same place, only Dr. Brattano was staring at the Poké Ball in his hand, with a troubled expression on his face.

"Dr. Er, what's wrong with this foam frog?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but approached and asked.

"That's right, foam frogs generally have a docile and introverted personality, which is most suitable for newcomers to Yusanjia."

As a native of Carlos, Pansy still has a lot of say.

Generally speaking, Carlos Yusanjia, the fire-attributed fire fox has an arrogant personality, and the grass-attributed Harley chestnut is too lively and excited. In contrast, the restrained and responsible foam frog is the best choice.

"There are always exceptions, like this rebellious foam frog."

Dr. Brattano held his forehead and kept shaking his head.

"It's actually not the first time this foam frog has been returned by the trainer, it should be the ninth time now, right?"

"In terms of personality, I didn't say how bad it is, but it is very reliable. It's just that I have extremely high requirements on my trainers. When I meet a trainer who is not satisfied, don't listen to the command. Sometimes I will even abandon the trainer and go back to the research. come."

"If it really doesn't work, maybe he has to be released. Maybe the wild is more suitable for this child. He can also choose a suitable trainer himself?"

Listening to Dr. Brattano's soliloquy, Xiaozhi became interested. It is a foam frog with a personality.

After thinking about it, Xiaozhi suddenly said:

"Doctor, let me try!"

Hearing this, Dr. Bratano was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously turned his head to look at Xiaozhi.

Immediately, his eyes gradually brightened, and he slapped his thigh suddenly:
"Yes, why do you have to choose a rookie trainer to entrust?"

Before, he had always been limited to the initial Pokémon and could only be given to newcomer trainers. But according to the character of this foam frog, the fledgling trainer is not qualified at all.

It is most suitable to directly choose an experienced trainer, right?
"If it's Xiaozhi, it would be perfect."

Seeing Xiaozhi's figure, Dr. Brattano nodded in satisfaction.

A trainer who won the world championship, this time, he must satisfy the foam frog, right? ! (end of this chapter)

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