He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2385 Serena Appears

Chapter 2385 Serena Appears

"So farewell, Doctor.!"

After chatting for a while, Xiaozhi and Pansy were ready to leave.

"Hey, don't you wait any longer?"

Dr. Brattano looked at his watch, got up and asked to stay:

"That rookie trainer will arrive in a while~ You are about the same age as Xiaozhi, she is a very beautiful girl, maybe you can become friends~"

Hearing the word "beautiful", Xiaozhi suddenly felt a sense of shock.

If it's a powerful rookie trainer, then he might really stay and have a look, maybe even let the foam frog fight.

"No doctor, I have seen enough new trainers today~"

So Xiaozhi waved his hand, smiled and evaded.

It's rare to come to a new area, and the foam frog has been reined in, and now Xiaozhi is eager to take action.

"All right."

Hearing this, Dr. Brattano did not continue to force, but smiled and stretched out his palm to Xiaozhi.

"Then say it again, welcome to the Carlos area~!"

Xiaozhi quickly returned the handshake solemnly, and Dr. Bratano still gave him a very friendly feeling.

Then he walked out of the gate of the institute side by side with Pansy, and came back to the south side street of Miare City.

"So, where are you going next? I deliberately turned off all my work schedules today, so I can be your tour guide for a whole day~"


Pansy said with a smile, and the Umbrella Electric Lizard on the back pocket also raised its head proudly.

"Go. Yes, let's go to that Miare Gym!"

After thinking about it, Xiaozhi had a goal.

It's rare to conquer the Yusanjia in the Carlos area, why not challenge the local gymnasium to test the water?
Of course, Xiaozhi is not very interested in the league meeting now, unless the opponents are all similar to that Ai Lan player.

Speaking of which, it had been a long time since he had challenged the Gym, but it was rare for Xiaozhi to feel a little excited.

"Is it the Miare Gym? It's there~ It's called the Prism Tower!"

Pansy pointed to a towering gray-blue iron tower in the distance, standing straight in the center of the city. This is a landmark building in Miare City, and it is also the location of the Miare Gymnasium.

"Wow, it's magnificent!"

Xiaozhi squinted his eyes and looked at the end of the road. The Prism Tower should be the most magnificent of all the gymnasium buildings he has seen so far!

Presumably the owner of the gymnasium inside should also be powerful!
Immediately, he hurried forward impatiently, and Pansy had no choice but to speed up his pace behind.

Just as Xiaozhi and Pansy left the research institute, a young girl walked slowly from the other side of the street.

She has long brown hair tied around her waist, and she wears a light red round hat on her head.

The light blue pupils and the light makeup look pretty and delicate, and the corners of the mouth are usually raised naturally.

Wearing a black sleeveless vest with a white collar, and a red pleated skirt with a waist, her slender legs are wearing black knee socks, and a pair of black high-top sneakers on her feet.

The high-waisted skirt looks slim, slender and fair.

This is a very typical Carlos girl, stylish and beautiful.

But when she walked all the way to the gate of the institute, the girl couldn't help but stop, and her attention was attracted by the backs of the two people who were gradually moving away from the other direction.

"Huh, that person?"

She frowned slightly, and she always felt that the boy in the crimson hat with a yellow electric mouse on his shoulder was somewhat familiar.
Just as he was about to shout out, a surprised voice suddenly came from beside him.

"Oh, it's on time! I walked out in time, but I didn't expect you to arrive just in time!"

Dr. Bratano did not know when, but also walked to the courtyard of the gate of the institute, and said cheerfully.

"Come in quickly, Firefox is already waiting~!"

After speaking, he walked into the research institute first, and when the girl looked back at the street hesitantly, the two of them had already left.

In this regard, she could only shrug her shoulders and walked quickly into the research institute.

"Hello, Dr. Bratano, my name is Serena! I'm from Chaoxiang Town!"

It was the first time she came to this luxuriously decorated research institute, Serena straightened her face, folded her hands, bowed and introduced herself.

Although we have communicated on the phone before, basic etiquette is still required.

"Chaoxiang Town~ Tierno and the others have come to collect it before~!"

Dr. Brattano remembered the Tieruno trio.It is also from Chaoxiang Town.

"Yes, they will leave half a day earlier than me."

Serena nodded. They were all children from Chaoxiang Town, but she followed her mother and then moved to Chaoxiang Town to settle down.

So strictly speaking, Tieruno and the three are not childhood sweethearts who grew up together, but just neighbors who know each other.

"Then, your Firefox is ready~!"

At this time, Sophie, the assistant with long blue hair, pushed a small trolley, on which were Harley Chestnut and Fire Fox.

"Nima, Nima~!!"

Although Serena had made a choice long ago, this Harley chestnut was still screaming hard, standing upright, trying to sell itself.

"Um, this Pokémon is very energetic. But I'm sorry, I've already met Firefox Communications before~"

Serena could only smile awkwardly, and declined Harry Li's kindness.

And this Pokémon, why does it feel like it's swearing?

Next to him, Firefox turned his head slightly, and looked at Harry quite proudly.

This made Harry lower his head in frustration again, feeling hopeless.

It's true, one person and one fox have met on the phone before.

The assistant Sophie could only push the rest of Harley back, covered her mouth and laughed, apparently this was not the first time she saw such a scene.

"Then, please give me your advice, Firefox!"

Serena took the poke ball and formally greeted Firefox again.


The fire fox called out crisply, but instead of the proud expression it had before, it became very lively and cute.

Such a proud Pokémon has extremely high demands on trainers.

Of course, it's not the level of command, the combat effectiveness and so on
It's about looks!
Apparently, Firefox is very satisfied with Serena's appearance, and Dang even recognizes Serena as her trainer!
call out.!
The red light of the poke ball fell, and Serena easily took the fire fox into it.

"It went well, Serena~ Then this practice, illustration book and poke ball~ From today, you are an official trainer~!"

"Thank you so much, Doctor!"

Serena accepted the illustrated book and the ten poke balls excitedly, and took a deep breath to calm herself down.

(End of this chapter)

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