He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2387 Gym addict!

Chapter 2387 Gym addict!
"It's okay, you two.!"

Xiaozhi stepped forward quickly, grabbed the only two palms protruding from the air bag bed, and pulled them out together with a little force.

The two people who were rescued exhaled and knelt on the ground to calm down.

Xiaozhi took a closer look and found that the two had similar facial features and the same blond hair. Maybe they were brother and sister?
My brother sat there with a face of shock, sweating profusely, especially his legs were extremely weak.

Wearing a light blue jumpsuit, short messy hair, and round glasses, he looks like he should be the type of techie.

Next to her, the rather playful and cute little girl suddenly became excited after a short period of panic.

"It's really exciting brother! I have long wanted to experience the feeling of bungee jumping!!"

"Eryou Lijia, bungee jumping is the one with safety protection. It was too dangerous just now!"

The man with glasses propped up his legs tremblingly, and his tone was trembling:

"By the way, thank you for your assistance just now!"

He bowed to Ash and Bubble Frog.

If it wasn't for the double cushioning provided by the foam frog's foam, and relying on his disposable air mattress alone, although they would not have been killed just now, it is estimated that a few bones would have been broken.

"My name is Xitron, and this is my younger sister, Yurika!"

You Lijia has bubble bangs and braids on one side, looking very energetic and cute.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! It's Pikachu!! This is the first time I've seen it for real!"

However, Yurika's focus is on Xiaozhi's shoulders. Electric mice in the Kanto region are still very rare in the Carlos region.

"Yeah, it's Pikachu."

Citron weighed his glasses and confirmed:

"Why does it look so empty?"

Could it be that he has been in the breeding house for a long time and was only brought out recently?

Yurika even got excited and rubbed Pikachu's cheeks directly, obviously liking this kind of Pokémon very much.

"Wait a minute, don't"

Before Xiaozhi could stop it, Pikachu's ears were pricked up, and his back tensed involuntarily.

Zizizi! !

A violent [-] volts suddenly burst out from the whole body, directly hitting Xiaozhi and Yurika who were close to each other.

The current spread away, even affecting the pansy and Xitron next to it!

The foam frog narrowed its eyes and jumped away alertly, looking at the electric current with a look of fear.

Eventually, the electric current exploded, stirring up a puff of black smoke in place.

And the four of them were also disfigured by the lightning blast, their bodies were scorched black, and they couldn't help but limp and fell to the ground.

"Is this Pikachu's electric shock? It's so exciting!"

Even after fainting, with her eyes swirling, Yurika was still chanting silently.


Only the pansy lizard tilted its head and looked at the fainted people strangely.

This kind of current is still very beneficial to it, and the electric arc flowing on its body makes it prick up its ears comfortably.

After a while of [-] volts, the relationship between the people has become a lot closer.

"My name is Xiaozhi, from Zhenxin Town! This is my Pikachu and Bubble Frog!"

"I'm Pansy, a reporter from Miare Weekly~"

Xiaozhi and Pansy introduced themselves.

"Talk about Xitron and Yurika, how did you two come down from the sky?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help asking, and looked up at the sky.

Look at this trajectory. It's more like being thrown out from the height of the prism tower?
"This is a long story"

Speaking of this, Xitron and Youlijia couldn't help but look at each other, with embarrassment on their faces.

"By the way, I remember Xitron, you are the owner of the Miare Gym?"

Beside, Pansy suddenly clapped her hands and blurted out.

Although they are in the same city, the young owner who specializes in electrical attributes is also a great inventor and is good at developing various mechanical instruments.

I belong to a technical house, and I will not leave the Prism Tower all year round.
So it was the first time Pansy saw a real person.

"Hey, the master of the gymnasium. Why was he thrown down?"

Xiaozhi was even more puzzled.

"Well, anyway. It's all accidents."


Suddenly being recognized, the two siblings faltered even more.

It can't be said that because of laziness, he made a robot owner to accept the challenge instead of himself, but he was messed up by this robot program, and he threw himself out of the prism tower, right?

"That's right! Since it's the owner of the museum, it's just right!"

Xiaozhi was not very interested in the cause and effect, so he immediately said:

"Citron, come to a battle with me!"

His gym addiction is broken.

"Ah, so it's a challenger? By the way, how many badges do you have?"

Citron asked subconsciously.

The rule of their Miare Gymnasium is that the challenger must have at least four badges before they can challenge, which belongs to the gymnasium of medium difficulty.

"Ah badge, I don't have any on me right now~"

Xiaozhi rubbed the back of his head and said with a dry smile, he never thought that one day he would be stuck with the number of badges.

Citron glanced at the foam frog next to him. From the looks of it, is it a newcomer trainer who just received a Pokémon?
If you go directly to the prism tower to challenge like this, you will probably be thrown down by your own robot
But why does Xiaozhi still have a mature and strong temperament in him?
"Brother! Accept the challenge! Now we are no longer the masters of the gymnasium!"

Beside, You Lijia winked and couldn't help urging.

He was blown out of the Prism Tower by that robot, what kind of owner is he, and he still talks about the rules of four badges.

Hearing that Xitron could only look dark, indeed.

As for accepting the challenge
"Okay, let's have a game, but it's not a gym challenge, it's just a pure exchange!"

Citron regained his composure, pushed his glasses, and said seriously.

The robot owner he invented has a high level of battle command, and his ace Pokémon are basically in the opponent's hands, so it is difficult to conquer.

Now only by working hard to improve his own strength and completely defeating the robot he invented can he regain the gym.

Let’s start exercising with simple sparring!


Hearing that Xiaozhi clenched his fists, his face was overjoyed. He has been in the Carlos area for so long, and finally he can have a battle.

"Then come with me, I know there is a public arena~"

Pansy walked ahead and led the way, obviously familiar with the terrain of Miare City.

Soon, several people came to an open space in the park, where the white line of the field was still marked on the ground.

No one was using it around, so Xiaozhi and Xitron looked at each other and walked to both ends of the arena together.

(End of this chapter)

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