He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2390 Join the team together!Sitron brothers and sisters!

Although the only strong player, the trainer named Ai Lan, beat Shota to autism today.

"I can barely handle his other two Pokémon."

Thinking of this, Xiangta's face became serious, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"But as soon as that fire-breathing dragon appeared on the stage, it pushed me to the team. It's too strong!"

Xiaozhi nodded in agreement again and again, that is indeed a powerful fire-breathing dragon.

Next to him, Xitron was whispering to Yurika, his eyes wandering between Shota and Xiaozhi.

He knew Shota, he also challenged his Miare Gym before, and got the badge.

The strength is good, and he takes the academic route of knowledge. After the battle, he will take notes and review the gains and losses.

However, being able to win the runner-up of the Alliance Conference was a bit beyond Xitron's expectations.

It's just that even though he is the runner-up of the tournament, he still has a respectful and longing tone towards Xiaozhi
So what will Xiaozhi's strength be? !

Citron pushed his glasses. Originally, he estimated that Xiaozhi was an elite trainer from other places, but now it seems that his evaluation may even go up!

As for Yurika, the focus is on Shota.

She pursed her lips, a little suspicious.

"This person is obviously a little taller than me and can be a powerful trainer?"

Since there was no one similar to Shinji among the few people, while eating exquisite snacks and clinking glasses from time to time, they quickly became acquainted.

"Speaking of which, senior Xiaozhi, why did you come to the Carlos area suddenly? Are you also going to challenge the alliance conference here?"

Shota couldn't help being curious.

Although the gymnasiums here have their own characteristics, with Xiaozhi's strength, it's too simple, right?
"Well, I haven't challenged the gym for many years."

Xiaozhi waved his hands and said, when he went to the Hezhong area, he had nothing to do with the challenge of the gymnasium.

The same is true for the Carlos area this time.

However, if one day meets a powerful gymnasium owner, Xiaozhi doesn't mind having a discussion.

As for the Union Congress
He would be interested if he could directly challenge the league's four heavenly kings, or even the champion.

As a region where the battle mechanism of mega evolution is popular, the champions here should all have the cool and powerful mega evolution, right?
I really want to see you all.
"Now, there is no definite goal."

Faced with Shota's question, Xiaozhi couldn't answer anything.

After finishing the Hezhong tour, he came to the Carlos area immediately, without thinking too much about it.

"Really? Then I suggest you go to Sala City, which seems to be the origin of mega evolution, and Shixiang Town."

Shota enthusiastically recommended it. He traveled in the Carlos area for a while, and basically visited all the places.

"Fengxu Town is also worth a visit. There is also Baike City."

Pansy, as a native of Carlos, also actively joined the recommendation army.

Xiaozhi nodded secretly, remembering these places one by one in his mind.

Subconsciously took out the illustrated book, intending to ask the latter to help record it. Only when he took it out, he found that it was not the Rotom illustrated book, which was very unintelligent, so Xiao Zhi had to take it back.

After talking about Xiaozhi, the topic quickly turned to Xiangta.

On the TV in the coffee shop, the league finals during the day were even replayed. Through the screen, one could see the scene where Shota was sweating profusely and was beaten red.


This made Xiangta's face turn red outside the screen at the moment, and he was quite dead.

"Speaking of Shota, where are you going next?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help asking, the latter has been shopping in the Carlos area for a long time, should he change to another area?

"Well, next, I plan to go back to the Fangyuan area, challenge the alliance meeting there, and win the championship in my hometown!"

Shota, who organizes his notes rigorously every day, naturally plans his future.

He originally came from the Fangyuan area, and the ace Lizard King he used was also the Yusanjia of the Fangyuan area.

"When you win the tournament championship, when the time comes...Senior Xiaozhi, I will challenge you formally!"

Shota stood up suddenly, with a fiery fighting spirit in his eyes.

He never expected to defeat Xiaozhi.
"But I want to see the distance between us!"

"Oh~ You have a lot of fighting spirit, Shota!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi stood up as if being ignited, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

He could feel that Xiangta looked at him at this moment, not only the yearning for the senior, but also the fiery challenge to the senior
Or in other words, it means a challenge to a strong enemy!

"I accept your challenge! When the time comes, let's have the best match!"

After the words fell, the two clapped their hands on the table, which was considered to have completed each other's declaration of rivalry.

"This feeling is really good~"

Watching from the side, Xitron's eyes were bright, and he couldn't help whispering.

You Lijia blushed even more, looking at the two of them, especially Xiaozhi, with staring eyes.

There is an unusually reliable big brother feeling!
"When the time comes, let me record your game~"

Pansy smiled and became interested in the future game.

But Xiaozhi has now won the World Championship. This gap is a bit big.

After all, Xiangta is making progress, and Xiaozhi is also making continuous progress. No one knows whether the distance between the two will be shortened or lengthened.

Everyone chatted until late at night, and there were only scattered customers in the Rising Sun Cafe.

Xiaozhi and his group pushed open the glass door and came outside the cafe. The cold wind from outside made several people tremble a little.

"Then senior Xiaozhi, I will bid farewell.!"

Xiangta bowed respectfully to Xiaozhi, then nodded to Pansy and the others, then turned and left, his figure gradually disappeared into the night.

Although he is not tall, he is destined to be a great trainer in the future.

"Then I have to say goodbye too. The Spirit Center is right next to you, so you shouldn't get lost~"

Pansy also planned to leave, and before leaving, she pointed to the elf center next to the cafe.

In order to be a tour guide for Xiaozhi, Pansy deliberately turned off a day's work
Tomorrow, I will double as a social animal to pay back!
"But if you have any problems in the Carlos area, you can come to me anytime~!"

Before leaving, Pansy patted her chest. As a local, she can still do a lot of things.


The umbrella electric lizard on its back also raised its head proudly.

"Thank you so much Miss Pansy!"

Xiao Zhi gratefully watched the pansy leave.

In the end, only he and Xitron brothers and sisters were left in the group.

"You guys should go back to the Prism Tower, right?"

Xiaozhi subconsciously said, after all, Citron is the owner of the Miare Gymnasium, a pure native rich family, and he doesn't have to worry about having nowhere to go. (end of this chapter)

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