He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2396 What an outlandish electric mouse!

Chapter 2396 What an outlandish electric mouse!

The elf ball shook and struggled in the mouth of the single-headed dragon. The latter was in a bad mood, so he immediately bit it hard.


The elf ball became honest all of a sudden, and a few stars flickered to freeze.

This kind of thing couldn't be swallowed, and the single-headed dragon could only spit it out on the lawn.

And Xiaozhi had a happy expression on his face, he quickly stepped forward and held it up.

"Successfully subdued Arrow Sparrow! The second Pokémon in the Kalos region!!"

Xiao Zhi happily said loudly, he never thought that he would be able to tame an excellent little arrow sparrow after lunch.

He is about to become a professional breeder of housebirds and so on, he is very experienced!
Well, next, while cultivating the little finch, we should also think about how to improve the characteristics of the Wing of the Wind.
Or, temporarily borrow the beak from Mukehawk to see if the little arrow can break through the limit and complete the transformation?

The three of them returned to the dining table, and due to the movement of the previous battle, the surrounding area was much quieter.

Xiaozhi released the little Arrow Sparrow. There was still a faint electric arc running through the latter's body, one leg was bent, and the injury was not serious.


Xiaozhi quickly sprayed the wound medicine on the injured part of the little arrow.

He can't learn anything about cooking, but Xiaozhi still understands simple healing after traveling for so many years.


The little finch regained a lot of physical strength, became energetic again, and jumped onto the back of Xiaozhi's hand in a few small steps.

For other Pokémon, after defeating and subduing them, it may take a while to communicate with each other.
But Pokémon like the house bird have a relatively simple brain.

If you defeat it, it will become your companion, a world view where the mouth leads directly to the anus.

Xiaozhi gently pads his arms up, like a bird trainer. This action is also often done when he is partnered with the former housebird, and the movement is proficient.

Grab a little bread crumbs with one hand and gently feed it to the little arrow sparrow.


The latter also immediately understood that it would be better to spend time with a human being than sleeping with that hip-pull big brother Rocket Sparrow every day!

The intimacy of the little arrow sparrow began to increase continuously!
"I want to feed, I want to feed too!!"

You Lijia next to her saw the little short legs dangling on the chair, full of envy, and immediately wanted to tear some bread from her plate to feed the bird.

Just when I turned my head to look at my plate, I found that there was something missing in it.

At this moment, only the creamy yellow soup was left, and the uneaten baguette had already disappeared.

There are still a series of traces of soup on the table, extending all the way to the lawn next to it.
You Lijia followed the trend and saw a little brown mouse constantly gnawing bread under a tree not far away.

Its body is extremely small, in the shape of a sphere as a whole, with brown skin and a milk-yellow belly.

It has the signature red electric sac of an electric mouse on its face, but its electric sac also extends a forked black beard.

A pair of round protruding ears on the top of the head, and a slender black tail behind it, like an electrical socket.
"Ah brother, look, it's a rat!!"

You Lijia looked overjoyed, and hurriedly tugged on Xitron's sleeve.

As a Miare Gym specializing in electric attributes, Citron has subdued many electric-attribute Pokémon, but there is no cute electric mouse that is the signature of the Carlos area.

You Lijia has long wanted to see a real Dumbledore, not the doll Dumbledore in the room.

Especially at this moment, the cute appearance of this dongdong mouse eating bread, because its mouth is too small, can only nod and gnaw like a hamster, makes Youlijia's heart bursting with joy!

"It's really a rat, is it wild?"

Citron pushed his glasses and said.

"Drum rat?"

Xiao Zhi took out the illustration book, it looks like it should be a distant relative of Pikachu?

"Dongdong mouse, the attribute of electricity and goblins, the electric mouse in the Carlos area, the beard acts as an antenna, and can communicate with its companions. Because the power is weak, sometimes it will go to power plants or houses, and use its tail to stick into the socket to steal. electricity."

The illustrated book suggests that it is more like Pikachu's black-skinned cousin.

It's still a fairy-type electric mouse, which surprised Xiaozhi.

This rat didn't seem to have noticed Xiaozhi and his party, and was still eating bread by itself.

"Brother! Brother!! Help me tame it! I've always wanted a dongdong mouse!!"

Yurika had already pulled Xitron's arm, and kept begging coquettishly.

"Hey Yurika, you're not a trainer yet"

Citron showed a troubled look.

"Hey brother, help me subdue it first! Anyway, you are also the owner of the electric attribute gymnasium. When the time comes, wait for me to become a trainer, and then give me this rat!"

Youlijia's small head, Guazi, turned quickly, and made a reasonable suggestion.

Hearing that, Xitron's complexion was a little relaxed, and there was really no major problem.

Even though they are all electric mice, Pikachu is a bad street dog in the Kanto area.
But in the Carlos area, the thump mouse is not very common. In the past, I couldn't find one if I wanted to tame it.

Thinking of this, Xitron took a deep breath and prepared to approach.

Taking out a poke ball, the digging rabbit who mastered the "mud spray" move was able to restrain this dongdong mouse.

"Boom boom.!"

Only when Xitron was only about five meters away, the rat stopped eating vigilantly.

Ears perked up, the electric sac on the cheek burst out a weak current, and he stared at Citron with hostile eyes.
This made Xitron stunned in place, not daring to move, for fear that if he moved agitatedly, the rat would turn around and burrow into the nearby jungle.

Just when the situation was quite tense, a crisp cry broke the deadlock.


Pikachu, who was full of food and drink, jumped off the table, walked all the way to Citron's side, and patted the latter's shoulder leisurely.

Raising his mouth, he pointed his finger at himself.


Citron was taken aback, not knowing what Pikachu was going to do.

Xiaozhi instantly understood Pikachu's intentions, and translated simultaneously:
"Leave it to my Pikachu, it plans to conquer this distant relative with its own personality charm!"

After all, they are both electric mice with electric sacs, so they should be able to communicate with each other, right?
"Pickup pickup~~!"

Pikachu's face at the moment.Filled with a confident smile.

I haven't seen a little dwarf electric mouse in other places, I guess I have never seen such a powerful relative of myself, right?
I just need to show my hand casually, this black hamster can't run over and be my little brother? !


Sure enough, the first time I saw the Dongdong Mouse of the Kanto Electric Mouse, I was stunned for a while, but I didn't react.

But the next moment, Dongdongshu suddenly showed contempt and disgust, narrowed his eyes, and squinted his head.

Such a hypocritical electric mouse from other places wants to recognize himself as a big brother with this virtue?

(End of this chapter)

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