He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2399 Let all Carlos raise their hands and surrender!

Chapter 2399 Let all Carlos raise their hands and surrender!

The three of them were still admiring the statue of Hezhong Ssangyong, when suddenly there was a sound of barking from behind.

Xiaozhi turned his head, but saw a Pokémon, a shepherd dog with a strange shape, squatting on the ground, staring at him closely.


Xiaozhi didn't take out the illustration book. He had seen many of this shepherd Pokémon on the streets of Miare before. It seemed that walking Dorimia was quite popular in the big city of Carlos.

Dorimia, with thick pure white hair, was a noble Pokémon who had the duty of protecting the king in the past.

Later, it became the favorite of the Carlos nobles, and it became fashionable to trim Dorimia in various shapes.

The latter's thick and white hair can be transformed into different shapes after being blown, stretched, ironed and dyed.

For example, Dorimia in front of the three——

The hair on the top of the head is trimmed into a lady's hat, and the hanging ears on both sides are trimmed into ribbons.

On the brim, neckline, limbs, wrists and tail, the hair is dyed a noble purple.

It is one of Dorimia's signature styles - the noble lady style, which is especially loved by many girls.

"How about it, are you convinced by my Dorimia's appearance?"

A rather smelly voice came from behind, with obvious childishness in the voice.

But it was a little girl wearing an exquisite princess dress, with long wine red hair permed into a princess roll and hanging down, wearing a jeweled crown on her head, and holding a folding fan in her hand.

She is about the same age as You Lijia, but she has a strong childish temperament and is arrogant.

Beside her was an old servant in a suit and leather shoes, as if she was really serving the princess.

"Is this your Dorimia, so cute!!"

Because they are of the same age, You Lijia took the lead in praising her.

Hearing this, the little girl twitched her mouth, but covered her smile with a folding fan, pretending to be disdainful:

"Oh~ Although you are dressed in rustic clothes, you still have a good eye."

"Who are you talking about.!"

This adjective immediately made Yurika angry, but was quickly pulled back by Citron.

He did know the identity of this little girl.

Her name is Princess Ali, and she is really a princess.

Although she is about the same age as Youlijia, in fact, she is the nominal heir of this Balfam Incense Hall!
In this place, the opponent is the biggest.

Since Gumu Town is adjacent to Miare City, Citron had heard about the neighboring town, which has a spoiled, arrogant and arrogant princess.

"What! Even a princess can't say I'm rustic!"

You Lijia couldn't help protesting behind her.

However, Princess Ali rolled her eyes, and finally landed on Xiaozhi.

Princess Ali swung the folding fan, pointed it at Xiaozhi, and shouted softly:

"You are Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, the strongest trainer who claims to make all Carlos' trainers kneel and surrender? Hmph, this princess has never been so arrogant before!"

Xiaozhi: "?"

His expression was very innocent, and the Xitron brothers and sisters beside him were also inexplicable.

"Um, Mr. Xiaozhi, it's the news just now"

The old servant next to Princess Ali was understanding, with a gentle voice.

He took out his mobile phone and operated it, and a light blue holographic projection screen was projected out of thin air on the mobile phone, which was extremely sci-fi.

"This is a communication device invented by Flare Corporation, which can display holographic projections"

Citron reminded in a low voice behind Xiaozhi.

Flash Flame Company is an extremely large enterprise in the Kalos region, with various high-tech inventions, and technological products have even penetrated into every aspect of the life of the Kalos people.

On the holographic screen, there is a real photo of Xiaozhi looking at the back, which should have been taken when he came to the Carlos area, just got out of the plane door, and raised his arms and shouted.

Below is a line of text.

"I am Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town. I am the strongest trainer who can make all Kalos raise their hands and surrender. From now on, I will accept the challenge from anyone (ps: Don't disturb if you don't know how to mega evolve.)"

Xiaozhi: "???"

Seeing this, Xitron quickly took out his Internet device, and he was able to see the news.

Unknown source, but the initial platform was Flame's app?

The traffic on this platform is extremely high, and many people count on the news of the Shining Flame app every day.

So even though it was only posted for less than 2 hours, it has already been on the hot search. Countless bloody Carlos people are so angry that they can't wait to challenge Xiaozhi immediately.

Although in ancient foreign wars, Carlos did have an unconditional surrender
But mentioning this word now is undoubtedly the biggest provocation to them!

"Hey, hey, Xiaozhi? What's going on, things are getting worse?"

Soon, the illustration book trembled, and Xiao Zhi took it out, and found that Miss Pansy also sent an inquiry message.

"Now almost the entire Carlos knows you. It is said that many experts have threatened to challenge you?"

"Or did you offend someone, deliberately tricking you?"

Pansy's words made Xiaozhi even more confused.

Who is inexplicably spreading rumors? !

Could it be this Flash Company, but I don't know them at all!
He rubbed his hair vigorously, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up for this!
Wait a minute, like a good thing?
Don't fight gyms, don't challenge alliance conferences, worry about not having fights.

It seems that it is a good thing that there are really a group of masters who have mastered mega evolution to challenge themselves?
But at this moment, right in front of her, Princess Ali had already planned to educate this foreigner well.

What is your identity, more arrogant and domineering than her? !
"Dorimia, educate this guy for me!"

Ali pushed her folding fan forward, ready to fight.


This Dormia was docile and showed a helpless look towards Xiaozhi, so he could only walk slowly to Princess Ali, ready to fight.

On the other side, White Sandalwood City.

Serena, who had successfully conquered the White Sand Gym, walked out again, stretched herself at the gate, and let out a long breath.

Finally won the first badge!

Although Firefox and Turtle Jiaojiao have superior attributes, it was her first official battle after all, and she almost overturned.

At this moment, a voice came from the system in my mind.

"The information about Xiaozhi in Zhenxin Town has been discovered! The current target has arrived in the Carlos area and is located in Gumu Town!"

Hearing this, Serena's face was overjoyed, and her heart was bursting with joy.

Did you get information from Xiaozhi just after challenging the gymnasium? Then the next stop, go directly to Gumu Town!
(End of this chapter)

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