He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2409 In the Carlos area, it has become mature! ?

Although I don't know why everyone understands it this way, Xiaozhi doesn't bother to explain it one by one.

"So, Doroba, what do you want from me?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help asking, and Yurika next to her stretched out her little finger to tease Doroba's orange petal Huabeibei.

The wild Hua Beibei was quite shy, and as soon as it approached the edge of the flowerbed, they all flew towards the depths.

"I am a senior reader of Miare News, so this time I also watched the whole report on the Hezhong World Championships, and I even followed the live broadcast every day in the second half! Xiaozhi, your performance is so handsome and perfect Already!"

Doroba said excitedly. The idol on TV suddenly appeared in front of him. When they met for the first time in the institute, Doroba was so excited.

Now it's like a fan meeting his idol, the first thing he does is to subconsciously reveal his entire journey.

Because the head reporter of the Miare City Publishing House went to the Hezhong area to conduct a full follow-up report
That's why the Miare newspaper finally published the World Championships in the Hezhong region.

On the contrary, there are not many reports on the more famous Galar World Championships in the world.

"Hezhong World Championships?"

Next to him, Xitron was also listening, secretly remembering this key word.

He doesn't have the habit of secretly investigating the origins of his partners, so apart from knowing that Xiaozhi is a mature and powerful field trainer, he doesn't know the other details of the latter's origins.

But if you simply understand the brilliant record of your companions, there should be no problem, right?

Citron pushed his glasses, this "Hezhong World Championship" seems to be a very great game.

"not bad"

Xiaozhi rubbed his head, feeling a little relieved, did he finally see another fan?
He also always felt that these World Championships were probably third-tier pheasant competitions, and there was no enthusiasm at all, and he was still like a passerby.

"And now I have also become an official trainer, and I have a goal since I was a child. I want to tell it to Xiaozhi, so that you can see if there is any problem if I go forward like this."

Doroba's face turned red, and his tone faltered.

His self-confidence is also somewhat lacking like Xitron, if he can get Xiaozhi's approval, it will undoubtedly be a shot in the arm!

"As long as you move forward bravely toward your dreams, no matter what your dreams are, they are all praiseworthy~!"

Xiaozhi was a little surprised. This is the first junior who came to him to guide his life direction, right?

I'm not used to it
But what made him even more curious was what the other party's dream was.

Seeing that the other party was a little nervous, Xiao Zhi stretched out his hand and said with a slightly serious face:
"So much Roba, please tell your dream."

Doroba glanced at the people in front of him, took a deep breath, and finally said:
"My dream is to become a great scholar! The first thing to do is to meet all the Pokémon, and gather all the records of my illustrations!"

He not only has a dream, he has already thought about the first step.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi and the others nodded.

Although this dream is different from ordinary people, it is obviously an excellent path.

"The first step is to discover the complete picture book. This is a bit difficult."

Xiaozhi nodded and pondered for a while. He, who has traveled to several regions, has the right to speak on this point.

Although it is only "discovering the whole picture book" instead of "conquering the whole picture book", the difficulty has been reduced many times.
But the difficulty is still not low, there are too many rare and rare Pokémon in this world.

Not to mention that there are legendary Pokémon with a higher level of rarity. Some people even pursue a second-level god for a lifetime, and it is difficult to meet them.

"But a dream isn't a dream if it isn't challenging!"

Xiaozhi sensed that the other party was a little nervous, so he subconsciously puffed up his chest, showing the air of a senior——

He definitely wouldn't do this before, he just smiled and patted each other's shoulders to cheer.

But I don't know why, since he came to the Carlos area, Xiaozhi has somehow become mature and stable in his heart.

Xiaozhi lost a lot of interest in the hip-hop playful behavior he was used to.

There is a feeling of dispelling all emotions, and I always act subconsciously and steadily
Maybe this is growing up?
Thinking of this, Xiaozhi gave Doroba a thumbs up, and said with certainty:

"Just go on like this, Doroba, you will definitely succeed!"

Hearing this, Doroba's face was pleasantly surprised, and a sense of self-confidence was born in his heart.

The anxieties and doubts in my heart before seemed to disappear for a while.

"so good"

Next to him, Xitron couldn't help but praised, with a bit of envy, at this moment Doroba's firm eyes seemed to be a completely different person.

In Xiaozhi's body, there is indeed a strange power that can influence and inspire others!
"When you talk about the dream of a scholar, it feels a bit like a friend I used to have."

Xiaozhi stroked his chin, thinking to himself.

It is said that when he had just finished his trip to Hezhong, he had a phone call with Xiaomao.

After learning that he was going to the Carlos area next, the other party seemed to be interested and wanted to come here for a while.

It is said that he has some relationship with the Carlos area.?

Xiaozhi is a little puzzled. Does this fellow who grew up with him have anything to do with the Carlos area?

"And that. Xiaozhi, if I choose to take the path of a scholar, can I still challenge the Gymnasium and the Alliance Conference?"

Doroba couldn't help asking another question.

Although my dream is to become a scholar, I have seen intense and exciting Pokémon battles on TV since I was a child, especially recently I have seen Xiaozhi's performance in the World Championships.

Don't look at Doroba Wenwen as weak, but he also has some interest in Pokémon battles.

But I am afraid of conflicting with the dreams of scholars, so should I choose a path wholeheartedly?
To this Xiaozhi naturally smiled and waved his hands, and replied casually:
"It's okay Doroba, I just became a rookie trainer, so just do whatever you want next!"

"Also, a friend I knew before embarked on the road of challenging the Gym Alliance, and then changed careers halfway to start researching academics. Now, he is also an outstanding scholar!"

Xiaozhi used "I have a friend" as an example, and he could even give Doroba Xiaomao's contact information. These two people may have a lot of common topics!
"I see! Thank you so much!"

After listening to all the answers, Doroba bowed down excitedly in gratitude, and now all the questions in his mind have been cleared up.

Next, while collecting the full illustrations, try to challenge those powerful Gym Masters yourself! (end of this chapter)

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