He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2411 Reunion, start strategy!

It's just that Xiao Zhi turned into a bitter face as soon as he came in to connect the burrows.

In the dark and quiet cave, as soon as outsiders entered, the wild bats that were resting upside down on the top of the cave were frightened and woke up.

Crash! !
Crash! !
They flapped their wings, and the erratic flight of more than a dozen bats made chaotic sounds above the cave wall.

It was only when Pikachu performed the flash technique that the light in the cave became brighter, so that Xiaozhi could see the true appearance of these bats.

The body of a gray-blue rodent with wings covered in purple-brown membranes
Ah, it's the supersonic bat from Rotten Street in my hometown!

Xiaozhi: "."

For a long time, are the bats in the Carlos area also supersonic bats?

Not even the Rolling Bats in the Union area.
Could it be that Carlos's sea is also full of agate jellyfish?
Xiaozhi felt disappointed, and after looking around for a long time, he didn't find a humming bat among a group of supersonic bats.

So the three of them lowered their heads and continued to move forward softly.

Fortunately, these wild supersonic bats were afraid of life, and they scattered away from the place where the flash technique was irradiated, and did not attack them.

"For wild humming bats, it seems that more will appear in a place called the End Cave, which is located in the easternmost part of the Kalos area"

Listening to Xitron's introduction, Xiao Zhi secretly remembered the name of the End Cave in his heart.

Listening to the name, it seems to be a very remarkable cave.

Yaoxiang City, this is a seaside city sandwiched between the mountains and the sea.

On the west side of the city, under the high slope, there is a golden sandy beach with an extremely long coastline from south to north, and the off-shore area of ​​the Carlos area.

Standing on the viewing platform of Yaoxiang City, you can almost have a panoramic view of this long and narrow coastline.

However, after Xiaozhi and his party entered the city and put their luggage in the Pokémon Center, they walked directly towards the northeast of the city.

It is almost the highest point of the city, a rather steep high-slope cliff.

However, on one side of the cliff, there is a spiral upward slope track. The ground is artificially flat and paved with asphalt stones.

On the other side of the cliff is the original ecological rocky cliff, almost vertical angle, but it is also a dream place for rock climbers——

Rock climbing is also quite popular in the Carlos area.

In terms of art and all kinds of bells and whistles, the Carlos are very respectful of these.

For example, sports-related rock climbing, armored rhino riding, and sky battles are quite popular, and the competition is very popular.

And sandwiched in the middle, located on the mountainside of this high slope, is the Yaoxiang Gym, which echoes the surrounding rock wall environment, and it is a gymnasium that is good at rock attributes.

Of course, the three of Xiaozhi didn't come to challenge the gym today.

It was the new companion that Dr. Brattano said, and asked them to meet here.

The three of Xiaozhi climbed up from one side of the gentle slope track, and they had to be careful of the pulley riders who were speeding down.


But at this moment Xiaozhi's eyes showed curiosity, and his interest was completely aroused.

According to what the doctor said before, it should be a girl. If you make an appointment to meet, you should choose a place like a coffee shop...

After all, in the Carlos area, the most indispensable thing is coffee shops and dessert shops, which can be found on almost every street in every city.

But the other party chose to meet at the entrance of the gymnasium, which aroused Xiaozhi's curiosity.

It's not a high mountain, and after a few minutes of walking, they can already see the gate of the gymnasium.

The construction of the gymnasium is also very distinctive, that is, a space is directly carved inward from the mountain. From the outside, one can only see a gate built on a rock wall.

But at the moment, in front of the gate of the gymnasium, a young girl is waiting there.

Slightly curly long brown hair hangs down and is slightly gathered at the end. He wears a dark pink dome hat on his head and a pair of stylish sunglasses on the brim of the hat.

All he could see was a delicate side face with a faint smile, looking at the sea in the distance.

The black dress jacket is paired with a high-waisted red pleated skirt, the legs covered with black knee socks look extra slender, and she wears a pair of black high-top sneakers.

Even though he has seen many fashionable girls from the Carlos area these days, Xiaozhi has to say that the girl in front of him is more temperamental.

Of course, it may also be because the other party is standing in front of the majestic and familiar gymnasium at the moment, so Xiaozhi subconsciously substituting a good impression.


After seeing the three of Xiaozhi, the girl in the red dress naturally widened her beautiful eyes in an instant, showing surprise, and walked towards the direction of the three of them.

"Hello! I'm the assistant Dr. Brattano said, and my name is Serena!"

Serena slightly raised the long hair hanging down her cheek, and introduced herself with a gentle smile.

"Oh, you are Serena! I am Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, and this is my Pikachu!"

Xiaozhi grinned, and introduced himself in the same hearty manner.

"I'm Yurika! This is my brother Citron!"

You Lijia next to him grabbed it directly, introduced herself for Xitron, and welcomed her with a smile.

She looks like a beautiful and gentle big sister!

On the surface, Serena naturally nodded happily and smiled happily, but her eyes fell on Xiaozhi vaguely, and her heart was full of doubts.

Why... No response?
I only heard my own name before and didn't respond, which is quite understandable.

But now that I have seen a real person, it seems like I have never seen it at all... Is this, completely forgot about myself? !
Serena took a deep breath, trying not to look disappointed.

But looking at Xiaozhi's enthusiastic appearance... he is exactly the same person as Xiaozhi in his memory.

No, it seems to be more mature and handsome now!

Thinking of this, Serena's cheeks flushed slightly, and she didn't dare to look directly at Xiaozhi, so she simply set her eyes on Xitron.

"Ahaha, hello, nice to meet you..."

However, Xitron obviously didn't have much experience with girls, especially when facing the direct gaze of a beautiful girl, he was also blushed by Serena.

Serena could only turn her eyes to Yurika again.

Although they set off later than Xiaozhi and his group... But Serena used pulleys along the way, and arrived at Yaoxiang Town one step earlier than the three of them

She hadn't played pulleys before, but after all, she came from a family of armored rhinoceros riders. She inherited excellent motor nerves, and she quickly became proficient in using pulley shoes.

Then follow the system's suggestion, the appointment is not at a more casual and easy-going coffee shop, but at the entrance of a solemn and serious gymnasium...

But looking at Xiaozhi's appearance at this moment, it seems that the tactics were a great success!

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