He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2413 Xiaozhi, NICE personality

Chapter 2413 Xiaozhi, NICE personality

However, this advantage of attribute restraint changed in the second game.

The second Pokémon sent by Chakro is a tiger-headed, brown-brown dinosaur with extremely small claws and huge jaws compared to its small body.


As soon as he appeared on the stage, there was a wave of demonstrative roars.

Seemingly quite rare, Xiao Zhi quickly took out the illustration book.

"Baby Tyrannosaurus, with rock and dragon attributes, has a rough and willful personality. The amazing bite force of its jaws is enough to crush cars. It is a fossil Pokémon native to the Kalos area."

Xiaozhi nodded. It looked like a dinosaur, and it turned out to be a fossil Pokémon as expected.

The arrogant and willful appearance is somewhat similar to the skull dragon in the Sinnoh area.

And with the attributes of a dragon, the originally restrained water attribute is no longer effective.

"Baby T-Rex, use Slam!"

Even in the face of the parent-child love water gun sprayed by the turtle's feet, the baby tyrannosaurus dropped ten times, lowered its head and rushed, directly smashing the water to pieces.

It was the shell-shrinking move that Guijiaojiao reluctantly used at the end, in an attempt to resist.

Bang Bang! !
In the end, the baby Tyrannosaurus was mercilessly knocked away, and this time it was its turn to be slammed into the edge of the rock wall, and the winner was determined.

Obviously, getting to the second Pokémon is a bit difficult, and it is not something that novice trainers can easily overcome.

"So strong..."

Serena's forehead was covered with fine sweat, and she really deserved to be a fossil Pokémon, even in her infancy, she was exceptionally strong.

Fortunately, she was already prepared!
Serena's pretty face was sullen, but her heart relaxed a little.

This time, she planned to challenge the rock gymnasium, so of course she didn't just prepare the fire fox and turtle feet!
Under the system's suggestion, when she was on her way, she deliberately searched for and successfully captured a flower leaf stalk among the flower beds on the No. 7 road.

This kind of Pokémon is gentle and shy. As long as you find a way, you don't need to fight at all, and you can let the opponent actively join the team to follow——


As long as you choose the most delicate and beautiful flower as a temptation, the flower leaf base will automatically come to your door.

So before leaving for Yaoxiang Town, Serena specially bought a beautiful flower in Miare City, and the bottom was tied with a plastic bag filled with water to ensure it was fresh enough.

The ones specially bred in big cities are much more fragrant than the wild flowers on the roadside. It is easy to pick up a group of Huabeibei on the No. 7 road!

Even in the end, a significantly higher level, evolutionary Huayedi was attracted!
"I have to say that the system is really perfect in terms of information guidance for subduing Pokémon!"

Serena secretly admired in her heart, and took out an elf ball from her waist with her backhand.

Fairy-type Huayedi can specialize in fighting dragon-type Pokémon!
However, on the stone platform next to it, it is a different style of painting, quite nervous.

"It's over now, Serena's initial Pokémon is the Firefox, right? I can't beat Baby Tyrannosaurus at all!"

Xitron couldn't help worrying, when he saw a firefox on the holographic communicator.

After all, when they met for the first time today, Serena chose such an occasion because she wanted them to see her good side.

But if the gym challenge fails...

They wouldn't think much of it, but Serena herself would probably be greatly discouraged.

Citron is a very considerate person with delicate thoughts.

But Xiaozhi has a completely different brain circuit.

"Come on, Serena! Attribute restraint is not important at all, as long as you show perseverance, Firefox can also defeat Baby Tyrannosaurus!!"

Xiaozhi even stood on the rock with his whole body, shouting loudly and expressively:

"Back then, my Pikachu also defeated the Big Rock Snake with reverse attributes! You and Firefox can definitely do it too!"

While enjoying Yurika's knee pillow massage service, Pikachu also casually helped.

It was indeed true, and it was there at the time.

Serena: "…"

She froze when she threw the poke ball.

Xiaozhi's cheering and cheering was too hot.

Um. So now, should she serve the flower leaves, or the firefox?
If at this time the flower leaf base with the cis attribute is released, will the opponent start to be disappointed instead?

"According to the analysis of the target's past behavior, the target loves the reverse attribute! Naturally, he will also have a good impression of the trainer who is used to the reverse attribute!"

"Show enough perseverance to send the fire fox to fight. Although the host is 100% defeated and unable to capture the gymnasium, it has captured the target."

In her mind, the system was still analyzing synchronously, which made Serena frowned deeply.

After thinking about it again and again, she finally chose to send the more favorable Huayeti.

Even if there is really a talk about the favorability of the strategy, she doesn't want her cute Firefox to be used as cannon fodder!
The poke ball was thrown, and the red light fell. It was not the figure of the fire fox, but a Pokémon quite similar to Hua Beibei.

The figure is a little bigger, and there are some green shoots on the body, and the cute and cute little elf is suspended in the air.

Unlike Hua Beibei who steps on the petals as a spaceship, the flower leaf base is holding the rhizome of the flower and hugging it in her arms, as if holding a big umbrella.

The white petals in her hand are exactly what Serena bought from Miare City at a high price, a snow-white and flawless high-quality plant!
Xiaozhi also quickly took out the illustration book:
"Flower leaf base, elf attribute, and Hua Beibei's evolutionary form, the two are similar in appearance, they will wander around the flower garden, take care of the flowers that are about to wither, and even inspire the true power contained in the flowers."

Xiaozhi suddenly realized that it turned out to be an evolutionary type, and Serena still has this kind of Pokémon.

On the field, Serena also tried not to pay attention to the movement around her, frowning, even if it would reduce her favorability, she could only go up now.

But at this time, there was another burst of loud cheers from the side:
"Oh Serena, what a beautiful attribute restraint!! Perfect decision, let's work hard with Huayeti!!"

Xiaozhi cheered loudly again, and even clapped vigorously.

It seems that the "reverse attribute battle" he praised before did not come from his mouth.

Since coming to the Carlos area, Xiaozhi has become more mature. As a senior in the team, it is natural to give encouragement to new trainers and increase self-confidence!

These words also made Serena's brows relax, and she immediately felt relieved, and a confident smile reappeared on her cheeks.

In fact, she didn't have to care too much about the latter's thoughts at all.

Xiaozhi is completely NICE personality, as long as he is not breaking the law or committing a crime, no matter the pros or cons, he will strongly praise and support him.

Unless it is a character that has reached the level of Shinji, it is difficult to arouse Xiaozhi's disgust.

(End of this chapter)

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