He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2423 The bully panda in the bamboo forest!

Chapter 2423 The bully panda in the bamboo forest!

On Route 8, Xiaozhi and his party are still heading towards Guxiang Town.

This time, they came to a beautiful bamboo forest area.

This is a completely wild bamboo forest. Except for a path in the middle that was forcibly stepped on by passers-by, there are straight and slender green bamboos growing on both sides, with shuttle-like bamboo leaves hanging down from the top.

Everywhere is lush green, and the air is filled with the faint fragrance of bamboo.

"Nima, damn~!"

Ha Lili, who had just joined the team, walked in the front, holding a small bamboo stick in his hand, singing and leading the way like a captain.

The foam frog and Serena's firefox followed respectively, but kept a certain distance from Harley in the middle, as if they didn't want to get close.

The appearance of three Yusanjia walking side by side in the bamboo forest is also a rare picture.

"We're coming soon, Guxiang Town, passing through this bamboo forest is our destination~"

Serena put away the folded map that looked like a small mirror, and couldn't help but look around the bamboo forest.

According to the introduction on the map, it is possible to see cute Panda Pokémon in this bamboo forest area!

This kind of red panda is very rare even in the Carlos area.

Coincidentally, just as Serena was thinking about this, the low bushes in front suddenly shook inexplicably.

Immediately afterwards, a huge figure approaching two meters, with only black and white in its body, sprang out suddenly!

"Bear Roar!!"

It held up its bear paw, opened its mouth, and directed at the four of them with an exhilarating roar, which exploded in the bamboo forest like thunder!

"It's Bully Panda!!?"

Xitron's face turned pale suddenly, and he blurted out in surprise, and Yurika who was beside him quickly hid behind him.


Serena was also taken aback, this is not the cute panda she wanted to see!
"Bully Panda.?"

Xiao Zhi raised his eyebrows, and couldn't help but take a few steps forward, showing a curious look.

One hand protected Serena behind her back, and the other hand took out the illustration book.

"The bully panda, fighting and evil attributes, the evolution of the naughty panda, violent and impulsive, wild Pokémon that is proud of its wrist strength, usually only one bully panda as the boss lives in a bamboo forest."

The map suggests.

Xiaozhi understood that the opponent should be a Pokémon similar to the circle bear, with a bad temper. Basically, if a human encounters it in the wild, he will turn his head and run away.

However, Bully Panda is bigger than Circle Bear, and its whole body is covered with thick gray-black fur. The fur on its back even looks like a cloak. Only the hair on its belly and head is white.

"Bear Roar.!!"

As described in the illustration book, this bully panda looked irritable and angry. He couldn't help but raise his huge fist and hit it!
Thick fist covered with white light. It's the ultimate arm punch!

On Xiaozhi's shoulder, Pikachu let out a low cry, and rushed up, ready to fight.

It is obviously a high-level boss-type wild monster, and it is not something that three young Yusanjia can fight against.

Pikachu's movements were capable, his tail was covered with a metallic luster, and he slammed in the air with a roundabout.

Bang Bang! !
The iron tail move hits the upper arm and punches heavily, and suddenly there is a burst of force in the air, and there is even a hurricane of air blowing towards the two sides.

This makes the three Yusanjia also have different expressions under the fierce confrontational moves.


Ha Lili was so frightened that he collapsed and sat on the ground, trembling, and even small pearls fell from the corners of his eyes.

It has never seen such a terrible monster!

The fire fox was obviously also quite frightened, its limbs were trembling.
But he still gritted his teeth and braced himself to protect Serena.

Only the foam frog was fearless, with only a focused and dignified expression on his face.


Noticing the gap between Pikachu and the bully panda, the foam frog jumped up without hesitation, inserting its palm into the foam ball behind itself.

Immediately afterwards, like throwing a shuriken hidden weapon, two balls of foam were quickly thrown out.

Two balls of viscous and fuzzy foam precisely hit the bully panda's eyes, successfully blinding it.

"Nice job Foam Frog!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but praise it. Sure enough, this foam frog not only had outstanding talent, but also had an excellent fighting consciousness.

Only then did the three of them turn their gazes to the bully panda who appeared out of nowhere.

Did they accidentally trespass into this bully panda's territory?
"No, this road should be a safe route."

Serena took out the map again, only the deepest part of the bamboo forest is the habitat of bully pandas, and the latter usually won't run out.

"Bear Roar.!!"

The latter's eyes were blurred, and his anger level rose to another level. He began to riot again and again on the spot, trampling the ground, and trembling all around.

But bully pandas don't just rely on their eyes to observe their surroundings.
A bamboo leaf twig in the corner of its mouth can also be used to sense the surrounding environment.

The next moment, the bully panda opened its mouth suddenly, and the dark light group condensed, and then spewed out brazenly in the form of rays of dense black halo!

It is the wave of evil! !

Although I don't know how serious it is, but the first thing to do now is to appease the other party, Xiaozhi responded quickly:
"Pikachu, one hundred thousand volts!!"

The corner of Pikachu's mouth raised, now he finally knows who is the big brother in the team, right?
At the same time, a beam of golden electric current was shot out from the whole body, colliding with the wave of evil.

It is not inferior in power at all, and even faintly surpasses the opponent.

Even if it is hacked, it is not a wild panda on the roadside in the Carlos area that can touch porcelain!
Boom! !
The moves fell into a stalemate again, and this time directly aroused a huge energy explosion, which exploded in front of everyone.

But before everyone could react, the ground suddenly trembled violently.

Immediately afterwards, another giant pink-purple shock wave cracked the ground, rushing towards it with an unstoppable momentum
This is the ultimate onslaught of Bully Panda!
Pikachu also got a little more serious, not waiting for Xiao Zhi to direct him, but he took the initiative to rush towards the direction of the ultimate impact.

"Picka Picka.!"

An extremely violent lightning current burst out from his whole body, enveloping his body, and Pikachu turned into a group of fierce lightning shock waves!
It's a high-voltage electric shock!
After coming to a new area, it has not forgotten the previous big trick!
The next moment, the two collision-type big moves collided again, frantically blowing a strong wind of energy towards the surroundings.

The aftermath alone forced the three Carlos' Yu Sanjia to retreat again and again.

"K myself."

Bubble Frog also noticed that this companion is strong, and he is by no means able to touch porcelain now.
However, the future is long, and now it is still growing rapidly!

(End of this chapter)

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