He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2428 Evolution, double-headed tyrannosaurus!

Chapter 2428 Evolution, double-headed tyrannosaurus!
"Single-headed dragon, use the dragon's breath!!"

The single-headed dragon was not polite, and opened its mouth to spit out a beam of blue light dragon's breath, which hit the Digger Rabbit's chest.

It's just that the Digging Rabbit has thick fur, rough skin and thick flesh, so it completely ignored the attack of Dragon's Breath and continued to charge forward.

The ear on one side of the head is clenched into a fist, and an extremely dangerous white light is attached
Luoz smiled triumphantly and directed:
"Arm Punch!!"

The Digging Rabbit swung its ears and arms horizontally, and could even hear the whirring sound of air piercing through the air. It was so powerful!

If this big move of the fighting attribute hits a single-headed dragon, the effect will be outstanding and the damage will be unbelievable.

The single-headed dragon immediately jumped backwards to dodge. Fortunately, the opponent's movements were not fast enough to dodge.

"Then use stomp!"

Luoz quickly changed his tactics and shouted loudly.

The Digging Rabbit nodded, stomping hard on the ground with its thick lower limbs.


The ground suddenly began to shake violently, and the movement even affected the truck behind him, causing many Pokémon in the cages to whine in panic.

Seeing that both of them were fully engaged in the battle, Serena tightened her face, boldly walked around quietly, and came to the back of the truck, ready to steal the house.

On the frontal battlefield, the violent shaking of the ground also affected the single-headed dragon, making it difficult for the latter to move.

"Kill it, Freezing Fist!!"

The next moment, the fat rabbit once again condensed its ears and punched hard. This time, a biting cold air was attached to the front end, and it attacked brazenly.

The moves are all powerful restraint moves, obviously the level of this Digger Rabbit is not low.

This black market businessman really has a hand.

Xiaozhi's expression became more dignified, but he felt a little happy in his heart.

Such a level difference is just right for the current single-headed dragon!
"Single-headed dragon, use dragon breath!"

Under the influence of stomping, the single-headed dragon forcibly exhaled the dragon's breath, and swept across the ground in front of him, blowing and splashing countless dust immediately, covering the surrounding vision.

The Digger Rabbit missed a punch, dragging its bulky body and nearly falling forward.

Under the cover of the smoke and dust, the single-headed dragon had already rushed from the other direction, lowered its body, and opened its mouth to the maximum.

"Frozen Tooth!!"

Dangerous ice and snow energy was also attached between the sharp teeth, and the single-headed dragon mercilessly bit the Digger Rabbit's ankle.

The teeth were embedded in the flesh, and at the same time, the ice attribute energy rushed out, causing Digger to suffer a lot, and half of his body was almost frozen unconscious.

The effect is outstanding!

Don't look at the three-headed Tyrannosaurus as a powerful long-range special attacker in the Hezhong area.
But in the period of single-headed dragons and double-headed dragons, they focused more on physical attack, and the power of frozen teeth was very strong!

"It's not that simple, arm thump!!"

However, this blow obviously couldn't defeat the rough-skinned and thick-skinned Digger Rabbit, and even the single-headed dragon attacking with all its strength gave the Digger Rabbit a chance to counterattack.

One ear was clenched again into a heavy fist, and it was swept down under him.

Bang Bang!

There was only a blunt and solid muffled sound, and the small body of the single-headed dragon flew backwards like a cannonball, and fell heavily on the ground.

The effect is outstanding!

"Hehe~ You have seen the gap between us~ Brat, as long as you hand over this single-headed dragon, I can let you live~"

Daz touched his garlic red nose, full of complacency.

However, Xiaozhi's expression was just a little more worried, but not too panicky.

Not far away, the single-headed dragon stood up again tremblingly, with extremely firm eyes, staring at the digger rabbit.


The next moment, the single-headed dragon let out a high-pitched roar, and its whole body was suddenly enveloped in dazzling white light, and its figure quickly grew in size in the light.
The stone in Xiaozhi's heart suddenly fell, and he breathed a sigh of relief!

The single-headed dragon should have evolved a long time ago, and now with the help of the powerful Digger Rabbit, it finally realized the opportunity to evolve!
"Oh no, how did it evolve.!!"

But Daz hugged his head and complained loudly with his mouth wide open.

For rich collectors, it is either a cub in the first stage, or a three-headed tyrannosaurus that has already formed, and a double-headed tyrannosaurus in the second stage, in a state of stagnation, the price will be depreciated by at least half!
It's just the light of evolution, it's been done successfully

The single-headed dragon also showed a brand-new appearance, making its first low-pitched roar after evolution, and the tone became deeper and more mature, with a strong breath of a dragon.

"Oh, finally evolved into a two-headed tyrannosaurus!"

Xiaozhi's face was huge and happy. The latter changed from the original beast-shaped body to a broad and flat torso, with its belly sticking to the ground, somewhat resembling a turtle.

The head also changed from one to two, the two heads with slender necks were covered with thick black hair, which almost completely covered the facial features, only a mouth with sharp teeth was exposed.

There is also a pair of slender bent wings on the back, swinging gently.

However, the wings are obviously immature and unable to fly. At most, they can do some simple gliding movements.

After completing the evolution, the irascible temper of many days also weakened a lot, which made the two-headed Tyrannosaurus feel refreshed.

"Roar ~!"

The two-headed tyrannosaurus let out a low growl at Xiao Zhi, who understood, and one man and one dragon all looked at Digger Rabbit at the same time.

Now, let's compete again!

"Hmph, do you think you can touch porcelain with my digger rabbit after evolving? Use the arm hammer!!"

Daz became agitated and immediately shouted and attacked.

This time, both ears of the Digging Rabbit turned into white lights and beat their arms, rushing forward.

"Double-headed tyrannosaurus, the breath of the dragon is wrong, it is the wave of the dragon!"

Xiaozhi waved his hand, and also attacked head-on.

After completing the evolution, the original Dragon's Breath also evolved into Dragon's Wave.

Even the two mouths of the double-headed tyrannosaurus released pink and purple dragon-shaped shock waves at the same time, which gathered together in the air, and their power increased a lot.

Boom! !
This wave of the beloved dragon hit Digger Rabbit's chest, this time it directly interrupted Digger Rabbit's attack, blowing it backwards.

The energy is more than doubled, and it is not something that Digger can forcefully ignore.

"Damn it, mud shooting!!"

Luoz still wants to continue to attack, and Xiaozhi's offensive is also continuing, and his morale is high.

"This time, use the wave of evil!!"

The double-headed tyrannosaurus opened both mouths at the same time, and the dense black halo energy was compressed and condensed, and finally two beams of sharp halo lasers burst out!

Boom! !
It was another powerful wave of love and evil, which directly smashed and scattered all the incoming mud jets, and exploded on the Digging Rabbit with endless stamina!

The two-headed tyrannosaurus in the second stage already has some strong turret prototypes for the future three-headed evil dragon!
(End of this chapter)

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