He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2433 Golden carp king!

After admiring the Pokémon show on the ice, Xiaozhi and his party continued to go deeper along the corridor of the aquarium, and walked down a second-floor underground staircase.

This is the back door of the aquarium. The door is open, leading directly to the beach behind the coast, with the sea breeze blowing in.

Even in the center of the exit hall, several people saw a golden statue of the carp king, shining brightly.

"Hey, isn't the carp king red?"

Yurika tugged on Lashitron's sleeve and couldn't help asking.

"It seems that the different-colored carp king is of this color, like gold."

Citron replied that he had seen some related gossip before.

Although the carp king is the least, and it is the Pokémon of the bad street and the bad sea.

But once it flashes, the golden color of local tyrants around him can increase the carp king's worth countless times.

"This is also the pursuit of the curator's life. He caught the golden carp king, so he specially built a statue of the golden carp king here~"

The previous lady tour guide finished the round penguin show, and just came to the back door to get some air and enjoy the sea breeze. After hearing what everyone was talking about, she smiled and said.

As he spoke, he pointed to an old fisherman who was sitting on a reef on the shore of a beach outside the aquarium.


Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows, he thought the golden carp king was just a meaningless statue in the aquarium
It means that this sea area can still catch the golden carp king? !

The interest of the four people was aroused, and they all walked towards the old fishing man.

This is a plainly dressed old man wearing a straw hat and bamboo hat.

With gray hair and an old face, he is like an ordinary farmer and fisherman, and it is difficult to connect with the curator of a large aquarium.

Next to the reef, there is a bright blue lobster lying on its stomach.

The slender body is covered with black markings, the two pincers are asymmetrical, and the claw on the right is particularly large.

"This Pokémon is."

Xiaozhi quickly took out the illustrated book, and there was even a blue dragon?

"Iron arm gun shrimp, water attribute, in the pincers on the right, can shoot compressed water from the front end like a pistol, shooting down flying prey."

The illustrated book reminded that the sound also made the Iron Arm Gun Shrimp notice the approach of Xiaozhi and his party, so the blue lobster raised its head and showed a vigilant look.

Xiaozhi was amazed that Carlos's seafood was finally not red like lobster minions or crabs.

The latter always gives people a drool-worthy, table-ready feel.

"It's okay, Iron Arm Shrimp, don't be on guard~"

Beside him, the fishing old man said softly and leisurely, which made the iron-armed gun prawn lower its head again, lie down on the sand and close its eyes to rest.

Xiaozhi and his group also walked up quickly and said hello.

"Hello, curator. I heard that you are fishing for the golden carp king?!"

"Is it in stock?"

"Is there really a golden carp king in this sea area?!"

The few people couldn't help but started to ask questions in a hurry, which once again aroused the dissatisfaction of the iron-armed gun shrimp.

Hearing this, the owner of the museum, the old man, just smiled and shook his head, expressing that he is an old air force.

After some exchanges, Xiaozhi probably understood the whole story.

"The old man's name is Lu Dan, and he was a sailor when he was young. Once when he was sailing in this sea area, he accidentally fell into the water. Fortunately, he was rescued by a carp king and brought him back to the shore."

"The most peculiar thing is the king carp, with golden scales all over its body, shining with dazzling golden light. It is a golden carp king!"

"For this reason, the old man settled here, and built an aquarium here for the purpose, but just want to see the golden carp king again~"

Lu Dan's expression is obsessed and nostalgic, obviously this is a memory from a long time ago.

Several people were secretly amazed, you must know that Guxiang Town was built on the basis of this aquarium
It is equivalent to the old man in front of him who built this town single-handedly!
The admiration in the hearts of Xiaozhi and the others couldn't help but arise spontaneously.

"I'll be free every day from now on, and the aquarium doesn't need to be managed by the old man anymore, so I'll just put on a name and fish here~"

Lu Dan took the fishing rod leisurely, but he didn't catch any prey, but the bait on the hook was eaten up.

And what he was holding was a broken fishing rod, the quality of which was not very good.
If you use a better quality fishing rod, you will catch other Pokémon, and a broken fishing rod has a greater chance of catching the bad street carp king.

"By the way, wouldn't this be a bit of a hassle?"

Citron's thinking was more rigorous, and he couldn't help complaining in his heart.

At least it was the golden carp king that was encountered decades ago, how could it be possible to catch it at the same location decades later.

And after so many years, it probably evolved into a tyrannosaurus, right?
But he didn't make a sound, which probably belonged to the romance in the old curator's heart.

"Golden carp king, Yurika also wants to see it~"

You Lijia couldn't help imagining Lu Dan catching the golden carp king.


Just in time, the float jumped up suddenly, Lu Dan's face tightened, and he took advantage of the trend to provoke it upwards.


It was indeed a king carp, but only a Muggle red-scaled carp.

Lu Dan sighed, and threw the king carp back to the surface of the water again.

Although this scene has been repeated countless times, every time the float jumps, he still looks forward to a golden carp king coming up.

"At this age, I don't know if I will be able to see the Golden Carp King in this life~"

Lu Dan seemed to be talking to Xiaozhi and the others, and it seemed more like he was laughing at himself.

Re-hung the bait and started fishing peacefully.

This scene also made Xiaozhi and the others look at each other, with a little more emotion on their faces.

If you keep fishing like this, you may not get any rewards until you die.
How can it be so easy to get out of hand in this world?

"Although I have a few shining Pokémon."

Xiaozhi couldn't help but think of the Pokémon in the backyard, the Butterfly, the Gyarados
"Wait a minute, Gyarados!?"

His eyes suddenly lit up and he had a bold idea.

Seeing the change in Xiaozhi's face, Serena and the others immediately became curious.

"Speaking of Director Lu Dan, you don't have any special feelings for the golden carp king who saved you, do you?"

Lu Dan froze for a moment, wondering why Xiaozhi asked this.

"It was all decades ago, it has long forgotten the old man, and the old man has almost no impression of it~"

He casually replied that he was more obsessed with the Shining Carp King.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi was overjoyed, and said:

"Well, I do have a method that allows you to meet the evolution of the Shining Carp King?"

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