He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2435 Obtained, Gyarados’ mega stone!

Chapter 2435 Obtained, Gyarados’ mega stone!
It is not the peak tourist season in Guxiang Town, and there are not many tourists and outsiders on this beach, and the big red Gyarados only attracts a few people to stay and watch.


However, as a not-so-violent wave slapped on the sea, a giant-winged flying fish was facing the wave, surfing longitudinally.

There was even a figure standing on the wide back of the giant winged flying fish.

The man was slender and fit, and he looked professional in a tight-fitting diving suit.


It’s just that the tide in Guxiang Town in recent months has not been considered violent. One person and one fish have just swam seven or eight meters, and before they even do any fancy moves, the waves are completely covered, and the surfing movement stops abruptly .

"Tsk, I really have to go to the east coast of Carlos to surf now?"

The surfer had no choice but to take off his swimming goggles, straightened his short hair that was still dripping, and frowned.

Just in time, he rushed to the beach where Xiaozhi and his party were, and stopped.

"What is it, so shiny!"

When he subconsciously looked towards the shore, a bright red figure suddenly caught his eye, and he quickly raised his hand to cover it.

When I looked closely, I saw it was a majestic and huge red Gyarados, and the few humans around it seemed particularly small.

"Can you still see the flashing Gyarados?"

The diving boy suddenly became excited, and he drove the giant winged flying fish to land quickly, walking on the sand with bare feet, dripping water all the way.

"Oh~ Takeda, I'm here for surfing today, look at this red Gyarados!!"

The curator of the aquarium, Lu Dan, obviously knew the surfer, and immediately spoke enthusiastically.


The surfer named Takeda froze for a moment, then glanced at the red Gyarados again, and said in surprise:

"Wait a minute, in this case, won't the curator's wish for so many years come true?!"

Instead of the flashing carp king, I saw the evolutionary, more cool and domineering red Gyarados!
"Hey old man, this life is worth it~"

Lu Dan smiled, Kusou's face was much younger, and then he realized something, and introduced Xiaozhi and his party to Takeda.

"This one is Xiao Zhi from the Kanto region, and also the trainer of this red Gyarados"

Takeda is about 20 years old, with a gentle face and a pedantic air, which seems a bit inconsistent with the appearance of a surfer.

The onlookers were still watching cheerfully, but after hearing Xiaozhi's name, Takeda's expression tightened instantly.

"Wait a minute, Xiaozhi? You mean the Xiaozhi on the news?!"

Takeda looked at Xiaozhi immediately, and it really looked the same as the picture in the news.

This made Takeda's face suddenly become ugly, even with obvious sullenness.

"So you're the one who threatened to defeat all of us Carlos? My arrogance happened to hit me, so I want to challenge you!!"

Seeing that the juniors in the same town suddenly became aggressive, Lu Dan quickly stood in the middle.

"Is there some misunderstanding? Takeda Xiaozhi is a kind and enthusiastic trainer."

He only wanted to catch the golden carp king, but he didn't surf the Internet much, and he didn't know any news about Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi looked at the man in the diving suit in front of him with strange eyes.

"So, do you also have a mega-evolved Pokémon?"

He couldn't help but ask curiously.

Mega evolution really sucks?Why do you meet a random person on the side of the road, it seems that they are all masters of mega evolution.

"Naturally! How dare you look down on our Carlos' fighting style, then I will show you what a real mega evolution is!"

Takeda even pointed a finger at the red Gyarados.

"And I want to challenge you Gyarados!"

"Ah, Gyarados?"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi's face became weird, and he hesitated.

The challenge of mega evolution, he naturally does not refuse.

As for what to explain.
He found that the Carlos seemed to be a little stubborn, and they would not listen to any explanations before the fight.

But as long as you defeat it, the other party will be willing to listen to your explanation and accept it directly.

And Gyarados is also a type that can complete mega evolution, but now there is a very critical problem.
He doesn't have the mega stone of Gyarados!
Although there are not few mega stones of various types on Xiaozhi's body, some are still missing, and the Gyarados is one of them.

Between a man and a dragon, he has never cooperated with a mega battle.
"By the way, Xiaozhi, it's just the gift I mentioned before."

Next to him, curator Lu Dan saw Xiaozhi's predicament, and suddenly interrupted with a smile.

He didn't care about the news, as long as Xiaozhi fulfilled his wish, he was willing to believe Xiaozhi.

As he said that, Lu Dan took out a small round bead from his pocket with his backhand, and threw it to Xiaozhi very simply.


Xiaozhi raised his hand to catch it, spread it out in his palm, and saw that it was a mega stone!
The overall color is khaki, and the inside is inlaid with red and blue spiral patterns.
"Hmm~ This should be the mega stone of the Gyarados. I have seen similar patterns in Dr. Bratano's thesis."

Lu Dan spoke with confidence. In order to catch the Golden Carp King, he had researched a lot of information.

Like using a broken fishing rod, you can catch the king carp better.
Information about the evolution of the carp king and the evolution of Gyarados mega.
Although he had been fishing tirelessly over the years, he had never caught the Golden Magikarp. However, he accidentally caught this Gyarados Mega Stone!
At that time, he was still excited for a long time, imagining that one day in the future, he would drive the Mega Gyarados to fight side by side.

It's just that now that Lu Dan is getting old, this old waist can't withstand high-intensity battles.
Xiaozhi is undoubtedly the best entruster of this mega stone!
"Gyarados Mega Stone!"

Holding the ball in his hand, Xiaozhi didn't refuse, he didn't expect to have such a harvest today.

Now that the props are all ready, he immediately looked at Takeda with fiery eyes:

"Then Mr. Takeda, I accept your mega evolution challenge!"


Next to him, Gyarados naturally understood. He immediately focused his eyes, spun his blood-red dragon-shaped body on the beach, and let out a low demonstration roar in the direction of Takeda.

If it fights, it will naturally not shirk, and even become more excited!
Takeda looked fearless, his expression did not relax, and he already had an extra Poké Ball in his hand.

"Hmph, don't think that just because you have gained the favor of the curator, you can offset those arrogant actions. We Kalos are the strongest manipulators of mega evolution!"

As he said that, he opened the poke ball, only to see a black and blue tiger-striped shark flying out of it.

With his mouth wide open, he is suspended above the beach, looking particularly fierce.
It's a megalodon!

(End of this chapter)

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