Before dusk, Xiaozhi and Serena had returned to Guxiang Town.

Especially when they displayed the two fossils together, all the researchers in the institute opened their eyes in disbelief.

"Did you find these two fossils in one day..."

Takeda pushed up his glasses, in disbelief.

You must know that if it were them, they might be able to dig in the Shining Cave for several months, but they might not be able to dig it.

"And... the fossils are quite well preserved, and they are all perfect fossils that can be used for restoration machines!"

After careful inspection, Takeda immediately affirmed.

"Without further ado! Let's start recovering tonight, okay?"

Seeing the fiery eyes on him and Serena, they looked at each other and agreed.

Seeing this, Takeda and even several researchers around him were overjoyed.

Every time fossils are restored, they can obtain valuable data... Even just participating in the restoration process is enough to make these archaeologists excited.

"I'm here to help too!"

As an engineer, Xitron also enthusiastically joined the recovery team this time.

And this recovery instrument seems to have undergone some changes, and even the number of cultivation chambers on it has increased to two.

It seems that Citron helped renovate this instrument today.

Soon, the two fossils were placed on the platform and put into the instrument.

There was a sudden sound, the recovery machine started running, and bubbles began to appear in the cultivation chamber above.

It's just that Xiaozhi stared for a long time and didn't see anything new...

Shouldn't the baby tyrannosaurus be jumping out of the top?
"You two should go and rest first. After all, you have been looking for fossils all day~"

Takeda's face was rosy and excited as he explained:
"There's no hurry, the restoration of the fossils probably won't be completed until tomorrow."

It’s not like playing a game. If you go out and come back in, the fossil will be resurrected, right?

Seeing this, Ash and Serena had no choice but to go to the Pokémon Center to prepare for dinner first.

"Brother, come on! I'll pack a meal for you!"

Yurika made a cheering gesture toward Citron, then turned around to follow Xiaozhi and Xiaozhi together.

There is a dong dong rat in the shoulder bag on his waist, and there is an electric rat lying in his arms.

"Oh Pikachu, you're here, I just said there seems to be something missing today..."

Xiaozhi scratched his head in embarrassment and then remembered that Pikachu existed.

However, when approaching the elf center, Xiaozhi suddenly thought of something and turned around and walked towards the sea.

"You two eat first, I have to find something~"

Serena and Yurika were confused, but they didn't just stand there stupidly.

It happened that one of them brought an extra dinner and waited for Xiaozhi while eating in the cafeteria hall.

About ten minutes later, Xiaozhi came back, but he didn't say what it was. As soon as he sat down, he gulped down the food, which made Serena and the others look at it in confusion.


After dinner, it was getting dark.

"Then I'll go deliver food to my brother~"

Yulijia held the food box, waved to Xiaozhi and the two, and prepared to go to the Fossil Research Institute.

The two don't need to follow along...

Pikachu is on Yurika's shoulder, and he can deal with all kinds of weird uncles who like to kidnap lolita.

Guxiang Town is a seaside town, and it is located on a higher hillside. You can have an unobstructed view of the coastal beaches below.

Behind the Pokémon Center is an excellent sea view point.At night, the cool sea breeze blows slowly, making people feel comfortable and relaxed.

Having just finished dinner, Xiaozhi and the two were not in a hurry to return to the Pokémon Center. Instead, they wandered around the nearby ramp to digest their food.

The sea breeze coming from the side ruffled the ends of Serena's hair, and she quickly pressed down her hat to prevent her hair from getting messy.

At this time, Xiaozhi suddenly stopped and took out something from his arms.

"By the way, Serena, this is a gift~! Thank you for helping me find the jaw fossil today!"

"Ah, no need. Xiaozhi also helped me find the fin fossil..."

Just as Serena was about to shirk and refuse, she suddenly smelled the fragrance of flower petals, and she couldn't help but pause.

By the way, I smelled this special floral fragrance when I was eating just now.

Taking a closer look, he saw that what Xiaozhi took out was a flower, sealed in a plastic bag... Even if it was wrapped, it was difficult to conceal the rich fragrance inside.

As Xiaozhi opened the bag, it was a pink petal with a slightly lighter color in the center and some green leaves at the bottom, which must have been freshly picked.

"What a beautiful flower!"

Serena's eyes lit up, she had never seen such flowers in the Carlos area.

And the latter not only looks good, but also has a sense of elegance and refinement, which is completely different from ordinary flowers.

So, are these the flowers that Xiaozhi went to pick nearby just now?

Why hadn't she noticed such rare and beautiful flowers around Guxiang Town before?

And this act of giving flowers...

Looking at the young man in front of him, with a serious look on his smiling face, handing over flowers, Serena couldn't help but blushed, and her expression and breathing became chaotic in an instant.

"Ah, this kind of thing...well, it doesn't seem right..."

After being incoherent for a while, Serena finally lowered her head, held her breath, and took the flower very solemnly.

"Eh, this flower is for Pokémon..."

Just when Xiaozhi was about to introduce the origin of this flower, Serena had already taken off her hat and put the petals on one side of her hair.

On the not-so-bright high slope of the coast, the sea breeze blew by, and Serena gently pulled up the ends of her hair that were hanging down on one side.

Her cheeks were red, her eyes were tender, and she looked at Xiaozhi with a bit of shyness.

"Does this look good...?"

Looking at the shy girl in front of her, who was more beautiful than the Gracidia flower on her head, Xiaozhi originally wanted to say that this flower was for her flower leaf base.

When the words came to his mouth, he could only pause.

"Yeah, it looks good this way."

Xiaozhi turned his head subconsciously, rubbed the back of his head and replied.

Serena's cheeks felt hot when she heard these words, but she was overjoyed in her heart.

However, no problem.

Xiaozhi took out another Graxitia flower from his arms. He prepared three flowers in total.

The Gracietia flower comes from Shaymy's flower garden. It is an extremely rare flower that can bestow the power of this magical Pokémon.

And when I think about it, Huayedi is also a Pokémon that uses the power of flowers.
So before dinner, Xiaozhi specially asked his dark Rogia to open a temporary channel to reverse the world, and asked for three flowers from Xie Mi's group, and then he could choose the best one for Huayedi.

But now, it doesn't matter if Serena puts it on directly.

"I'll give this flower to Yedi, it was scared by my fossil pterosaur today, just as compensation."

Xiaozhi was afraid that Serena would put the flower in the other side of her hair, so he couldn't help but remind her.

Only then did Serena come back to her senses, she couldn't help but blushed again, and she even forgot about her flower buds!

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