He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2448 Thunder God and Thunder Drum? !

Chapter 2448 Thunder God and Thunder Drum? !

After returning to the Pokémon Center, Ash immediately called a former friend at a public phone booth.

Speaking of Pokémon eggs
Naturally, I think of Master Ajin first!
He is an expert at hatching eggs. If he has a rare opportunity, he will naturally ask Master Ajin to help him!

I wonder where this kid has been lately?

After a while, the call got through, and Ajin appeared on the screen yawning, sleepy, and even his hair was like a chicken coop.

"Who is it! It's so early in the morning, don't let anyone sleep!"

On the other side of the screen, Ah Jin couldn't help complaining loudly.

"It's me, Xiaozhi!"

"Oh, Xiaozhi."

Ah Jin still didn't bring up any great interest. If a beautiful woman called him early in the morning, it would make him excited.

Ah Jin suddenly focused his eyes and found that there was a pretty girl on the other side of the screen, next to Xiao Zhi.

Serena has the unique temperament of Carlos women, combining fashion and elegance, but it can be extremely attractive!
"Wait a minute, wait a minute, Xiaozhi, can you introduce me quickly?"

Ah Jin instantly became energetic, combed his hair subconsciously, and asked quickly.

"Oh, this is Serena, my traveling companion in the Kalos region~"


Hearing this, Serena also smiled politely at Ajin on the screen.

Although Akin seems a little unreliable, since he is Xiaozhi's friend, Serena will still respond politely.

However, this introduction made Ah Jin suddenly lose interest, he raised his eyes and said casually:

"Hey, is she Xiaozhi's new girlfriend?"

According to the past rules, the relationship between Xiaozhi's female traveling companions seems to be too close, and no one can take action!

"Ah no.!"

These words made Serena look awkward and waved her hands in panic.

However, before they could explain anything, a hand suddenly appeared on the screen and twisted Ajin's ear.

"Ahhhh! It hurts so much, let go now!!!"

Then came the screams of Ajin's ghostly wails and howls.

And from the other end, there was a faintly angry female voice:

"It's so early in the morning, are you looking at any beautiful women again?!"

"No, no, it's Xiaozhi! What kind of beauty is she?!"

After listening to Ah Jin's explanation, the jade hand was retracted, and then a pretty woman with short brown hair in twin ponytails appeared on the screen.

Although he looks young, he exudes a mature temperament.

"Oh~ it's Xiaozhi! Long time no see!"

The person who came was none other than Chris. When she saw Xiaozhi, her face immediately changed and she greeted him with a smile.

"Um, long time no see, Chrissy."

Xiaozhi replied, the corners of his mouth twitching.

Is Ajin already living with Chrissy?

After Chris hummed a tune and walked away, Ah Jin turned into an arrogant expression again and mentioned the unique toughness of a man:

"Huh, women nowadays are really troublesome."

In this regard, Serena probably also understood what kind of person Akin was. "Tell me, why are you looking for me all of a sudden? It's definitely not good."

Ah Jin crossed his arms and said in an old-fashioned way.

"Hehe, you are indeed Master Ajin! You won the first guess!"

Xiaozhi started to compliment him, and when he saw the corners of Ah Jin's mouth on the screen rising slightly, he felt secretly happy.

This kid still can't help but boast!
"So I have two Pokémon eggs here. Could you please Master Ajin to use your magical power again and help to consecrate them~!"

Xiaozhi rubbed his palms and asked cautiously.

If it recovers directly, then forget it, it can only be cultivated slowly the day after tomorrow.
But now that it was in the form of a Pokémon egg, Xiaozhi naturally didn't want his Pokémon to lose at the starting line.

In the embryo in the womb, it’s time to start working hard!

"Oh, I knew it, it would be no good if you came to me suddenly!"

As soon as he heard this, Ah Jin's face filled with sadness and he waved his hands repeatedly:
"It's not that I don't want to help. You also know that every time I finish a session, I'm going to be squeezed dry. I was just squeezed out of my strength by that guy Chris recently."

This is not driving. Only those who think about driving will think it is driving.

As a member of the Johto Alliance, Chris has been actively helping to build the alliance in her hometown over the years.

Along with this, Ah Jin was also dragged by her and reluctantly helped.

For example, the previous Chengdu celebrations held in various places had tortured Ajin enough.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi also had a troubled expression on his face. He seemed to feel a little sorry for having troubled Ah Jin all the time.

It’s just that I don’t seem to have anything as a reward.
"But after all, we are old friends. Now that Xiaozhi has opened your mouth, there is a beautiful lady beside you."

But Akin didn't say anything.

He who hesitates to speak and stops talking is obviously the art of mastering language.

"Tell me, Ajin, if you need anything, I can help you with whatever I can!"

Xiaozhi understood and immediately patted his chest and said.

These words cheered up Ah Jin, and he quickly sat upright and spoke:
"Well, as you know, the Johto Festival has basically gone full circle recently and there is no need to hold it again, so Chris and I went to work on another project recently."

"This project is related to the Three Sacred Beasts of the Johto area, Thunder Lord!"

Xiaozhi nodded, could it be that the Johto Alliance wants to conquer Thunder God?
"It's not Thunder King. It's a new Pokémon discovered in other places. It looks very similar to Thunder King."

With that said, Ajin also showed a photo to Xiaozhi.

It's just that this photo is very blurry, and I can barely see something.

Above it is a Kirinki-like Pokémon with a beast-shaped body but a slender neck.

However, its body color is indeed very similar to that of Thunder God. They are both yellow bodies with black lightning-like markings, and even their tails are curved tails shaped like blue lightning like Thunder God.

I can’t see clearly what the brain is like.
The high neck and chin were covered with a circle of purple thunder clouds similar to those behind Thunder God.

"It is indeed very similar to Thunder Lord."

Xiaozhi couldn't help but nodded. He had seen Thunder Lord with his own eyes.

Although the shape of the giraffe is a bit strange, it makes sense to say that it is a certain regional form of Thunder God.

Speaking of which, last time I heard somewhere, I heard that Suicune's local form appeared, and he looked like a dinosaur.

"Really, Xiaozhi, you think so too, right?"

Ajin suddenly became excited and said quickly:

"This is the newly discovered special individual of Thunder God by the Johto Alliance. We have temporarily named it, Fierce Thunder Drum!"

(End of this chapter)

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