He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2454 vs. Baby Raichu!

"How about it, I'm pretty good~! All challenges were completed in one go!"

Tierno said with a proud tone, vaguely intending to compete with Xiaozhi.

Obviously, the two boys in Serena's team, Ash, who has a mature temperament (Kalos region limited version), pose a greater threat to him!

"Well, I won't challenge the gym~"

Xiaozhi could only wave his hands helplessly, he was past the age to challenge the gym.

Hearing this, Tierono was a little confused. Judging from Xiaozhi's appearance, he should be a passionate trainer. Why would he not challenge the gym?
His dream is to become an outstanding dancer.
Even so, Tierno chose to challenge the Gym Alliance to take his dancing skills to the next level.

"Idiot! Xiaozhi doesn't need to challenge any more gyms! Others have already won several league championships in other places!"

Next to her, Shana was the first to help Xiaozhi explain.

After seeing how highly Doroba admired Xiaozhi, she also curiously searched for Xiaozhi's background information.

After seeing the information clearly, Shana was also shocked.
Is this person's resume really just that of someone two years older than me?

And the most important thing is that the other party is from Zhenxin Town!

Shana's eyes fell on Xiaozhi vaguely, not knowing what she was thinking.

"League Conference Champion?!"

This title actually frightened Tiereno and made him startled.

But combined with Xiaozhi's mature master temperament at the moment, it doesn't seem so inconsistent?

"Damn it. Even so, I still want to have a battle with you!!"

Tierno gritted his teeth and challenged again.

While looking closely at Xiaozhi, he glanced at Serena next to him from the corner of his eyes.
He also wants to travel with Serena!

After Tierono received his Squirtle, he inquired about Serena's location and planned to have a "chance encounter" and travel together.

After searching for a long time, I couldn't find the latter.

"Um, a battle or something."

Xiaozhi waved his hand. If his opponent was just a new trainer, he wouldn't be very interested.

But after hearing Tierno's next words, he became interested.

"Just use my Raichu to challenge your Pikachu!!"

The latter pointed his finger directly at Pikachu on his shoulder.

"Lei Qiu!!"

Even Raichu of Tiereno jumped up, with lightning bursting from his cheeks, gearing up, and making a provocative cry.

"How about an evolutionary challenge, Pikachu, do you want to accept it?"


Pikachu was unusually active today. He jumped in front of Ash, and his small eyes looked confidently and cunningly at the large electric mouse in front of him.

It's rare to see an arrogant Raichu, and he needs to be taught a lesson!

"That's enough, don't hurt your kindness."

Seeing this, Shana could only say helplessly.

Of course, this sentence was actually said to Xiaozhi.

Shana has read the information. Although this Pikachu looks a bit weak, it has defeated the league champion.

As for Tierno's Raichu, she remembers that it was the Pikachu that the other party had just conquered recently, right?

Why did he evolve into Raichu all of a sudden?
Soon, the two of them were on both sides of the pulley track at Haruka Gym.

The most exciting person in this battle is Yulijia.

"It's Electric Rats vs. Electric Rats!" She was screaming loudly outside the court at this moment. She didn't expect to see the civil war between the Kanto Electric Rats today!

"This Raichu."

As an electrical expert, Citron had been observing this Raichu. He pushed up his glasses with a strange look on his face.

There is a special reason why Pikachu is empty.

But the emptiness of this Raichu is completely obvious.
It is estimated that he is in the Pikachu stage. He has not undergone any training at all, and his potential has not been fully realized. He just used the Thunder Stone to complete the evolution.

The difficulty of training and upgrading in the Raichu stage is much more difficult than that in the Pikachu stage.
To reach the same level of strength, Raichu needs to spend longer time and exercise more intensely.

As for strength
Well, there's nothing to analyze on this point, it's completely a fish pond bureau.

"Come on Tierno, Raichu, you can attack at any time!"


Xiaozhi and Pikachu completely let go of their defenses, indicating that the other party could take the initiative to attack.

"How dare you underestimate us? Raichu, use slam!!"

This chubby Raichu immediately started running continuously and slammed into Pikachu!

Relying on its huge size, its aura can intimidate people.

call out.!

However, Pikachu closed his eyes and strolled around. He avoided the attack with a simple jump, and even let Raichu hit the slope behind him, leaving his face covered in gray.

Although the opponent is his evolved type, no matter in terms of strength or actual age, he is completely a baby Raichu!

"Damn it. Then try this move! Use Thunder Fist!!"

Tierno launched a series of attacks.

This time Lei Qiu suddenly clenched one of his fists, his arm muscles bulged slightly, and dense and violent electricity suddenly burst out from them.

Thunder and lightning punch, hitting Pikachu mercilessly!
This move made Xiaozhi's eyes light up. Speaking of which, his Pikachu doesn't know how to use Thunder Punch.

After all, after evolving into Raichu, the strength of the limbs has been improved, and learning boxing moves will be much easier than when it was Pikachu.

As for his Pikachu, his boxing moves are basically blind spots.

Even the Shadow Fist is not a direct melee punch, but a long-range shadow fist.

"Pickup. Pickup"

Pikachu crossed his arms and swayed backwards while swaying his body from side to side, dodging Raichu's continuous lightning punch attacks with ease.

"Sure enough, there is a huge gap in strength."

This made Shana helplessly hold her forehead and sigh.

In terms of agility and speed, Tierno's Raichu, which evolved instantly, can be said to be a mess.

"Use tapping!"

Even after a series of lightning punches, Raichu followed up with a tail sweep, but Pikachu easily jumped and dodged it.

Pikachu seemed to be tired of playing, and while he was jumping up, his tail was already covered in metallic silver light.

Then he quickly spun a few times in the air, before Raichu could change his defense.

Bang Bang! !
A blunt and powerful steel tail had already hit the center of Lei Qiu's Tianling Cap. It was not at the same level of speed at all.

Hit the nail on the head!

Even the steel-type moves with mediocre effects still hit Raichu so hard that he felt a roar in his head, and then the scene in front of him began to spin.
The next moment, this Raichu fell to the ground with a crash.

One blow easily determined the winner.

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