He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2456 Dr. Oki's summer camp?

"If Serena and Fire Fox work together, they will definitely become a rising star performer in the Kalos region!"

Shanna is still trying to correct Serena's path.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with the path of a trainer~ And our Kalos region champion, Miss Karuna, is an outstanding female trainer!"

Serena tried to give an example.

She had heard about the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament and Pokémon Performers since she was a child, and she had indeed considered entering this field when she grew up in the future.

But it was more because of her mother who forced her to learn to ride an armored rhinoceros since she was a child and forced her to embark on the career path of an armored rhinoceros rider.
At that time, Serena was still very rebellious, deliberately going against her mother, saying that she wanted to follow the completely opposite path of being a fashionable and elegant Pokémon performer.

words now
Serena has not yet decided on the direction she will take in the future, but after experiencing two gym challenges, the intense feeling during the battle does seem to be more exciting than a simple stage performance.

Speaking of which, it seems that the glamor contest is more suitable for her?
It combines gorgeous performances with fierce battles.

It's just that the Kalos region rarely holds gorgeous competitions, and they all vigorously promote their own triple crown satellite competitions.

"But. But Miss Karuna is also an outstanding performer! When she was young, it was said that she successfully won three princess keys for the first time in the competition, and became the Carlos Queen of that year!"

Shana quickly retorted.

Queen Carlos is a title similar to the winner of a grand celebration, or a title similar to the winner of an alliance conference.

And the current Kalos girl is a performer who uses the fire fox evolution type, and she matches Serena very well!
"Well, let me think about it again."

Serena also hesitated.

But according to the system's strategy manual, it doesn't mention my goal of becoming a performer.

"Anyway, I will go to the game tomorrow! Then I will cheer for Shana with Xiaozhi and the others!!"

Serena gave Shanna a cheering gesture, then hugged Fire Fox, planning to leave first.

She understands Shana's character. She is an outgoing and optimistic girl, very responsible, but also has a very stubborn character.

If I don't run away now, I'll probably have him whispering in my ears for the rest of the day.

"Hey!! Don't go, it's rare to see you outside Chaoxiang Town!"

Shana took Serena's arm one step ahead and forced her back to sit on the stool.

"Okay, okay, I won't force you to participate in the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament! Just wait until you watch the game tomorrow before making a decision!"

Hearing this, Serena was relieved, but she still held the fire fox in her arms and could run away at any time.

"Let's talk about the main point. Actually, I came to you today for one more thing."

Shana's face suddenly became serious, with a bit of rare embarrassment.

"About the summer camp conducted by Dr. Ohki when I was a kid."

Serena: "?!"

Her expression suddenly changed, and her eyes quickly became panicked.

Wait a minute, does Shana know something? !
Although they are both neighbors in Chaoxiang Town, Serena has always kept these things deep in her heart and has never told the other person!

How did Shanna know?

Just looking at Serena's flustered and surprised expression, Shana's face also became flustered and surprised.

The two of them looked like they were looking in the mirror, their expressions were very similar.
"Well, in short, I will only tell Serena about this matter."

Soon, Shana calmed down, looked around, and whispered cautiously:
"If I hadn't seen Xiaozhi today, I wouldn't have said anything. Anyway, Serena, please don't tell others!" Serena blinked her eyes. Why did she feel that the two of them were not thinking about the same thing? thing?

Is it possible that Shana also attended that Pokémon summer camp? !
So she held her breath and concentrated, put on a nonchalant expression, and began to eat the melon secretly.

"It's like this. Serena hadn't moved to our Chaoxiang Town at that time. When I was about five or six years old, I participated in a Pokémon summer camp in the Kanto region, organized by Dr. Oak."

"Dr. Omu, you know, he is a very famous scholar in the Kanto region."

Hearing this, although Serena was shocked, her expression remained calm and she nodded, indicating that Shana could continue.

"Because I'm from Carlos, I'm unfamiliar with the place, and I don't know anyone in the summer camp, so I'm very scared."

"Then I was very unlucky. I got sidetracked from everyone in the jungle and got lost and walked into an uninhabited wilderness."

Serena: "."

Why does this experience seem so familiar?

Could it be that Shana found out about this somewhere and deliberately caught her own fish?

Serena carefully observed Shana's expression, but the other party didn't pay attention to her at all, but was extremely immersed in telling her childhood experiences.

"I was scared at the time. At such a young age, I definitely didn't have a Pokémon I could rely on."

"A man was huddled under a tree, hugging his knees, crying and shivering. My knees were injured at the time."

Speaking of this, Shana shuddered as if she was still frightened.

"Just when I thought I was abandoned by everything, the bushes next to me suddenly started to move."

"Then a mosquito-repellent tadpole jumped out of it, which really scared me!"

Serena: "."

so similar!
Are the mosquito-repellent tadpoles in the Kanto region also a waste? !

"At this time, a boy ran out of the bushes chasing the mosquito tadpole. He must also be a child attending the summer camp."

"After seeing me sitting there crying alone, he walked up and took me back to the camp!"

Shana was completely immersed in it. In that environment, the little boy was like the warm sun, giving her an infinite sense of security.

Serena: "?!"

She suddenly raised her eyebrows in alarm.

He ate melon and got it on himself. Could this boy also be Xiaozhi? !
By the way, just now Shana seemed to always mention Xiaozhi inexplicably!
"Um, this boy you're talking about, could it be Xiaozhi?"

Serena asked tentatively while holding her breath.

"Little Chi?"

Shana was stunned, then quickly waved her hand and said:
"It's not Xiaozhi, but another person."

Hearing this, Serena patted her chest and let out a sigh of relief. We can all continue to be good friends in the future.

"I can still remember that boy."

Shana hugged her hands together, her eyes glowing with longing and longing, and her cheeks were slightly red:
"He has spiky brown hair and is very handsome."

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