He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 246 Cut off the head of Boss Sakagi

Chapter 246 Cut off the head of Boss Sakagi

"By the way, how long have the big fires been working here? How is the promotion of the league now?"

The thin man asked suddenly.

"I've worked part-time for 2 years, and I'm still a white dick without flowers."

"The Rockets can have a bar after working for 5 years, but it is much more difficult to advance to the league here. It will take about 7 years to have the first flower, which is all based on seniority."

"There are also related households. Nima, we have to go to work at 9:00 every day. The grandson of the second cousin's uncle's sister and the third uncle's uncle of the champion in the next office only goes to work at 9:01 every day. a flower."

"I'm sour, I can have something to do with the legendary champion crossing."

"We in the Kanto region are done, and there are five insurances and one housing fund. We won't give you a single bar like the Galaxy Group. There is only a big cake. It is said that everyone will be the heroes of the founding of the country in the future, and each person will be a fief."

Others also complained helplessly.

Team Rocket uses bars to grade, while Pokémon League uses flowers to grade.

One flower is the lowest and five flowers is the highest, but in the current market, Sanhua Juding is already a predator, and most of the kings are at the level of Sanhua.

Only a very small number of highly qualified Heavenly Kings are at the Four Flowers level, such as the Ghost Heavenly King of Kanto, Chrysanthemum.

Of course, the champion crossing is also at the level of four flowers.

As for Wuhua, it is already legendary.

"7 years?"

Hearing that, the thin man almost suffocated and almost fainted.

He only stayed for half a month, and he was almost drained. You told him that he would continue to work for another 7 years?
And it's just a flower that has been promoted to the lowest level?

"Scallion duck! Miss Ben quit!!"

The thin man slapped the table suddenly, threw his work clothes on the ground, and ran to the office next door, "huhuhu" and slapped the champion's relative three times.

I hate relationship accounts the most in my life!
And the rich second generation!
Then he ran directly out of the building, and within a few seconds, the people were completely gone.

"Miss Ben?"

"Isn't that kid a man?"


The people at the bottom were discussing in a daze
The relatives of the champion were even more stunned.
on a grassland.

This is the middle area between Quartz Plateau and Vibran City. This is a vast grassland. The thin man was walking here alone, his expression was really bad, and he was still muttering and complaining.

I saw that he suddenly reached out and brushed his face, and actually tore off a human skin mask from it, revealing his true face.

This is a young girl with good facial features, and her lovely face has been faintly filled with a bit of charming charm and beauty.

As the mask was torn off, a long brown hair hung down behind the fair neck, and there were a few playful bangs in front of the forehead that were tilted to the sides, cute and cute.

It's just that at this moment her oval face is puffed up, her palms are still pointing towards the void, slicing vegetables, the tips of her palms swiping through the air, making bursts of "huhuuuuu" sounds, not low in power.

She is Xiao Lan from Zhenxin Town, working part-time to gain a firm foothold in the Pokémon League.

Today, half a month later, she chose to beat up a related household and ran out.

"Eh, eh, a flower only blooms in 7 years, it's not worth fighting for this job!"

She raised her fist, muttered to herself angrily, and even turned a somersault in place to express her inner dissatisfaction.

Xiao Lan's plan is to collect stock certificates from major companies in Kanto. She has already received [-] shares each for Team Rocket and Rainbow Group, and her next goal is naturally the Pokémon League.

But the other party is also an official and decent company, like dealing with a black-hearted company like the Rockets, disguised as a trash fish, finding a chance to be alone and slaying a high-ranking official and then replacing it The plan will not work, Xiao Lan is a kind girl.

So she thought of being down-to-earth, working hard, and becoming a senior member of the alliance as soon as possible. If Sanhua Juding can't reach the level of two blossoms, she will embezzle [-] shares and run away immediately.

The plan is good, but it takes 7+ years.

planA failed.

"Hey, Pokédex, tell me how else I can become a senior official of the alliance in a short period of time, I want a just plan B!"

Xiaolan took out her picture book and asked righteously.

"Di. The search is completed! It took 0.5 seconds, which is more than 99% of the country's illustrated books. The performance is really bad, please make persistent efforts."

This picture book is different from Xiaozhi's picture book, and likes to blame himself.

"Di. planB: Take Ho-oh and turn it over to the Pokémon League. You will be able to have two flowers in the second half of next year."

The picture book reminded gently.

Xiaolan: "?"

If there really is a phoenix, she has already rode to play by herself, and she is showing her teeth and claws in the sky with the Quartz Alliance. She also wants to change the position of the two blossoms for the precious and powerful phoenix?

Carry away!

So the Pokédex gently gave a second hint.

"Di. planC: Cut off the head of Boss Sakagi and hand it over to the Pokémon Alliance, and you will be able to gather together tomorrow."

Xiaolan: "!"

Xiao Lan hurriedly covered the mouth of the illustrated book. Team Rocket's eyeliner was all over the entire Kanto region. It's enough to think about this kind of words. It's too arrogant to say it.
She is a beautiful girl. She never uses a knife or a gun. Even if she kills a chicken, she has to open the altar for three days. She will only move her mouth after saving her soul for the chicken.

Even after eating the meat, she will even release the bones, so that the real harmony between man and nature is achieved.

Carry away!

"Di. planD: Participate in the league competition, and the top 8 can apply for the first-flower rank, and the champion can apply for the second-flower rank."

Pokédex gives a third answer.

The Alliance Conference can be favored by countless trainers. Let alone other aspects, this qualification to apply for a flower can attract countless people.

Even if you only become a member of the lowest level of Yihua in the Pokémon League, it also means that you become a member of the system, and you have a golden job in your hand!
But the top 8 is not easy. The 8 outermost gymnasiums have wiped out most of the trash, let alone the top eight.

"Good job! This plan is the most suitable for a beautiful girl like me who is helpless!"

Xiaolan's eyes suddenly brightened. Although she didn't like fighting, the two fellows participated in the alliance competition. If she was just cheering them on outside, it would be too Muggle!

She has decided to compete!

Yes, sniper that flea by the way! !

But Xiao Lan, who had just fallen into ecstasy, quickly frowned again and became entangled.

She doesn't have a badge!
Not a drop!

The Quartz Conference will be held in a month and a half. Collecting all 8 badges in one and a half months is not difficult.

Like Xiao Zhi and Xiao Mao, although they are both leisurely and leisurely, they have only been able to collect 8 badges for a few months. I, who are not good at fighting, have to collect them within a month and a half.
To be squeezed dry again? !

Xiao Lan quickly shook her head, and even couldn't help shivering, and looked at the picture book again.

"Hey, hey, hey, the picture book, tell me, how can I get the qualification to participate in the Quartz Conference as soon as possible."

"Tick. 8 badges."

"Next, Miss Ben has no time."

"Di. Qualifications for recommendation from Pokémon Noble School."

"Next, this lady's ancestors are three generations of Chi Nong."

"Di. Pokémon Appraisal."

"Good life!"

Xiaolan suddenly laughed like a flower, and the light in her beautiful eyes was as dazzling and beautiful as the stars in the sky.——
(So ​​the plot of the appraisal competition is not written? If you don’t write it, it will be directly Vibrant.)
(Hey, there are two updates today, but I also ask to subscribe for tickets... it's a ball!)
(End of this chapter)

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