He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2462 Shixiang Town, vs Xianxiang! !

Chapter 2462 Shixiang Town, vs Xianxiang! !
The little episode about Ha Lili quickly passed without incident.

Afterwards, Citron actually found a wild poisonous mushroom among a pile of ingredients, and it was probably accidentally mixed in.

Slightly poisonous, has mild hallucinogenic effects.

Because Ha Lili's sudden outburst was so magical, everyone just thought it was a collective hallucination and did not take it seriously.

Even Ha Lili touched his belly and didn't feel anything strange in his body.

After passing through the wilderness road covered by Stonehenge, Xiaozhi and his party officially entered Shixiang Town.

Shixiang Town is a remote and ancient town.

The edge of the town is surrounded by stone formations like the Stonehenge on Route [-], with jagged and strange rocks standing all around. Each one seems to be a certain regular distance apart, forming a rectangular area of ​​about several kilometers.

The buildings in the town are built among strange rocks.

However, there are not many buildings here, they are basically low-rise old wooden buildings, and there are not many locals who have lived here for a long time.

The only modern building you can see is probably the Pokémon Center.

Most of the people who come here are researchers from other places or come here specifically for tourism——

It is said that the ancient gods of the Kalos region live in Ishika Town!
They may be disguised as a strange rock nearby, or they may be disguised as a strange tree. This is the case. The number of tourists who come here every day is not small. They all want to discover the whereabouts of the ancient gods for themselves, which can be regarded as maintaining the town. of normal operation.

But when Ash put down his luggage and just walked out of the Pokémon Center, he didn't even have time to explore the strange rocks around the town.

At the door, a blond woman was already waiting for him, and she spoke first:

"Are you the Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town? Have you packed your luggage? I've been waiting for you for a long time!!"

Xiaozhi quickly looked closely, and even Serena, who came out a step later, frowned in alarm.

She is a great beauty.

She has long, slightly curly golden hair, a fair and beautiful face with a sullen and serious look, and exquisite earrings hanging in her ears.

She was a few years older than them all, just in the perfect young age. She was wearing a neat purple-black college uniform skirt and boots of the same color.

She was like a senior who had just stepped out of a certain aristocratic school, with an elegant elite trainer temperament.

"The honor of Carlos cannot be slandered"

The purple-clad trainer announced his name and raised a Poké Ball towards Ash, his morale rising.

"My name is Xianxiang, Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, fight with me!"

Serena was relieved to hear that it was the challenger.

Xiaozhi naturally raised his eyebrows, and he would not miss the challenge sent to him.

And the exquisite brooch on Xianxiang's chest has a keystone. Obviously, this is also an elite trainer who masters the Mega Evolution Battle.

Is it just that Team Flare, an organization, is really broadcasting its own location information in real time? !
Now you can actually ask challengers to wait for you in the next town in advance?
"Okay! Then let's have a fight!"

Xiaozhi took a step forward, blood began to boil in his chest, and a high-level ball appeared in his hand.

The old rule is to explain to the opponent about Team Flare after the fight.

Shixiang Town is quite primitive, with completely unplanned streets and buildings. There is a bare open space outside the entrance of the Pokémon Center.The hard rocky ground is dotted with some strange rocks of different heights, which is just the right place for a battle.

The next moment, both of them sent their Pokémon at the same time.

The one in the Xuanxiang faction is an elegant and mysterious Absol, with snow-white hair, a gray-blue face and a knife-shaped tail, and a cool sickle-shaped horn growing on his forehead.

With the nickname of "disaster beast", outsiders like Serena Citron can't help but tighten their eyes.

Although Absol has been rumored and corrected in the Fangyuan area, it is actually not a "Pokémon that brings disaster", but a "Pokémon that warns of disaster".

Although I saw it, it was indeed a bit unlucky. But what the latter did was actually a good thing.

But in the Kalos area, seeing Absol is still not a good sign.

As for what Xiaozhi sent, it was naturally the fossil pterosaur that had appeared before.


Just when she saw the appearance of the fossil pterosaur, with its body covered in rock spikes, Xuanxiang's face was startled.

Why did he appear in a mega-evolved form as soon as he appeared?

It's not a big problem, as long as the opponent is a mega fossil pterosaur.

Not long after the new alliance conference in the Kalos region started, Ayaka had already collected most of the gym badges. She was quite confident in her own strength.

"Then show your elegance! Mega evolve, Absol!!"

As soon as they came up, Xianxiang also took off her brooch and shouted loudly.

In an instant, the brilliant light of mega evolution connected the two people, and after the light exploded, Absol showed a new look.

Generally speaking, there is no change, but the white hair on Mega Absol's body has become thicker, especially the fluffy hair on his neck and ankles.

Even the hair on the back grows like a pair of snow-white wings
But this is just the shape of the hair, not the actual wings. Even Mega Absol only has the ability to increase the gliding buffer, and still cannot fly like a bird Pokémon.

The gray-blue sickle on the top of the head became wider, and even a small horn quietly grew on the other side.
"Mega Absol...?!"

Xiaozhi nodded repeatedly after seeing it. Regardless of whether it was strong or not, at least Absol's appearance was full.

Speaking of which, he himself had subdued a high-level Absol in the Fangyuan area. It predicted the disaster to him several times before it was finally subdued by him.

Now, it seems that he is not staying at the Damu Research Institute honestly.

Instead, he wandered around the Kanto region to explore, and started doing his job, warning local people of disasters.
Thinking too far, Xiaozhi quickly calmed down. The elite trainer in front of him had already taken the lead in launching a fierce attack.

"Mega Absol, use electromagnetic waves!"

Just like her appearance, Xianxiang also walked in a rigorous academic fighting style, and she was in a disgusting state at first.

Absolu shook his head, and a dense burst of electricity burst out from the curved corner of the sickle above his head, spreading out.

Xiaozhi completely ignored it and pointed his finger at the sky!

The fossil pterosaur understood, unfolded its rock wings and flew into the sky. The violent movement even stirred up air currents, easily blowing away the incoming electromagnetic waves.

(End of this chapter)

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