He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2465 Team Flare’s secret base!

Chapter 2465 Team Flare’s secret base!

Putting aside the matter of mega evolution for now, after completing the door-to-door challenge, Xiaozhi and the others finally had time to appreciate the scenery of Shixiang Town.

The stones in the town are all low and small, with different shapes.

And those huge strange rocks that are more than two meters tall are basically on the edge of the town, surrounding the town at a certain distance.

It is said that if you are lucky, you may even see stone props like evolution stones on the ground.

"It is said that thousands of years ago in Carlos, there was a terrible war. At that time, someone used a special weapon to end the war at once."

Citron walked in front, reading the legends he had heard from his father before.

"It is said that that kind of weapon can take away the life energy of living organisms, and these strange rocks, as well as the Stonehenge on Route 10, are the remains of humans and Pokémon who have had their life energy taken away."

This story made several people have different expressions, Xiaozhi listened with excitement.

It sounds like some area-wide power at the level of ancient gods, which can take away the life energy of living organisms.


Serena, on the other hand, turned a little blue, folded her arms, and subconsciously moved closer to Ash.

Now it's hard for her to look directly at the strange rocks around her. Aren't they just tombstones?
She doesn't have much resistance to ghost stories and the like!

"Well, it's actually just a bedtime story that my father told me before. Geological experts have already checked it. These stones are just stones and have nothing to do with living things. We have to believe in science!"

Citron patted a strange rock over half a meter high in front of him and said seriously.

Even for the ancient war thousands of years ago, it is not clear that that history actually existed in the Kalos region.

"I'll try the power of the waveguide!"

Xiaozhi raised his palm and tried to feel the strange rocks around him.

Waveguides belong to every living being. If these strange rocks had been humans or Pokémon, their waveguide power would have been able to sense something.


Just as his waveguide power spread away, Xiaozhi's expression suddenly changed.

Although these strange bluish-gray rocks erected on the ground of the town are obviously different from normal living organisms.
But again, it feels different from the gravel and sand on the roadside.

Like, somewhere in between.

Xiaozhi quickly put away his waveguide power. These strange rocks felt too weird to him.

Like black holes, as the detection continues, it seems that the power of the waveguide is also drained, and the whole person is sucked in.

At this moment, Xiaozhi also had the same creepy feeling as Serena.

Is it possible that these strange rocks are really ancient tombstones? !
In the northwest corner of Shixiang Town, under this primitive and simple town, a modern underground secret base has been quietly built.

The floors and walls of several floors of the base are covered with silver-white metal, which is bright and bright.

And in the aisles at this moment, from time to time, several avant-garde young men wearing orange uniforms and hairstyles of the same color passed by.

Wearing orange sunglasses, they patrol every aisle of the secret base.

This is Team Flare's secret base.No one would have imagined that such a secret base was built underneath a seemingly backward city.

Of course, Team Flare has secret bases underground in almost every city.

The deepest room is an extremely spacious area with a top that is tens of meters high.

In the center of the room, a huge gray-green spiked instrument stood up, like the top of a spear, with both metal technology and the texture of translucent crystal.

On the surface, it looks very ancient, as if it has been passed down from a long time ago?
Standing in front of the huge crystal spiked instrument was a man with an orange-red explosive lion head. He had a slender body and wore a black slim-fitting suit with orange lines, which made his figure very tall and straight.

His face was serious, as calm as a lion. He stared closely at the crystal instrument in front of him, not knowing what he was thinking.

At this time, a fat man came up from behind, still wearing an orange uniform, which made him look chubby.

Wearing detection glasses, his hair looks a little Mediterranean, and his hair is tied up into little braids.

Kuseloski, one of the top leaders of Team Flare, is also the most brilliant scientist in the organization.

"Hey, those two idiots still let the z2 experimental subject escape!"

As soon as he came up, Kuseloski couldn't help but complain:
"So what should we do next, leader, the z2 experimental subject is extremely important to us!"

He subconsciously leaned forward and nodded to the lion-headed man in front of him, maintaining his subordinate posture.

There is only one person in the entire Flare team that Kuseloski can respect so much——

The leader of Team Flare, Vladali!
And the "Z2 Experimental Subject" he was talking about was the "green cell" that Harry accidentally swallowed in one gulp.

"Experimental subject Z2 is the key to our Flare team's transformation of the world and we must capture it as soon as possible!"

Vladali's expression condensed for a moment and he ordered in a low tone.

The legendary existence is related to the Z god Zygarde, and Zygarde is the monitor of the ecological balance in the Kalos region. He can draw the power of the entire Kalos land for his own use at any time to eliminate the existence that destroys the ecological nature. .

As a covert watcher, he usually doesn't show off his appearance, so he needs to hide his figure completely.

It is said that it can even symbiotically exist with certain Pokémon, hiding directly inside other Pokémon's bodies, making it harder to detect traces.

"Not only the area near Shixiang Town must be searched comprehensively, but also the wild Pokémon around it, including the Pokémon carried by tourists who have entered Shixiang Town, to see if any Pokémon have given birth to incredible miracles recently. Phenomenon!"

Fradali thought rigorously and quickly gave instructions.


Kuselowski nodded and carefully wrote down these key points.

"Fortunately, we still have experimental subject Z1 in our hands. It seems that we must be more vigilant. We can't let this experimental subject escape again!"

Kuseloski smiled happily, and just as he was about to leave, he added:
"By the way, chief, there is another thing. The trainer from the Kanto region that you have been paying attention to before has also come to Shixiang Town."

"Kanto region? Oh. Is it Ash from the real new town?"

Vladali's eyebrows narrowed, and his solemn face couldn't help but become thoughtful.

Such a coincidence. Just as the z2 experimental subject escaped, the boy came nearby?

Since Vladali had investigated Xiaozhi's background information, he would not regard Xiaozhi as some young trainer.
(End of this chapter)

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