He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2484 Sala Celebration!

Chapter 2484 Sala Celebration!

Soon, Xiaozhi and his group put down their luggage, and it was time for dinner, so they started having dinner at the dining table with the three Carlos kids.

"So, is Serena going to challenge the Sara Gym tomorrow?"

Shana frowned, disappointment written unabashedly on her face, which made Serena can only laugh dryly.

This guy hasn’t given up yet!
"I also want to see Serena-chan's gym challenge!!"

Tierno raised his chubby hand and said immediately.

"However, it seems that there will be a Sara Festival held at the Trial Tower tomorrow. Maybe the gym will not be open for challenges, right?"

Doropa was the most rigorous and meticulous among the three little ones, so he couldn't help but speak.

These words actually made Serena and Serena look at each other at the dining table, with passion in their eyes.

It's this celebration, and the prize is a rare keystone!

The two of them had already determined to win a month ago!
They didn't expect that time was so tight. If they had come one day later, they would have missed it!
"I heard that an evolution key stone will be presented as a prize at the celebration. This is a necessary prop to achieve mega evolution."

Obviously, this kind of power is very attractive to every trainer, and the same is true for Doropa and Tierno.

Even Shana, a performer, is also preparing to compete.

On the stage of the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament, showing the gorgeous scene of mega evolution will also be a sure win!

"Ah, so you are planning to participate too?"

Serena was slightly shocked, there were three more competitors!

"By the way, Mr. Xiaozhi, you have it"

Doropa noticed Xiaozhi's bracelet when they first met in the research institute, and today he finally couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, this is my keystone bracelet~"

Xiaozhi shook the back of his hand and showed it to several people.

"It's so beautiful. With this, can I use that mega evolution?"

"Okay! I will definitely win it tomorrow!"

Shana and Tierno also had excited expressions on their faces.

Doropa was relieved. These two companions didn't understand Xiaozhi's power at all.

Fortunately, the other party will not participate tomorrow, otherwise they would have no hope at all!
"Hehe, I disappoint you~"

However, Xiaozhi seemed to have guessed what Doroba was thinking, and he smiled:
“Although I’m not interested in the prize keystone, I am interested in the process of the celebration~so I will still participate~!”

At that time, if Serena or Citron is walking behind you, then simply let go and let the two friends decide the outcome on their own.

But if you are an outsider.
Xiaozhi is ready to defeat the enemy!
With absolute confidence in his own strength, Xiaozhi did not feel that he could not win the first place in such a small competition.


Hearing this, Doropa lowered his head in frustration.

But then I thought about it, it seemed like a good thing to be able to compete on the same stage with Xiaozhi, whom I had always admired? !

This immediately made him feel better again.

The next day, early in the morning.

Ash and his team, including the three little Carlos ones, gathered at the entrance of the Pokémon Center.

“Really comfortable~”

Serena stretched, a look of relief on her face.

After all, they were camping in the wild and slept in a tent for several days. They slept on a soft big bed last night, not to mention how soundly they slept.

“Pica zzz”

Even Pikachu on Xiaozhi's shoulder fell there like a sack, still dozing off.

After gathering, everyone planned to go to the Refining Tower Island next door.There are even a lot of people gathering on the beach along the town's coast at the moment. It is obvious that this Sara celebration is still very popular in the local area, and everyone is heading to the opposite island one after another.

Xiaozhi and his group were preparing to walk down the beach from the high-slope street with concrete solid ground.

Kuangku Kuangku!

On the street behind, there was suddenly the sound of a pulley rotating at high speed and rubbing against the ground.

Immediately afterwards, two figures rushed towards their group and were about to collide.

The two figures jumped up in tacit agreement and synchronization, directly crossing the heads of everyone, and finally landed firmly on the dividing line between the concrete street and the beach.

"Morning exercise is over! Another perfect day!"


One person and one dog gave each other a high-five happily, and they seemed to be partners with a high degree of intimacy.


Xiaozhi took a closer look and realized that he was an acquaintance. It was Korni and her Lucario who he had met not long ago.

"She is a beauty"

Shana couldn't help blurting out in confusion. Although Korni was still wearing a pulley helmet on her head, she still couldn't hide her pretty style.

"What a perfect pulley skill. It's a perfect emergency stop!"

Tierno's focus was on the opponent's elegant pulley movements.

What an awesome roller coaster girl!

"Is this the new Sara Gym Leader? Are you still acquaintances with Xiaozhi and the others?"

Doropa stood at the back, thinking calmly.

"Oh~ Isn't this Ash, Serena, Citron, Yurika~!"

Only then did Korni notice Xiaozhi and his group, her face immediately lit up, she took off her sliding suit in a second, and hurriedly came over to say hello.

She looked at Serena again and said with a fiery face:

"Are you coming to challenge our Sara Gym? I can accept your challenge at any time, Serena!"

"Um, aren't you going to hold a Sara celebration today?"

Citron interrupted quickly. This sentence made Korni react immediately, her face turned red, and she waved her hands in embarrassment.

"Oh, I almost forgot that there are important things today, the gym challenge or something, it won't be until tomorrow at the earliest."

And today is the day when she officially takes over as the leader of the Sara Gym, which makes Kerni extremely excited.

Early in the morning, I took Lucario and roller-skated several times around Salo City as a morning exercise to let off steam.

Now I have to go back to prepare for the Sara celebration.

"The expression on Korni's face is very good. It seems that you have completely mastered the mega evolution, right?"

Xiaozhi joked casually, causing Korni to smile proudly and scratch the back of her head.

"Hey, this is my secret~! I can't tell you yet."

But the excited joy on her and Lucario's faces had completely betrayed them. They almost had "We have mastered mega evolution" written on their foreheads.

For this, Kerni really has to thank that arrogant boy from the Kanto region.

After the other party's guidance, Korni trained at the beach for two more days and successfully allowed Lucario to control his wave missile.

The next mega evolution naturally took place naturally, and there were no more violent phenomena.

Everything is consistent with the theory Xiaomao said verbally!

Even though she was a little dissatisfied with the other party's character, Kerni had to admit that Xiao Mao had a high vision!

(End of this chapter)

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