He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2493 Fierce attack!Long-tailed Firefox vs. Lucario!

Chapter 2493 Fierce attack!Long-tailed Firefox vs. Lucario!

"Now, Magic Leaf!!"

Taking advantage of the fairy wind to barely disperse the metallic sound, Serena took advantage of the situation and counterattacked.

Huayedi picked up the Graxitia flower in her hand and swung it forward suddenly. Countless green leaves flew out in an instant. In conjunction with the fairy wind that had not completely dissipated, it created the effect of a small flying leaf storm.

"The bone stick hits you randomly, block them all!"

Korni's Lucario, on the other hand, held his breath and condensed the bone rod with one stroke of his hands, turning it in front of him to form a fan barrier, easily knocking all the blades apart.

Even with a step, Lucario rushed forward with the bone club and smashed it head on!
boom! !

There was a crisp sound, and Lucario was like hitting a baseball bat, sending the entire body of the petite Huayidi flying out!

Even though Huayidi was using the Graxitia flower to protect her, she felt a little dizzy and almost lost her petals.

"The power of the moon!!"

Gritting her teeth, Serena could only choose to use her ultimate move.

Huayedi quickly came to her senses, raised her petals and chanted, and a pink energy ball quickly condensed into shape and flew out!

Korni punched out and shouted:

"We use wave missiles!!"

Lucario made a gesture of charging up his palms, and the light blue energy bomb also solidified in his hand, and he threw it out!
Boom! !
The two energy bombs collided in mid-air, causing a loud roar and an energy explosion.

The strong air flow even swept towards both ends of the arena at the same time, hitting the chests of the two Pokémon respectively.



Lucario and Huayidi actually fell backwards at the same time and fell into the corners of their respective arenas.

"Tsk, are they evenly matched?!"

Korni was amazed in her heart. Even though her Lucario level was higher, her opponent's power of the moon was actually as powerful as a wave missile?
"Is that Semy's Gracidia flower?"

In the stands, the well-informed Xiao Mao saw the clues at a glance.

This kind of flower really has incredible power, and it forcibly evened the power gap between the two.

The only leveling was in terms of pure output energy, but there was still a big gap in physical strength between the two.

Huayidi had not yet recovered from the aftermath of the explosion, but Lucario on the other side had already stood up and regrouped.

"End the fight, Metal Claw!"

The next moment, Lucario rushed forward, with sharp white claws extending from the backs of his hands.


At an extremely fast speed, a cross claw mark was struck on Huayedi's body, and then Lucario's figure flashed past.

Huayedi's body tensed up for a while, then her eyes turned white, she fainted and fell to the ground.

Graxitia flowers also cover its head
The effect is outstanding!

A little popular science, as the dragon's nemesis, the fairy attribute is only afraid of the steel attribute and the poison attribute.

"Huayedi, you have lost the ability to fight!"

Cocobul quickly said loudly that the process of this game has returned to the starting point.

At this moment, both sides had only one Pokémon left, and they could only fight to the death.

"You've already behaved very well, Huayedi."

Serena first took Huayidi back, and then her eyes were extremely solemn and she stared straight ahead.

The next moment, her last Pokémon also appeared, which was Serena's initial Pokémon, Long-tailed Fox.Speaking of which, the appearance of the long-tailed firefox is quite similar to Serena.

With a girl-like figure and yellow and white fur, the long-tailed fire fox looks like it is wearing a white-collared yellow skirt.

The hair on the slender lower body is short and black, just like Serena, as if her legs are wearing black silk.
"Pre-emptive strike, long-tailed fire fox, use magic flame!!"

Serena didn't care whether she was black or not at the moment, she only wanted to defeat the powerful enemy in front of her.

The long-tailed firefox let out a loud cry, pulled out forked branches from its tail, and the front end ignited flames due to the friction of its fur.

shhhhhh! !

As the branches waved, several rays of fire flew out in an instant, and at the edge of each flame, the blue light of telepathy could be seen with the naked eye, and the flight trajectories were different.

Korni followed suit and commanded again:
"The bone stick hits you randomly, block them all!!"

Lucario danced the energy bone rod in his hand tightly, and turned his body left and right, smashing and scattering all the flames coming from all directions.

With a kick of his feet, he picked up the bone club again and rushed forward!

"Right now, use phantom light!!"

At this time, Serena suddenly shouted.

The long-tailed fire fox also focused his eyes and waved out the branches, exerting his mental power to the limit at once.

Buzz.! !
The phantom light spread out, actually freezing Lucario in mid-air, making it difficult to continue moving.

The opponent did not use mega evolution immediately, which undoubtedly gave Serena a great opportunity.

boom! !

As the long-tailed fire fox pressed the branch downwards, Lucario's figure hit the ground heavily, and smoke filled the air.

Serena even launched fierce attacks one after another, showing no mercy:
"It's not over yet, spray flames!!"

This time, a raging fire burned at the front of the branch, turning into a pillar of fire that roared out.

Boom! !
The flames exploded in Lucario's chest again, creating a huge explosion of flames.
The effect is outstanding! !
"So handsome Serena!!"

In the stands, Yulijia was so excited that she stood up and shouted.

"In this case, maybe we can really win...!"

Citron also looked excited.

After the two cooperated to obtain the keystone bracelet, it seemed as if they had established some kind of revolutionary friendship.
Now we are good sisters!

"Oh~ I thought she was a girl with little fighting ability, but I didn't expect she was well-trained~"

In the stands, Xiao Mao's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but praise him sharply.

Then he suddenly thought of something, and looked at Xiaozhi beside him without hesitating to speak:

"Hey, maybe there is something in her body too."

Xiaozhi did not answer directly, keeping his eyes on the girl who was fighting fiercely on the field, but in the end he nodded solemnly.

There is probably a being similar to a boss from another world in Serena's body.
In the usual training, I didn't help at all.

As a newcomer, Serena can train her Pokémon in an orderly manner, and the training method may even be more scientific than herself?
Obviously, there is an "expert" giving guidance behind the scenes.

But Serena didn't take the initiative to mention it, and Ash didn't ask.


Xiao Mao couldn't help but raise his voice a bit, which was meaningful, but he didn't continue to ask questions, but watched with interest.

(End of this chapter)

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