He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2497 Both mega!Waveguide Brave! !


The wet and solidified beach floor began to shake violently under the powerful trampling of the water arrow turtle.

And the view here is wide and there is no cover at all.
This left Mega Lucario with no choice but to bite the bullet and hold on.

The strong shaking sensation made it frown and make a muffled sound.
The effect is outstanding!

"Bullet Punch!!"

However, the moment the earthquake ended, Mega Lucario still rushed forward, his fists attached to the metal streamer, and hit the Blastoise hard on the chest!
The strong force once again caused the Water Arrow Turtle to retreat.

This time the strength is no better than before.
Not only does the mega evolution improve his own quality, but also the changed characteristics - adaptability, so that the power of fighting and steel-type moves used by Lucario will also increase!

However, taking advantage of the close distance between the two, Xiao Mao's eyes turned cold and he shouted out the ultimate move:

"Blastoise, use the water cannon!!"

Water Cannon, the ultimate move with water attributes, has unparalleled destructive power like the Destructive Death Ray, but at the same time, it will also fall into a freeze period in the next round.

Obviously, Xiaomao's timing of release was very clever and difficult to dodge.

"Use the power of the waveguide to condense the bone rod and block it!!"

There was no other way, so Xiaozhi could only choose to resist.

Lucario understood, and released the power of the waveguide, instantly condensing a solid energy bone rod in his hand - because it comes from the energy of the waveguide, this bone rod also has fighting attributes when it is beaten randomly, and it can enjoy adaptability Strength characteristics bonus.

Then Lucario turned it in his hand to form a fan barrier.

Boom boom boom! !

Even so, the extremely powerful water cannon still hit Lucario's palms and jaws violently, and the bone rod in his hand almost broke.

The body was even hit by the high-pressure current, knocking him backwards for dozens of meters, leaving a long trace on the beach.

But in the end, it survived.

"Good opportunity, use Thunder Fist!!"

Xiaozhi immediately struck out with a heavy punch. The opponent's subsequent freeze period was his perfect opportunity to counterattack!

Lucario waved his hands to relieve the discomfort, and his palms instantly "crackled" with electric light. He kicked his feet and rushed in the direction of the Water Arrow Turtle!


The water arrow turtle was half-kneeling on the ground, panting, unable to move, and could only watch as the violent arc of electricity quickly approached it.

At this time, Xiao Mao suddenly snorted coldly and grinned slyly.

And the finger on one side directly clicked on his keystone ring - Xiaomao's keystone accessory before was also a bracelet, but later he transformed it into a more voluptuous keystone ring.


This time, the dazzling light appears on the Water Arrow Turtle!
With the protection of Mega Evolution's exclusive energy field, the lightning fist thrown by Lucario was completely ineffective, and the whole person was directly ejected by the energy.

Cold Nurse always has an invincible buff when evolving, whether it is normal evolution or mega evolution.

"Tsk, is this the plan?" Xiaozhi was stunned, and he performed a stiff move, and then used mega evolution to offset the stiffness.
Really have you!

When all the light burst out, the Water Arrow Turtle also showed a new attitude.

The body shape becomes thicker and bloated, and the lower limbs are like two steel pillars that can provide strong support, but obviously at the expense of movement speed.

An* leaned forward slightly, and there were not only a bunch of turtle shell holes on each of his wrists.

In the center of the big turtle shell on the back, there is a thick and long cannon barrel protruding, which is placed so powerfully above the head.
Mega water arrow turtle!
"Is it finally here?"

Xiaozhi took a deep breath. If the other party wanted to kill his own mega Lucario by simply relying on the normal Blastoise, he would be looking down on himself.

The real battle begins now!
"Lucario (Blastoise), use wave missile!!"

Even the next moment, the two spoke in unison and chose the same conductor!

Naturally, Mega Lucario immediately raised his arms high, and dark blue energy quickly condensed above his head, gradually forming a giant wave missile.

This made the onlookers widen their eyes.
Is your pro max, a wave missile over one meter wide, a bit illegal? !

But on the other side, the Water Arrow Turtle's offensive was no less impressive.

I saw that it had three cannon barrels, one large, two small, all aimed at the front, and light blue waveguide energy gathered near the cannon holes.
Xiaomao, the water arrow turtle, has the talent to practice the power of waveguide, and he once received the guidance of Xiaozhi, the waveguide hero.

Although the control of the power of the waveguide is definitely not as perfect as that of Ash or Lucario, it is still beyond the ordinary Lucario.

And now after the Blastoise has mega evolved, its own characteristic is that it has become a super launcher.

The power of all wave-type and waveguide-type moves will be increased accordingly.


In the blink of an eye, the Blastoise actually condensed an extremely huge wave missile. In terms of volume, it was even more than twice the size of the Mega Lucario wave missile!
"Ah, gods fight, right?!"


Korni and her Lucario looked a little bit off guard. Compared with these two people, it felt like the wave missiles they released were just like toys!
Of course, the waveguide energy contained in the compression is stronger than that of Lucario. This can be distinguished by just looking at the color of the two wave missiles.

So at the next moment, the two of them threw their wave missiles at the same time!
Along the way, just the aftermath of the airflow broke through the beach below, and the energy bombs of the body made bursts of air-piercing sounds, and finally collided together in the center of the beach.

Boom boom boom! !

The two huge waves of energy exploded completely. In addition to a huge explosion on the spot, they even formed a strong and powerful energy flow that kept blowing in all directions.

They even blasted out repulsive waveguide energy toward both sides of the arena.
boom! !

Lucario and Blastoise were both hit in the chest by their own moves, and their bodies flew backwards and fell. In the end, they landed less than half a meter in front of Xiaozhi and Xiaomao. Stop.

Evenly matched!

"Damn it, is the water arrow turtle's waveguide power already so strong?!"

Xiaozhi's mouth opened wide. His half-assed Waveguide Hero level and the super transmitter characteristics were actually completely on par with Lucario, the real Waveguide Hero!
Sure enough, he is indeed Xiaomao.

Even though he has retired and changed careers now, he will never let go of his ability as a trainer easily!

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