He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2536 appears! mega lizard king!

On the other side, Xiaozhi also sent one of his generals, and considering that the opponent this time was at the level of the King of the Alliance, he also specially selected a powerful general.

The red light fell, and a majestic and cold-looking Lizard King appeared in front of Xiaozhi.

He squinted at his opponent, and as soon as he appeared, he broke off a branch from the tail and held it in his mouth at will, covering his forehead.

"Is it the Lizard King from the three Yus in the Fangyuan region?!"

Citron recognized the other party. After all, the three Gosanjia in the Fangyuan area also appeared in the mega evolution list, so he had some impressions.

It's just that the Lizard King doesn't have an advantage at all in terms of attributes between the two!
After all, the giant pincer mantis has a combination of steel + insect attributes. Among the 18 attributes, it is only afraid of the fire attribute.

As for other attributes, most of them even have a certain degree of resistance.

"Attribute restraint and the like have no effect on my Lizard King. Mega evolution, Lizard King!!"

As soon as the battle began, Xiaozhi pointed his finger on the keystone bracelet and shouted loudly.

The entire body of the Lizard King in front of him was bursting with dazzling light, and his body shape began to change.

"Are you serious about it as soon as you come up? Then we can't relax!"

Heavenly King Yankai could sense the strength of this lizard king and did not dare to be careless at all. He raised his hand and opened a protrusion of the armor on his chest. There was actually an evolution key stone hidden inside.


The next moment, the same brilliant light of mega evolution appeared on the giant pincer mantis.

In the whirling sand environment, both Pokémon completed their mega evolution!


The Mega Lizard King shouted loudly, revealing a new posture with a strong sense of coercion and domineering.

In addition to the fact that the leaves on the arms have become more numerous, the most special thing is that the tail has become more slender, mixed with red and green colors, and the end has turned into a huge and sharp spiked drill.

The Mega Lizard King has acquired the attributes of a dragon at this moment, and every move and every move reveals the ferocious aura of a giant dragon.

On the other side, the Mega Giant Pincer Mantis looks more like it has been mechanically transformed, with many parts of its body showing mechanization.

In addition to some parts being covered with black armor, the two iconic ghost-headed pliers have also become more slender, with more sharp serrations in the middle.

The battle begins!

"Giant Claw Mantis, use bullet punch!!"

At the beginning of the battle, Mega Giant Pincer Mantis closed its pincers in a boxing shape, transformed into a dark red stream of light, and rushed over quickly!
"Lizard King, defend quickly!"

Faced with this extremely fast preemptive strike, the Mega Lizard King's eyes were solemn and focused, and his arms were raised in front of him to protect him, condensing an air wall barrier out of thin air.

It directly deflected the oncoming giant mantis without giving it a chance.

Yan Kai tensed up his nerves and attacked continuously:

"It's not over yet, Yan Hui!!"

The Mega Giant Pincer Mantis is also extremely agile. Now that it was ejected, it vibrated its wings at a high frequency, spun around in the air, dived close to the ground, and once again rushed straight towards the Lizard King at a tricky angle!

In response, the Lizard King just flicked his tail and pressed forward with great force!
"It's useless. It's too easy to dodge such a big move!"

However, Heavenly King Yankai's smile didn't last long before the smiling expression shifted to Xiao Zhi's face.

However, he saw that it was not just the tail that was swung down by the Lizard King, but also a surging and powerful light blue arrogant wind on both sides of the tail.
It's widespread destruction! !The current Mega Lizard King has real dragon attributes. It can cause wide-area damage with heavy blows, and the power of the dragon's tail is frightening.

Even though the Giant Pincer Mantis relied on its tricky Yan Hui move to dodge the physical whipping attack from its tail, it was still affected by the powerful arrogance.

boom! !

His figure was swept away heavily, he inserted his pair of pincers into the ground to relieve his force, flew several meters away, and then stopped his backward movement.


After a brief exchange, Heavenly King Yankai couldn't help but marvel.

First, there is the "quick defense" that is crisp and can resist pre-emptive moves, and then there is the "wide area destruction" with great momentum.
No, it seems that I am the next challenger now! ?
"Well done, Lizard King, keep fighting!"

Xiaozhi took a breath and praised him.

As someone who carries the banner in the Fangyuan region, his current strength as the Lizard King is particularly strong.

It's just a pity that the opponent is a mantis with giant pincers covered in steel. The Lizard King's proud and signature slashes are so ineffective that they can't be used at all.

"It's our turn to attack! Lizard King, double chop!!"

This time Xiaozhi took the initiative to attack. The Mega Lizard King in front of him jumped out lightly, and his claws were attached with dark blue energy flames, turning into two ferocious and sharp dragon claws!
"Giant pincer mantis, double wings!!"

On the other side, after the Mega Giant Pincer Mantis circled in the air, it also swooped down, and the wings behind it lit up with white light.
Yan Kai, a giant pincer mantis, is rare. Pokémon whose characteristics have not changed before and after mega evolution are all technical master characteristics - when using low-power moves, the power will be increased.

The double wings attack twice in a row, and the total damage has long exceeded the limit of technical experts.

However, since it is a continuous move, the damage is calculated in two times. This allows both wings to also enjoy the bonus of the technical master's characteristics.

This means that the power of Giant Pincer Mantis' double-winged attack directly reaches the level of Brave Bird's Onslaught, and it is a Brave Bird's Onslaught without any negative effects!

Bang Bang!

Bang Bang! !
The two consecutive chops collided with the wings alternately, making violent explosions. In terms of strength, the Lizard King was actually slightly inferior. He stepped back slightly, leaving a half-meter-long mark on the ground with his lower limbs.
"Wide area destruction!!"

However, Mega Lizard King's movements were also extremely fast, and he used two consecutive slashes to one side at the same time to forcefully deflect the opponent's attack.

Taking advantage of the situation, he raised the tip of his tail and aimed it at the target.

The next moment, an unbelievable scene appeared.

The Lizard King's tail was attached with dragon attribute flames, and then it started to rotate at high speed like a drill, and was separated from the root of the tail.

Boom boom boom! !

It turned into a huge dragon flame drill cannon and shot directly in the direction of the giant pincer mantis!
This frightened both Giant Pincer Mantis and Yan Kai.

The giant pincer mantis quickly moved to the side to dodge, which was quite embarrassing, but in the end, it successfully avoided this move.

"Is it similar to a gecko's tail being docked?"

Even as he was still frightened, Heavenly King Yankai took advantage of the situation and attacked:

"Now, cross scissors!!"

After successfully evading this wide-area destructive drill, the Mega Giant Pincer Mantis swooped down again, its arms in a cross-cutting posture, and rushed straight towards the Lizard King!

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