He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 254 Wind speed dog, tear his armor to pieces

Chapter 254 Wind speed dog, tear his armor to pieces

The psychic bondage was broken again, which caused the Iron Armored Pokémon to retreat half a step because of its loss of strength, and also made Sakagi, who was watching the battle above, look in disbelief.

Did you really break free? !

and many more.

Sakagi frowned suddenly, he was talking about the second best?

So what is the first good at?
Before Sakagi could ask a question, the cool wind speed dog in front of him suddenly jumped out of the ground, and in the next instant, his figure disappeared from the arena like a breeze.

"call out"

On the arena, at this moment, only an extremely blurred red-black phantom can be seen, accompanied by the dancing brown-yellow mane around the phantom, it seems that there is a ghost of a gluttonous beast echoing on the arena, but it cannot be caught. traces.

The sense of terrifying oppression is even more infiltrating than the previous psychic power.
Iron Armored Pokémon did not dare to be careless, and quickly raised both arms, condensing a blue light barrier around the body to try to defend.

"Huh? Fighting with me, do you still want to wear that power limiter?"

The green eyebrows were raised, one hand subconsciously covered his eyes, and he bent back slightly, his body could not help trembling, and then he sneered again and again, looking like a demon.

"The wind speed dog, tear up its iron armor"


As soon as the voice fell, something resembling a mechanical part fell out of thin air in a corner of the arena.


When the machine completely fell, the blue light barrier in front of the iron armored Pokémon suddenly had a shocking beast claw mark, which was torn open, and the iron armor around the chest was completely torn to pieces, sending out The sound of residual current.

However, the figure of the wind speed dog has never appeared from beginning to end, and the phantom is constantly flickering in various places.

Qinglu just looked at the human-shaped Pokémon in front of him with a little contempt.

"If you don't use all your strength, you can't last three rounds in my hands."

He wants to shred all the restrictive iron armor on the opponent.

"Godly fast?"

Sakagi quickly recognized the skill used by the wind speed dog. In the rapidly moving phantom, he faintly saw a faint blue light, which was the sign of the speed of the skill.

It's just that the speed is too fast.
Moreover, the Pokémon that can use the speed are generally small or well-proportioned. The huge figure like the wind speed dog uses the speed, and the sense of oppression is too strong!

After a short period of confusion, the Iron Armored Pokémon once again raised its arms to set up the defense, and concentrated on activating its mind power, trying to block it.


However, the blue light was faster than the speed of thought power every time, and it penetrated the power of thought in an understatement as if it were untouchable.



The blue light surrounded him 360 degrees and kept attacking, and the Iron Armored Pokémon frantically gathered blue light around the body to defend, exhausted, but every time it was a little worse, the iron armor on his body was torn to pieces by the blue light.

Even when Qingguang approached him, the shadow of the lion's head with its mane dancing wildly revealed in an instant, as well as the fierce eyes that appeared to devour him in the phantom, all brought him great pressure.

In less than a few breaths, the iron armor attached to his arms, back, thighs and ankles shattered, and the only mechanical part at this moment was the steel helmet on his head.


His mind was even more chaotic. Like Xiao Mao, this Iron Armored Pokémon was too smooth and had never experienced any failures. No matter who the opponent was, any battle would be crushed.

impossible! !

The Iron Armored Pokémon's mentality had already collapsed a little at this time. In the helmet, several blue veins had been protruding on the forehead due to sullenness.

Another whistling azure light shot from the front, accompanied by the phantom of the lion's head around it, which captured and devoured people!

"Stop it!!"

This was the only thought in his mind. He raised his arm again, concentrated all his mental power, and concentrated all his power in front of him, turning it into an unbreakable barrier of thought power.


This time he finally caught up with the speed of the wind speed dog, the blue light fell on the mind barrier, the movement stopped a little, and the red and yellow figure of the wind speed dog was exposed in the air.


However, the thunderstorm roar exploded in the ear again, and the azure light that had just suffocated rioted again, the wind speed dog's limbs and muscles trembled, and the food came in an instant, this time it didn't even penetrate the mental barrier, but directly The barrier is completely torn apart, as easily as tearing a piece of tissue paper.

"Whoosh whoosh!!"

The azure light and the lion shadow rushed towards the face, making this Iron Armored Pokémon feel fearful for the first time in its heart.

"call out"

The azure light flashed by, and the figure of the wind speed dog finally fully appeared on the field, revealing a cool back, his mane dancing wildly.

On the other end, the Iron Armor Pokémon still maintains the action of guarding his head with his hands, and lowered his hands after realizing that the attack has ended. At this moment, only his head is still wearing an iron armor helmet, and the iron armor on other parts has been completely torn. broken.


The sound of claws slicing across metal.

Three wild beast claw marks suddenly appeared on the iron armor of the helmet, and then the entire helmet turned into countless pieces and fell. This mysterious Pokémon finally fully exposed its head, and the one exposed in the air was a confused face. Forced face.

His face and facial features are a bit like that of a human baby, with milky white skin and a pair of protruding tentacles on the top of his head.

It has a human-shaped body, but the arms and waist of the upper body are somewhat slender, the purple abdomen is connected to the large tail at the back, and there are a pair of creamy white thighs and hind legs.

The armor is completely shattered!

"Impossible." Sakagi lost his voice.

Qinglu smiled unexpectedly. At this moment, his wind speed dog can use the speed of God while still using his explosive power smoothly, and his strength has reached a peak.

This power is not necessarily able to fight even if the opponent completely lifts the restrictions, let alone mechanical restrictions.

"Hmph, I'm about to reach that level, this time, I'm stronger than you, Chi"

Qinglu clenched his fists, secretly contented in his heart.

Looking at the humanoid Pokémon in front of him, who was still confused, and even began to doubt his life, the corner of his green mouth raised a faint smile, and he casually called out his name.

"Artificial genetic Pokémon, Mewtwo."

"How did you know his name!?"

Sakagi, who was above him, slapped the railing on the spot, his face full of incredulity, looking at the blue-green face that was not yet mature, but those eyes seemed to have undergone a lot of tempering, which made his heart finally rise a little bit of fear.

It actually ripped apart the iron armor on the invincible Mewtwo! ?
Why does he know Mewtwo's name! ?

"who are you!!"

Sakagi's face has changed greatly, no longer looking at the new trainer, but looking at Qinglu with a look at the unknown and terrifying existence.

"Tsk, you've actually been reduced to the point where you need to resort to outside power to be aggressive. You really lost the face of the owner of the Vibana Gym, Sakagi."

Qinglu just sneered unscrupulously.

(End of this chapter)

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