He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2540 Return to Miare Gym!

After passing through the wilderness area of ​​Route 13, Xiaozhi and his party returned to Miare City again.

The four dusty people, with a lot of red sand on their faces and bodies, stood side by side at the entrance to the north of Miare City. They seemed a bit out of place with the modern and fashionable city style in front of them.

"Ah! I'm so dirty. I need to take a shower right away!!"

Serena couldn't wait any longer and walked impatiently at the front.

Xiaozhi and others quickly followed.

"It seems that the chaos here has stopped."

As the local gym leader, Citron also noticed that the barricade blocking the northern entrance had been moved aside.

Once inside, the lights of the shop buildings on both sides of the street were turned on, and there was no commotion on the street.

The previous chaotic power outage should have ended completely.

Speaking of which, Citron is a little ashamed. He is not a famous figure in Miare City.

Generally speaking, the gym leaders in a city are the most famous people in the local area and have the highest authority.

Just wave and most of the citizens will respond.

But after all, Miare City is the central city of the Carlos region and has a great stake.
As the leader of the local Miare Gym, he has a very low sense of presence and is actually somewhat dispensable.

"Brother, let's take back the gym tomorrow!!"

Walking towards the Pokémon Center in the north of the city, Yulijia clenched her fists and said with great energy.

"Yes, yes! In that case, Citron and I can complete the gym challenge!"

Serena also reconsidered beside her.

She would rather have a battle with Citron than against a creepy robot trainer.

On the way to Miare City, Citron had confessed his experience to Serena——

Because of an error in the program, he was kicked out by the robot trainer he invented, and he could not return home.

It wouldn't be a good thing to hear about this.

"Well, I'll go back to Prism Tower tomorrow!"

Citron also secretly clenched his fists, looking excited, and his eyes couldn't help but fall on Xiaozhi beside him.

During this journey, he has learned a lot from Xiaozhi, and the most important thing is to learn the confidence that Xiaozhi has!

There is no reason why the robot you invented cannot conquer it!

"Oh! You're so motivated Citron!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi laughed and patted the latter's shoulder, then walked into a Pokémon Center nearby.

Speaking of which, this was also the place where he first met Citron.

Citron now is indeed very different from what he was two months ago.
After a night of rest and organization, the four of them arrived under the Prism Tower in high spirits the next morning.

“This is the second time I’ve seen this tower, and it’s still so spectacular.”

Xiaozhi raised his head almost to the limit. The iron tower in front of him was still invisible, connected to the sky.

"Citron was in the middle at that time, and he must have been dropped by his own robot."

He couldn't help but remember the scene.

"There is no need to mention this kind of detail!!" Citron's face turned red, he waved his hands in a panic, and walked at the front to board the Prism Tower.

All four sides of the Prism Tower are accessible, and the tower can be climbed on three sides, but they are only sightseeing routes for tourists.

The last side leads to the Miare Gym inside the tower.

After a while, everyone climbed up the elevator and arrived at a dark and closed corridor, surrounded by dark metal, with arcs even flowing from time to time on the surface.

Citron and Yurika were naturally as familiar as returning home, while Xiaozhi and Serena were walking behind, looking around curiously.

The atmosphere here is more like a ghost gym.
All the way to the end of the corridor, there is a large thick iron door in front of you.

Sensing someone approaching, a screen extended from the big iron door, and a robot's head appeared on it.

"This is the robot I invented, named Hitroit!"

Citron whispered to a few people that the robot's name was somewhat similar to his.

"This is the Miare Gym! How many badges has the challenger collected so far?!"

A mechanical sound came from the screen, getting straight to the point.

Seeing this, Citron and Serena looked at each other, and the latter came to the front.

"My name is Serena, and I have collected four badges so far!"

This door-opening procedure was designed by Citron himself, and he also specially added the inquiry and detection of four badges.

Citron has designed two difficulties for his Hitroit. Those with more than four badges correspond to high difficulty, and those with less than four badges correspond to low difficulty, allowing the machine to better match challengers.

However, after the procedure was messed up, four badges became a strict qualification threshold. Trainers who did not have four badges would be turned away by Hitroit.

Even at the beginning, Hitroit would violently throw the challenger from a floor more than ten meters high. This is a dangerous behavior that may harm other people's lives!
Fortunately, the first ones to be thrown out were the Citron brothers and sisters.

Before traveling with Xiaozhi, Citron deliberately returned here and rewritten part of the program outside the door - challengers who did not reach the threshold were sent back to the first floor through the sliding tunnel instead of being thrown out directly.

That's all he can do.

For other changes, Hitron must open Hitron's "brain" and directly connect to its terminal motherboard to make program modifications.

After hearing Serena's answer, the detection equipment was extended from above the iron gate.

Serena quickly took out her badge box, which contained four badges arranged neatly.


After the inspection was correct, the heavy iron gate slowly opened, revealing an empty arena floor inside.

Since four badges were the only pass to open this door, Citron could only ask Serena to be at the front and clear the way.

In the center of this open indoor arena, stood a silver-gray robot. Its body structure was extremely simple and it looked a bit crude.

There is also a lightning-shaped yellow mark on the top of the head, which is similar to the stupid hair on Citron's forehead.

"Challenger, Serena from Chaoxiang Town! Please stand at one end of the arena, and other entourage members please sit in the spectator seats next to them immediately, otherwise severe punishment will be triggered!!"

As soon as everyone came in, Hitroit sounded an alarm and urged, his eyes flashing, as if he would do something serious at any time.

"How about Citron?"

Xiaozhi glanced at Citron and asked in a low voice.

At this distance, his Pikachu could shoot an iron tail and turn this violent machine into scrap metal.

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