He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2552 Maggie Elle and Hansen?

The next day, inside the Pokémon Center adjacent to the yellow square.

After knocking the helmeted girl unconscious in one fell swoop, everyone could only send her to a nearby Pokémon Center when they saw that she still didn't wake up.

After Miss Joy's treatment, he was generally fine, but he was still lying on the bed and did not wake up immediately.

Xiaozhi and his team are also in this Pokémon Center, trying to find out the identity of the helmeted girl.

"This helmet is a special brain control device, and this set of tights is not simple. It can be remotely controlled to automatically assist in exerting force on the joints of the human body."

At this moment, Citron was sitting in the lobby of the Pokémon Center. In front of him was the "motorcycle helmet" and the black tights with orange shoulder pads - the other party's clothes, which were naturally changed by Miss Joy.

Not long after Citron inspected it, he couldn't help but marvel at the gold content of this "combat uniform"!
This means that this girl does not need any superhuman physical fitness or learning martial arts routines.
You don't even need to be awake and sleeping under your clothes to automatically complete those non-human actions!

"Who is behind the scenes?"

Citron rubbed his head, looking puzzled.

The people behind it need to have extremely cutting-edge high technology.

Moreover, the purpose of inventing this long-range combat suit is also suspicious.

"Does this mean that this girl may be innocent?"

Xiaozhi also yawned and walked over and said casually.

The heart-stirring tricks you used before can be directed to Miss Junsha.

But what is surprising is that the Miare gang members did not leave, but stayed outside the mysterious girl's room all night.

If Miss Joy hadn't been worried about the crowd and asked them to guard outside, maybe these people would even sleep directly next to the bed.

"The relationship is really good?"

Serena was also surprised. Are these bad boys so friendly?
And he didn't seem to be too surprised by the appearance of this mysterious girl under the mask. He should have known the latter's appearance a long time ago.

With a cute chubby little dog beside her, Miss Joy pushed the cart past and asked by the way:
"Well, I need to know this girl's family or emergency contact person. Do you know?"

Xiaozhi and the others looked at each other, but the leader of the Miare gang, who only had a bunch of blue hair tattoos on his head, hesitantly said:

"Well, as for Maggie's contact person, I should know someone."

Everyone realized again that this mysterious black-haired girl's original name was Maggie Elle, which was a very nice name.

Wenmo then walked to the public phone booth to make a call, and Xiaozhi followed curiously.

The black technology in the Kalos area is still very powerful. It is not even a computer screen, but a holographic projection rising in the sky.


As the call got through, an unexpected face appeared on the holographic image.

This is a middle-aged man with short gray-black hair and a slender face that looks very decent and serious.
"Eh?! Mr. Hansen?!"

Xiaozhi's eyes widened and he couldn't help but move closer to the screen.

Wen Mo was also stunned. Why did this kid know Uncle Hansen?

After a night of getting along with each other, everyone in the Miare Gang became a lot more polite to Xiaozhi and his group. They knew that it was the mission entrusted by the Flame Chicken Mask and was not really aimed at killing their gang.

Of course, what’s more, I saw Xiaozhi’s superhuman fighting power last night.
I can only give in! "Ah, isn't this Xiaozhi? Why are you with Wenmo and the others?"

At the other end of the video, Hansen also looked puzzled.

"Uncle Hansen, this is what happened!"

Wen Mo quickly explained, and from Zhong Xiaozhi he roughly understood the relationship between this group of people.

It turns out that this girl named Maggie El is an orphan, homeless, and has been living on the streets of Miare City since she was a child.

At that time, Hansen happened to have opened a detective agency in the city of Miare. As a surface job, it was convenient for him to secretly carry out international patrol work.

Of course, he will actually accept some detective missions during this period.

During an investigation, Hansen accidentally met Maggie Elle and asked her to stay in the office as his assistant.

The Miare Gang also formed a bond between the two of them during a certain operation.

I realized that these bad boys were not bad in nature and were not villains.
Hansen and Marchielle lent a helping hand to the gang and protected the Miare gang when faced with attacks from other gangs.

Therefore, the Miare gang admired and respected Hansen very much and regarded them as their saviors.

"It's just my job. Ahem, I can't stay here forever."

On the screen, Hansen suddenly coughed and winked at Xiaozhi.

His identity as an international patrol officer was not informed to the Miare gang, but Xiaozhi was aware of it.

After leaving, the work of the firm was naturally handed over to Magielle. Of course, this was originally used to hide his identity, and Hansen was not very concerned about this firm.

"It's strange. Magiel should be just accepting simple commissions now. Why would she suddenly put on this high-tech battle suit and attack you?"

After listening to Xiaozhi's story, Hansen touched his chin in confusion.

Although their International Patrol Headquarters also has similar combat uniforms, he is not a combat personnel and has not left such equipment in the Carlos area.

And looking at the design, it's obviously not a technological product of their international patrol.

After thinking to no avail, Hansen could only shrug helplessly:

"Anyway, please, Wenmo, I will leave Magielle under your care from now on. I have something to do here and I can't go back to the Kalos area for the time being."

"Leave it to me, Mr. Hansen!!"

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!!"

Wen Mo, as well as the five or six Miare gang members behind him, nodded excitedly and agreed. Being able to take care of the people they admired seemed to be a reward for them?
"And what's that Miare doing? You better not continue to use this title in the future. Carlos hasn't been peaceful recently."

In the tone of an elder, Hansen did not forget to warn:

"In the future, you can follow Marchielle and run the Hanson Detective Agency with that kid. If you have more people to accompany you, there should be no problem."

Hansen even directly took over the work of this group of people.

Hearing that there was such a good thing, everyone in the Miare Gang naturally agreed with joy.

No one wanted to huddle in the dirty and narrow alleys every day, so they announced the disbandment of the Miare gang on the spot!

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