He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2558 Did the enemy apologize first? !

Soon, Xiaozhi and Fradali were sitting on opposite sides of each other. One was taller and the other was shorter, but their eyes were staring at each other closely.

The atmosphere seemed a little stiff, which made Dr. Buratano, who was sitting in the middle, a little embarrassed.


Limone, who was attracting fire at the front desk, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Fradali had come to see Xiaozhi.

Sitting on the seats next to each other, Yulijia also stared at Fradali curiously, glanced at a sign in the cafe, and couldn't help but complain:

"This man really looks like a flaming lion!"

Seeing that the two of them were silent, Dr. Bratano coughed and decided to let him talk.

Originally, he had made an appointment with Fradali to come here today to resolve the "conflict" between him and Xiaozhi.

"Ahem, you two should have some understanding of each other's identities. I won't introduce Fradali. In fact, the reason why we invited you here today is to ask you why there are so many people on Team Flare's online platform. Those remarks made by Xiaozhi appeared?"

The doctor got straight to the point:

"Is there something wrong somewhere, or was it posted randomly by someone?"

He and Fradali still have some close friendship. He hopes that this matter is just a misunderstanding and there will be no irreconcilable conflicts between the two parties.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi was also full of energy and stared at the other person closely, curious about how the lion head would defend himself.

Or are you pretending to be innocent and ignorant?
However, Vladali's brows widened and he admitted directly without any ambiguity:

"Yes, this is indeed the case, and it was only with my approval that Xiaozhi-kun's remarks appeared on Carlos's network."

His tone was quite polite, and he even called Xiaozhi very politely.

However, when he heard the other party admit it directly, Xiaozhi immediately slammed the table and stood up. The action scared Dr. Buratano next to him.

"Then you also know that the insulting remarks were not approved by me, right? And I have never felt that the quality of the trainers in the Kalos region is low, so I have never insulted them!"

Xiaozhi immediately scolded angrily.

He doesn't care what the leader of a large organization is, he'll just complain if he needs to!

However, Fradali's tone remained calm and he slowly replied:
"Well, I know that although you have outstanding strength, you are a humble and kind-hearted young man. It is impossible for you to have such hostile thoughts towards any region, or even insult me. It is indeed a pure attempt to smear you. character"

Vladali obviously had a very high opinion of Xiaozhi and did not hesitate to praise him.

However, his eyes suddenly sharpened and he asked:
"But Xiaozhi-kun, you yourself have not done this kind of slander. Do you have any substantial objections?"

"You can definitely express your attitude on the Internet about slanderous remarks on the Internet. For example, you should be able to publish a statement in the "Miare Newspaper" with which you have a good relationship, so those insulting remarks will naturally It will defeat itself."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi's angry expression solidified slightly, and he was a little stunned.

Indeed, Miss Pansy had mentioned to him before about publishing a statement in their magazine, but he refused.

As for the reason
"And from what I understand, every time a master comes to challenge you, you will be excited to accept it, right?"

Fradali's words continued to output, and they hit the point directly.

"Isn't what I did a good thing? The number of elite trainers who have mastered mega evolution is very small. With your strength, Xiaozhi, you will not challenge the gym leader. Is it possible that you come to our Kalos area for a trip? Are you willing to just be a bystander all the way without fighting with your own hands?" When saying this, Vladali also glanced at Serena at the farthest table in the cafe, who was looking at this blankly. On the side.

Obviously, he knew the intelligence of Xiaozhi and his team very well, and knew that Serena was the one in the team who challenged the gym leader.

"Carlos' trainers are all very arrogant. If you don't use words like that to provoke them, how can they be willing to fight you?"

"And after every battle, Xiaozhi-kun, you also explained it to them, and they were accepted and believed, right?"

Fradali's continuous rhetorical questions left Xiaozhi speechless and difficult to refute.

The other party was the leader of a large group. He was born with a very contagious and inflammatory speech eloquence, and he completely took the initiative in the conversation from the very beginning.

As for Xiaozhi, he is better at using his hands than using his words.

"As the masters who challenge you become more powerful, famous big shots may eventually come to your door."

"At that time, on a public stage, you will defeat your opponent and explain on the big screen that the people in the Carlos area will only turn your haters to fans in an instant."

Fradali spread his hands and even took all the responsibility for the consequences:
"When that time comes, you can naturally say that it's our Flare Group's problem and spread random rumors."

"As the leader of the Flare Group, I can also apologize to you in public."

After this combination of punches, Xiaozhi was so frightened that he couldn't reply.

There seems to be no problem?
Even Team Flare seems to be good to me? !
Dr. Burratano: "."

He glanced at his old friend and secretly marveled that he was still as eloquent as before.

If he continues to fool around, Xiaozhi will probably have to say thank you to Fradali.

"Well, anyway, let's not talk about anything else. You have indeed caused a bad smear to Xiaozhi's image, and this whole thing has never been approved by Xiaozhi himself."

Dr. Buratano coughed and decided to help Xiaozhi speak.

He couldn't sit idly by and watch Fradali fool the child.

However, Fradali’s attitude was also extremely rude and impeccable:
"In that case, I will sincerely apologize to you here now."

He even stood up and bowed to Xiaozhi very simply.


This did not help Xiaozhi. He originally wanted to spray, but the enemy just bent down and bowed to you? !

"As for those remarks, if you still mind, I can delete them immediately. But after all, they have been circulating on the Internet for 3 or 4 months. Even if they are deleted now, they will have little meaning."

Dr. Buratano raised his eyebrows. The implication of the other party's words was that Xiaozhi didn't find Team Flare at the first time.

"As for the losses caused, I can also compensate you."

Fradali suddenly looked in the direction of the kitchen backstage and said in a deep voice:
"Then how about using an electric dragon mega stone as compensation?" (End of Chapter)

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