He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2572 Gym challenge, Ma Xiu vs. Tierno!

Chapter 2572 Gym challenge, Ma Xiu vs. Tierno!
After a while, everyone walked along the traditional wooden stairs to the third floor platform.

This place is actually more like a large square, with a challenge arena on one side and a model catwalk stage on the other, separated by three or four-story wooden buildings in the middle.

“It’s really a magnificent building.”

Xiaozhi couldn't help but sigh, speaking of the gyms in the Kalos area, each one is grander and richer than the other.

At this moment, the figures standing at both ends of the field——

On one side is naturally the Aromatherapy Gym Leader, Miss Ma Xiu.

She is indeed a rare beauty. Her fair face is covered with delicate makeup, and her dark eyes are like those of a fairy Pokémon, with a strange sense of charm.

Her long black hair was spread straight down, with small purple wing-shaped hair accessories on both sides.

Wearing a pink and yellow wide-sleeved dress, it is obviously a combination of the styles of the Johto area and the Kalos area.

The wide-sleeved kimono, waist and skirt are designed like a Gothic skirt. With arms spread out, the whole person looks like a pink and yellow butterfly.


Yulijia couldn't hold it any longer. If the other party hadn't been concentrating on the challenge now, she would have jumped on her brother's behalf to propose.

As for the opponent who is challenging Miss Ma Xiu, he is also an acquaintance.

This is a fat man wearing short-sleeved shirts with mini ice patterns painted on his chest, and has short black hair that stands up and is parted.


Xiaozhi was stunned for a moment, is that his name?
That's right, this guy is also challenging the Kalos Alliance, so it's normal for him to bump into him here.

Immediately, everyone did not disturb the two people who were concentrating on the battle, and sat in the spectator seats nearby.

Xiaozhi subconsciously glanced at the Pokémon on the field and the real-time battle information displayed on the electronic screen above.

This was a 3v3 battle. Tierno defeated the first Pokémon named Fenxiangxiang sent by Miss Maxiu.

It looks like a pink bird with a small gray beak and no fighting ability.

At this moment, Miss Ma Xiu sent a second Pokémon, which was an old acquaintance of Xiaozhi.

Looking at the pink and white humanoid doll at one end of the arena, it has ears and angled boots that resemble those of a circus clown. Its fingers are spread out and swinging in the air in front of it, as if there is a wall of air in front of it.

"It's actually a magic wall doll!?"

Xiaozhi was delighted, he was so familiar with this Pokémon.

But Miss Ma Xiu is the owner of the fairy-like hall, right?
Is the Demon Wall Doll a fairy-type Pokémon? It seems that I have never seen the little monster at home. That guy has used any fairy-type moves.

On the other side, Tierno's situation is a bit serious.

"Magic Wall Doll, magic shines!!"

Ma Xiu let out a soft drink, and the magic wall puppet in front of her spread its fingers, and its whole body emitted a dazzling pink light.

Raichu, who dispatched Tierno in an instant, narrowed his eyes.

And under the cover of bright light, the Magic Wall Doll rushed forward, covered with a pink energy coat.
Bang Bang! !
It hit Raichu hard, knocking the latter's fat body away at once, and finally fell to the ground.

Magic Shine can not only burst out with dazzling light like electricity, but also produce a physical impact effect similar to a life-threatening collision.


Under this violent blow, Raichu fell to the ground very simply, his eyes rolled, and he lost the ability to fight on the spot.


Tierno held his head, sweating profusely on his forehead.

At this moment, his first Pokémon, Lotus Cap, had been defeated, and then Raichu also fell.

"Damn it, there's only one left!"

Tierno clenched his chubby fists and had no choice but to fight.Inadvertently, I suddenly caught a glimpse of Xiaozhi and his group in the spectator seats.

"Huh?! Wait a minute, why is Serena-chan here?!"

Tierno was startled, and after a quick greeting with his eyes, he looked in front of him again.

The fairy-looking gym owner opposite is too powerful. But we can’t embarrass ourselves in front of Serena-chan today!
"Please, my last dance partner!!"

The last Poké Ball was opened, and what appeared was naturally his initial Pokémon, the Cammy that had completed its evolution.

"Kami kami.!"

As soon as it came out, the Cammy turtle and Tierno danced a hip-hop dance in unison, and their bodies started to move.

This is their customary dance strategy.


Ma Xiu didn't make a sound to stop him, raised one wide sleeve to half cover the corner of her mouth, and watched with slight interest.

Although this fat boy has average strength, his fighting style is quite original.
"It's now, Frozen Light!!"

Tierno took the lead in launching the attack. Cammy Turtle's leaping body suddenly stopped, its mouth opened, and piercing blue lightning suddenly shot out.

However, Ma Xiu's response was very bland:

"Wall of light.!"

The Demon Wall Doll understood, and placed its palms flat in front of it, moving in parallel as if cleaning glass.

Under the sunlight, you can barely see the outline of a translucent light wall.


The freezing light did not even pass through the wall of light, but was directly bounced away, and the ice mist dissipated in the air.

"Hey, what's going on?!"

Serena was shocked, her long-tailed fire fox was also an expert at light walls.

This move can only weaken the power of the attack. It can't be as harmless and completely ineffective as the "protection" move, right?

"It's different. Pokémon like the Magic Wall Doll are special."

Next to him, Xiaozhi, as a demon wall puppet, knew what he was talking about, and couldn't help but say.

The Magic Wall Doll is born with the talent to use light walls and reflective walls, and its effects are different from those of ordinary Pokémon.
They literally created a wall!
In other words, if a magic wall puppet is properly trained, it can completely create a wall of light that can deflect skills and moves without any damage!

"A series of slaps!"

The battle on the field was still going on. Taking advantage of its height, the Magic Wall Doll took a few steps to reach the Cammy Turtle. He raised his hand and slapped the latter several times, making the latter a little confused.

"Jump up! Spin at high speed!!"

This Cammy turtle's movements were particularly flexible. It quickly jumped to one side to dodge, retracted its limbs in the air, and then spun quickly.

It can even change the angle in the air, then change the direction and hit the magic wall puppet.

"Reflection Wall!"

However, this magic wall puppet opened its palm and once again created a thick wall out of thin air, sending the Cammy Turtle flying away.

"Magic shines!"

The next scene was very familiar. The Magic Wall Doll once again emitted a dazzling pink light, and then turned into a pink energy bomb and rushed out.

The overwhelming force knocked the Cammy turtle away hard and dropped it to the ground.

Victory and defeat.

(End of this chapter)

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