He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2574 Both hatch, the baby tyrannosaurus and the ice and snow dragon!

At night, the model stage show at the Aromatherapy Gym came as scheduled.

On the wooden platform on the third floor of the gymnasium, many spectators had gathered on both sides of the stage.

And unlike model catwalks in other regions, almost 90% of the audience in the former are men.

Xiaozhi looked around at the audience and found that almost more than 60% of the audience were women.
They really all come here to watch and buy clothes!
Looking at the many beautiful elder sisters around her and the gorgeously dressed kimono catwalk models on the stage, Yurika held her cheeks with a look of distress on her face:
"Hey~ There are so many beautiful big sisters, why is my brother still single?"

"You Lijia!!"

This made Citron's cheeks feel hot and he quickly scolded him.

The model catwalk has begun, with all kinds of models wearing unique exotic-style kimonos appearing on the stage.

As for Miss Ma Xiu, she has not been a model for many years now. She is just a fashion designer and part-time host of the model catwalk, responsible for narration.

"It's Serena!"

Xiaozhi soon noticed a beautiful figure walking slowly on the stage in the distance.

Serena, who had specially styled her hair and wore an orange-red wide-sleeved kimono, slowly walked past her.

Like a dazzling orange elf in the night, the audience burst into warm applause.

"This kid will be very popular if he participates in the Sankan Satellite Tournament~"

Ma Xiu couldn't help but sigh.

"Ahh! Serena is so beautiful today!!"

Off the stage, Yulijia was already shouting and applauding. Even the honest and fawning Citron blushed and did not dare to look directly at Serena.

Xiaozhi stared directly at Serena, gradually falling into deep thought.

Why does this suit of clothes look like a Vulcan moth from the Hezhong region?

The model stage show is not the focus, and there is nothing to elaborate on.

When the stage ended, Serena changed back into her original clothes, holding the orange wide-sleeved kimono she wore on the stage in her hands.

Xiaozhi was the first to step forward impatiently and asked about the Vulcan Moth.

Serena: "."

Is this the point? !
Although Miss Ma Xiu said that the design inspiration for this set of clothes did come from a Pokémon called Vulcan Moth.

Even on the clothes, Ma Xiu sprinkled some phosphorus powder that actually came from the Vulcan Moth, which is an extremely precious thing.

Let the clothes be held in your hands, as if you have a "flame body", warm.

"Let's go, let's go~! Go back and have a good rest!"

Serena did not delay too much at the Aromatherapy Gym. Her focus was not on the stage show, but on the gym challenge tomorrow, and she had to go back and prepare well.

But when she returned to the Pokémon Center, she put her clothes on the bedside and prepared to go to the backyard training ground for a final night of special training.

Suddenly, two muffled sounds came from next to Vulcan Moth's kimono, attracting Serena's attention.

Taking a closer look, he saw two Pokémon eggs of different colors, one was ice blue, and the other was a severe rock and earth color.

These are the eggs of Ice Dragon and Baby Tyrannosaurus. When Ash and Serena sleep, their eggs will be placed together.

"Having hatched?!"

Serena was shocked and quickly called out to Ash outside the hall.

The first moment when a Pokémon egg hatches is very important, especially being the first one to see it can significantly increase the level of intimacy.

"Why did it hatch all of a sudden?!"

Xiaozhi and Citron also hurried in, the former said in confusion.

When he put the eggs here in the afternoon, there was no movement at all.But as soon as he entered the room, he saw that the two eggs were not only shaking slightly, but also the surface of the eggshells were blooming with light, and the brightness continued to increase. It was obvious that they were about to hatch.

"Is it because of that dress?!"

Xiaozhi's eyes fell on the orange kimono next to him.

Or maybe it was the phosphorus powder on the clothes that shone with a faint luster, and I suddenly had a judgment in my heart.

The phosphorus powder comes from the Vulcan moth, which has the property of being a body of flame.

The flame body has the effect of accelerating the hatching of Pokémon eggs.
Because he came into contact with this Vulcan Moth kimono, did he get the help of the flame body to some extent and directly complete the hatching?

"Is there such a thing?"

Serena was stunned. Can wearing a piece of clothing accelerate hatching?
But these are not the main point. Xiaozhi and Serena each placed their Pokémon eggs on their beds and looked at them carefully.



Within a few minutes, the sound of breaking eggshells came from both sides almost at the same time.

Then the light flickered to the extreme, and the shape of the Pokémon egg also transformed into the shape of a dinosaur in the bright light, and then dimmed.

The next moment, a small brown dinosaur with a tiger head and a tiger head appeared in front of Xiaozhi.

It has a thick lower body and head. Just after it was born, sharp teeth sprouted from its upper and lower jaws, and there were orange thorns on the top and tail of its head.

However, the hands are extremely short and can barely be seen.


As soon as it was born, this baby Tyrannosaurus roared milkily. Its black and white eyes were full of aggression, trying to find something to bite.

Xiaozhi simply stuffed his pillow directly into the mouth of the baby tyrannosaurus.

The latter suddenly chewed and chewed the pillow as if he had found a toy, and even held him in his arms and kicked his legs continuously, so that Xiaozhi could smoothly rub the latter's head.

It's very rough, just like touching a stone.

"This is the baby Tyrannosaurus."

Xiaozhi couldn't help but sigh. Although Haruka City had seen this Pokémon before, actually owning it himself was a completely different experience.

On the other side, Serena's ice and snow dragon also hatched successfully.

It is slightly larger than the baby Tyrannosaurus, with light blue skin, a thick chassis, and a slender neck.

The huge blue eyes have pink and yellow fin-like eyelashes on them, and the appearance is very cute.

"My skin is so cold~!"

Serena touched her skin, it was as cold as touching slippery ice.

Da da!

Moreover, there was an inexplicable light snow falling in the room.

"Is it the characteristic of snowfall?"

Next to him, Citron guessed that it was a good feature to have snowy weather on the field.

However, because this ice and snow dragon is still young, the scale of the snowy day that comes with the appearance is also very small, just some tiny snowflakes, which disappear after a while.

These two Pokémon are consistent with the assumptions of the Fossil Research Institute in Guxiang Town. They are completely the same as modern Pokémon and can perfectly adapt to the modern environment.

He was just born and was already rolling around on the bed. He was in great spirits! (End of chapter)

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