He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2576 Aromatherapy Gym, Serena vs. Ma Xiu!

Chapter 2576 Aromatherapy Gym, Serena vs. Ma Xiu!
"Sure enough!"

Seeing this, Serena was overjoyed.

No matter how buggy the reflective wall or light wall is, they essentially have the weakness of splitting tiles.

The tile-splitting move can easily destroy double walls.
This is more effective than attribute restraint, move restraint!
The strength of the pair of arms on the giant turtle-foot armor is relatively small, and it can't actually do any damage at all.
It's not a big problem. Serena didn't expect this splitting attack to do any damage, not to mention that the Magic Wall Doll itself was four times more resistant to fighting moves.

As long as we can split this troublesome reflecting wall, that's enough!
"Poisonous attack!!"

The white light dissipated without even continuing to attack the magic wall puppet behind it.

Instead, there is a pair of powerful main arms below, which are reattached with a permeating poisonous luster.
Bang Bang! !
The poisonous attack was in the form of a cross slash, hitting the chest of the magic wall puppet, sending the latter's fragile paper body flying away!
The effect is outstanding!

Not only that, Serena's giant turtle-footed armor has the characteristics of hard claws, and the power of all contact moves will be increased!

With just one blow, this magic wall puppet was almost destroyed by the wind.

"End it, water breaks!"

Serena took advantage of the victory to pursue, and the giant turtle-footed armor in front of her condensed water blades. She stepped on the ground with her lower limbs and rushed forward again.

Seeing that there was almost no possibility of winning, Ma Xiu commanded without mercy:

"Power exchange!"

The Demon Wall Doll sitting on the ground understood and barely raised his hands, a strange blue light glowing in his eyes.

Then under the influence of a strange force, the two people's power attributes were reversed and replaced with each other!

This caused the Demon Wall Doll's strength to begin to soar, while on the other end, the turtle-footed giant armor's strength was rapidly declining.

However, this time the water flow breaks, the Demon Wall Doll cannot dodge it.

The Demon Wall Doll was violently thrown away by the water blade. Although the power of the turtle-footed giant armor was reduced by most, it was enough to take away the last trace of the former's physical strength.

"The Magic Wall Doll has lost its ability to fight!"

The referee sister in yellow shouted quickly, turning her face sideways, and couldn't help but be surprised by Serena's strength.

Isn't this the little girl who came to the show last night? Isn't she so amazing?
All of a sudden, Ma Xiu was forced into a desperate situation.


However, Ma Xiu's expression did not fluctuate too much, and she raised her hand to take back the defeated Demon Wall Doll.

Is it because of yesterday's watching the game that you have completely thought out the strategy to deal with yourself today?
But yesterday, I didn’t send the third Pokémon!
The third red light fell, and this time Ma Xiu sent out four pink and white Pokémon, which looked similar to Eevee, but were more slender and lighter.

It has large slender pink ears and light blue gem-like eyes. The hair on its ears and neck looks like it is wearing a bow, with soft pink ribbons fluttering gently.

"Is it Fairy Eevee at the end?"

Serena naturally knew Fairy Eevee, the new evolved form of Eevee first discovered in the Kalos region.

Because of its extraordinarily sweet appearance, it caused a huge sensation when it was first discovered. Every female trainer in Kalos was crazy about owning a Fairy Eevee.

As a child, Serena naturally fantasized about having a dreamy and lovely fairy Eevee in the future.

However, this Pokémon is not just a vase, its own strength is also not simple.

"Come back for now, giant turtle-footed armor!" Serena quickly took out the elf ball, preparing to take back the giant turtle-footed armor first.

After all, due to the last power exchange move performed by the Demon Wall Doll in the last game, his turtle-footed giant armor's physical attack capabilities were greatly weakened, and he was basically useless.

Even the most effective poison attack probably won't do much damage.
However, on the other side, Ma Xiu did not miss this opportunity and softly commanded:
"Fairy Eevee, the voice of charm!"

In front of him, the fairy Eevee closed her eyes and sang softly.

The sound even turned into a pink light group visible to the naked eye, surrounding the turtle-footed giant armor, making the latter's eyes become blurred.

Even this blow directly deflected the elf ball's red light.
Retrieval failed!
"what happened?!"

Serena was shocked, does the charming voice still have this effect?
But before she could figure out what was going on, Ma Xiu's attacks had already followed.

"This time it's Big Sound!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the gentle voice from Fairy Ibrahimovic suddenly became violent and harsh, turned into a sonic boom shock wave, and hit the turtle-footed giant armor!

The latter was still intoxicated before, but his eardrum was almost pierced by the loud noise and he suffered a high amount of damage!
This is equivalent to an awake slap hitting a sleeping target, causing a doubled effect.
The Charming Sound followed by the Big Sound can also have the effect of doubling the damage!

Not only that, Fairy Eevee also has a rare fairy skin, which allows all the general attribute moves she plays to be converted into fairy attributes, and the power is increased!

This loud sound roared out, and the damage was extremely exaggerated!

With one blow, the giant turtle-footed armor was already stumbling on the spot.

"Wake up, poison attack!!"

Serena could only bite the bullet and attack.

Ma Xiu’s command was more simple and crude:
"Lightning flash!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Fairy Ibu rushed out like a light and fast elf, and the tail did not have the white light effect like ordinary lightning flash, but a pink light.
This is a flash of lightning thanks to the addition of the fairy skin!
He hit the turtle-footed giant armor's chest with his head!
Despite the latter's huge size, Fairy Ibrahimovic knocked him backwards and fell to the ground.

When he looked again, he saw that the seven barnacle-clawed single eyes on the giant turtle-footed armor had all turned into a whirlpool shape.

"Turtle-footed giant armor, lost fighting ability!!"

The referee hurriedly said that their side had finally regained the game.

The strength of Ma Xiu's three Pokémon has improved layer by layer. The strength of this Fairy Eevee is not comparable to the first two.

"So strong."

Serena took back the giant turtle-footed armor and felt dizzy. This was her unexpected opponent.

Next, the naughty panda is pure white, and the fairy attribute has an outstanding effect on the fighting attribute.

The Green Mianniao doesn’t have enough fighting power to take the stage yet.
The only choice is between the mosaic and the long-tailed fox.

"Please, Huayidi!!"

After thinking again and again, Serena sent Huayedi, who was also a fairy.

The long-tailed fire fox has always been the most difficult opponent to face, but her flower leaves actually also have great strength.
This time, let Huayedi defeat this powerful Pokémon of the same kind!

(End of this chapter)

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