He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2578 Looking for the strongest trainer in history!

Chapter 2578 Looking for the strongest trainer in history!

Following Ma Xiu's low shout, Fairy Ibrahimovic shouted loudly and suddenly threw the giant energy star under him!

rumble! !
The huge force destroyed the wooden floor along the way and crushed it, creating a long gap, which was full of oppression!

This attack also surprised Serena. Although it was Huayedi's strongest move, the power of the moon was completely unable to compete with it.

With Huayedi's speed, it was impossible to dodge.

The colorful cyclone of falling flowers is even more irresistible.
Gritting her teeth, Serena knew she had no time to hesitate, and immediately pointed her finger to the sky:

“Use pollen balls!!”

This is a new move that Huayedi learned in a fresh and natural area when she passed by the wetland of the nature reserve.

Huayedi's eyes narrowed, and she raised the Graxitia flower high. A gray-green mass quickly condensed above the stamens, like a mud ball, and then shot into the air.

The next moment, the treasured ultimate move has arrived.

Boom! !
Unable to withstand it, Huayedi's entire body was hit by the giant pink star. A violent energy explosion was triggered in an instant, and pink mist suddenly rose into the sky.

With this blow, Huayidi's figure was thrown heavily and fell in front of Serena, losing her ability to fight on the spot.

Ma Xiu was overjoyed. Now her Fairy Eevee can continue to unleash her treasured ultimate move without any side effects!
It’s totally time to push the team strongly!
But her smile didn't last long. In the air, an inconspicuous gray-green mud ball fell down impartially along a parabolic trajectory.

The target happened to be in the direction of Fairy Ibrahimovic.

The latter happened to be taking a breather after releasing his treasured ultimate move, and it was difficult to dodge for a while.

As for the pollen ball move, it doesn't look like a big deal on the outside. It shouldn't be a high-power move.

Trivia, the pollen ball move is quite popular in the neighboring Alola region, but it is a very unpopular new move in the Kalos region, and few Pokémon can master it.

However, at the moment when this pollen ball accurately hit Fairy Eevee.

Boom! !
The huge energy contained in it exploded and expanded instantly, and also triggered an explosion of insect-type energy at Fairy Ibrahimovic's position!

Xiaozhi also saw this move for the first time, and quickly took out the illustrated book to investigate:

"Pollen Ball is an insect-type move with a power of 90. It is more common in the Alola region. When it is released on the enemy, it will explode. When released on the enemy, it will become a ball that restores physical strength."

It is also a special move that combines damage and healing. It is quite unique and very powerful.

Having already suffered a lot of damage before, the last pollen ball at this moment was the straw that broke the camel's back.

In the smoke and dust, the flowers and leaves on one side had fallen to the ground, looking a bit miserable. Gracidia's flowers were lying on the side with their hands tilted.

But on the other side, Fairy Ibrahimovic was also injured all over his body. The ribbons on his body were hanging messily, and his limbs were shaking slightly. He could barely stand upright.

"Huayedi, you have lost the ability to fight!"

The elder sister in kimono spoke quickly, but then looked at Fairy Ibrahimovic hesitantly, and then looked at Ma Xiu, making it difficult to judge the situation.

Ma Xiu took a deep breath, finally closed her fairy-like eyes, and reluctantly took Fairy Ibrahimovic back.

As a gym leader, according to the rules, you have no right to actively replace and take back Pokémon.

Once it does this, it means that this Pokémon voluntarily gives up and surrenders.

At this time, the elder sister wearing a yellow wide-sleeved kimono also felt confident. She immediately raised her hand and shouted:
"Since all three Pokémon owned by the gym owner, Ma Xiu, have lost the ability to fight, this gym challenge will be won by Serena from Chaoxiang Town!!" Serena was stunned by these words. Stunned, she thought she would have to send the long-tailed fire fox to finish it off.

However, Huayedi has almost completed 99% of her contribution. The battle of Long-tailed Firefox will be very easy. Unexpectedly, it will end immediately?

"Well, your Pokémon are very good, and your command is also great~"

At this time, Ma Xiu had already walked over, wearing super high heels that made her a head and a half taller than Serena.

"It seems that you not only have unique talents in stage performances, but also have great talents as a battle trainer~"

Ma Xiu praised heartily.

Before, she was a little regretful that Serena did not take the path of a performer. The latter's beautiful appearance and temperament made her a natural stage star.

Now, it's pretty good for stars on the battlefield.

For example, Miss Kalunai is like this.

"This is the proof of victory over Aromatherapy Gym, the Fairy Badge!"

With that said, Ma Xiu handed a delicate and small badge to Serena.

The badge is in the shape of a flat, butterfly with outstretched wings. In design and even color, it is similar to the yellow-pink wide-sleeved kimono that Ma Xiu is wearing.

"Thank you so much, Miss Ma Xiu!!"

Serena naturally took the badge with great solemnity. This was her sixth badge!
Only the last two coins are missing to qualify for the Challenge Alliance Conference.

"It's not just an alliance conference. It is said that this time the Miare Alliance Conference venue will also hold a conference competition for the strongest trainers. Serena, you can also go and take part~"

Ma Xiu suddenly smiled and reminded.

"The strongest trainer?"

Not only was Serena interested in this sentence, but Ash and his group who were walking over to celebrate also showed curious expressions.

Especially Xiaozhi, the term "strongest trainer" is very attractive to him, so he quickly asked.

"I don't know the specifics, it's just something that happened recently~"

Ma Xiu put a finger on her chin and started thinking.

No one knew who the organizer was, but they said that they would hold a "strongest trainer" conference on the stage of the Miare Conference after the alliance conference was over.

Strangely, the arena of the Miare Conference is rarely lent to other organizations.

Even the officials of the Carlos Alliance have publicly stated that they do not know anything about it. Maybe it's someone's prank?
"But recently, many famous and powerful trainers have received invitations to this conference. It is said that only those who have received invitations can participate."

"The invitation was delivered by a quasi-god dragon from the Kanto region, just like a human postman."

"Because Kuailong is still very rare in our Kalos area, it has been taken seriously by many people, and they are all proud to get an invitation letter."

Ma Xiu said eloquently that these were all anecdotes that she had only learned recently, so she casually told them to Xiaozhi and his group.

(End of this chapter)

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