He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2580 Overwhelming, mega Latias!

Chapter 2580 Overwhelming, mega Latias!

The red light fell, and Latias, who had not appeared for a long time, appeared in front of everyone.

As soon as the popular flying dragon figure in red and white appeared, the entire Aromatherapy Gym fell into great silence.

Although it is a legendary Pokémon from out of town, Latias is still somewhat famous in the Kalos region.
Because this is a rare legendary Pokémon that can undergo mega evolution!

"Is this Latias...?!"

On the high platform, Serena looked straight at the red airplane, the light and cute flying dragon.

And after Latias hovered in the air for a week, he lowered his body and landed next to Ash.

The little paws hugged Xiaozhi, and the slender little head kept rubbing.

"The relationship with the trainer is very close~ Xiaozhi actually has a mythical beast~?"

Beside her, Ma Xiu smiled and couldn't help but praise.

It's just that Serena's originally stunning eyes gradually turned weird when she looked at the overly intimate one person and one dragon.

Her keen intuition told her that there seemed to be something wrong with this Latias.?
"He actually owns a legendary Pokémon, no wonder he's so arrogant!"

At one end of the field, Tong Hua tried hard to calm down, and even boldly spoke harsh words.

"But even though it is a divine beast, Latias is also a dragon and is completely restrained by my mega Tanabata Blue Bird!"

The opponent's dragon-type moves are completely ineffective, but Qixi Blue Bird's dragon-type or fairy-type moves are all effective!

"Is that right?"

Xiaozhi was noncommittal and glanced at the people around him. Many people even took out their mobile phones to take pictures. They would probably post them on Moments soon.

He smiled secretly in his heart, but it was not enough.

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi suddenly raised his arm, and the keystone bracelet on his wrist sparkled!
Although Latias' normal strength was enough to defeat his opponents, today he mainly made a name for himself.

There is nothing more gimmick than the Beast Man!
"Crushed to death~!!"

Latias understood, shouted loudly, and then rushed high into the sky.

A burst of bright light flashed, and his body shape suddenly changed as he shuttled through the clouds, turning into a white-purple streamlined flying dragon.

The momentum becomes more powerful and majestic, and the dragon claws become thicker and can release more powerful moves.

Mega Latias! !
Tong Hua's momentum suddenly weakened, but he still tried his best to raise his voice and took the initiative to attack:

"Don't be overwhelmed by her, Tanabata Blue Bird, use Dragon Wave!!"

The Mega Tanabata Blue Bird in front of him immediately spread its wings, and a pink-purple light cluster condensed in its mouth, and suddenly blasted out.

In response, Xiaozhi responded calmly:
"The same goes for us, Dragon Wave!"

Mega Latias understood and looked down. The dragon energy condensed in his mouth instantly compressed and solidified, turning into a huge energy flying dragon and came out.


Two dragon waves collided in the air of the arena. What Latias released was naturally overwhelming, instantly crushing and destroying the opponent's dragon wave.

The back momentum continued, and it continued to rush towards the Qixi Blue Bird behind it.

Boom! !
The next moment, dragon waves detonated around Qixi Blue Bird's body, causing a huge explosion.

Seeing this, Tong Hua couldn't help but feel shocked.

Although according to theory, Fairy Pokémon are completely immune to dragon-type moves. Who knows if there are any exceptions! ?
After the smoke and dust, the Qixi Blue Bird looked completely unharmed, only being blown around by the strong wind in the aftermath. This made Tong Hua feel relieved and feel at ease.Sure enough, you can be immune!
At least the Latias in front of me has not yet reached the point where it can break the rules.

"Isn't it true?"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi felt quite sorry. He thought that with his overwhelming strength advantage, he could break through the attribute restrictions.

"Since long-range attacks are not possible, Latias, Dragon God dives!!"

Xiaozhi stretched his fingers forward and shouted out a dragon-type move again.

The other party showed such a disbelieving attitude, but Tong Hua did not dare to treat the other party as a stupid young man.

Maybe it really has an effect?
"Qianxi Blue Bird, use cotton to defend!"

She quickly said on guard as if facing a powerful enemy.

This mega Chinese Valentine's Day bluebird understood and immediately folded its wings in front of its body. The cotton on its body fluffed up and formed a swollen cotton ball, wrapping its entire body for defense.

On the other side, Mega Latias was already high in the sky, with dragon flames in his body, turning into a giant dark blue flying dragon, swooping down with extremely fierce momentum!

The pressure from Nuoda made Tong Hua shiver on the ground and began to regret his initiative to fight today.
bang bang! !
The next moment, the Dragon God dived and hit the Tanabata Blue Bird, and the powerful impact pushed it straight from mid-air to the ground in an instant.

Boom! !
After falling to the ground, there was a huge explosion, which made a big hole in the wooden floor!
Immediately afterwards, Latias folded his wings again, transformed into a streamlined aircraft, rushed out of the smoke, and soared into the sky.

On the other side, the Chinese Valentine's Day Bluebird sat down in the wooden pit in a state of embarrassment.

Although there was no major damage, the fluffy and gorgeous white cotton was now covered with dust and sawdust, and looked dirty.

"I see."

After playing two types of moves in a row, Xiaozhi also roughly understood the mechanism of fairies being immune to dragon attributes.

Although it is truly immune to dragon-type energy, the impact and damage from the aftermath are unavoidable.

Just like the Dragon God dive just now, although the frontal move does no damage, it will still hurt the Qixi Blue Bird when it is pushed to the ground.
Although this damage was basically eliminated by Qixi Bluebird's fluffy cotton defense.

"Damn, this guy!"

After two consecutive blows, Tonghua also saw that Xiaozhi had completely regarded him as a punching bag, and he immediately became very annoyed.

Judging by her age, she is obviously 2 or 3 years younger than herself, yet she looks down on herself so much!
"Qixi Blue Bird, the power of the moon!!"

The mega Tanabata Blue Bird spread its wings again, quickly condensed a pink energy bomb in the air, and threw it away.

"Dragon Claw, split it open!"

However, Latias was here to show off his muscles today. The dragon claw on one side lit up with a bright green light and slashed forward.

Boom! !
The seemingly dangerous power of the moon was directly smashed into pieces and exploded, turning into a beautiful pink mist.

However, as the smoke dissipated, the Qixi Blue Bird was seen surrounded by golden light, and it had transformed into a golden energy bird, swooping over.

"Qixi Blue Bird, the divine bird strikes!"

However, the name of this move made Xiaozhi feel a little funny.

He even claimed to be a divine bird in front of the legendary Pokémon.
"In that case, Latias, mist ball!"

Ash immediately countered that his Latias didn't just have dragon attributes and could use super moves.

(End of this chapter)

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