He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2613 Two cores, Z2 and Z1! ?

Chapter 2613 Two cores, Z1 and Z2! ?
"But it's good to control this fat man like this."

Staying quietly in Fatty Hali's body, controlling the latter's five senses and actions, Z2 felt a little more proud.

Although as the core of Zygarde, it has the ability to absorb the power of cells scattered everywhere and explode with powerful combat power.
It’s just that this ability comes with CD.

In other words, those absorbed cells have CD.

Every cell needs to be exposed to sunlight and slowly accumulate strength before it can be used for it.
Every burst of use consumes the power accumulated before. The cells need to accumulate power again, and they are simply unable to support the core individual's frequent power bursts.

The best way is, of course, to use it in a different place.
After all, the cells scattered everywhere have new and full energy reserves.

"But the key now is...that guy!"

Z2 controlled Fat Hali and walked towards the deepest cave of the End Cave.

Since there is Z2, naturally there is also Z1.

Z2 originally lived in other hidden places, isolated from the world.

Z1, on the other hand, lives deep in the End Cave, sleeping quietly.

Now we know that there is a Team Flare coveting their power, so we must guard against it.

But if their two cores come together, the power that bursts out can be far greater than double superposition.

Even if it only requires the power of a few cells, it can easily uproot this tissue and completely defeat it!

Z2 is looking for traces of Z1.

"Did you hear my voice? Answer me...!"

Fat Hali was still walking forward mechanically, while Z2 in his body closed his eyes and spread out his telepathy.

This is the telepathy unique to it and Z2. As long as they are roughly in the same area, they can communicate with each other remotely.


I just communicated for a long time and got no response.

Or did you deliberately not reply?

Z2 frowned, its relationship with Z1 was not very good.

It hates all humans and advocates keeping the furthest distance from humans and quietly monitoring them.

Or maybe it's waiting, hoping that humans will make mistakes.
Once humans break the ecological balance and touch their bottom line, they will immediately restore Zygarde's power and punish humans!

But Z1's point of view is completely different from it, believing that good and evil also exist in human beings.

What they want to do is to guide humans to be good, thereby maintaining the balance of ecology and nature.
So Z1 has been living in the End Cave for the past few years.

The prosperous local coal mining industry in the past few years, although it can promote rapid economic development, will cause huge damage to the local spirit.

So Z1 appeared in the coal mine cave, occasionally bursting out with supernatural power, and drove away humans as a "monster", ending the local coal mining industry and saving the local green ecology.

Since then, he has been living deep in the cave.

Because of its reputation as a "monster," this coal mine pit is now also known as the "End Cave."

"You didn't mean not to reply on purpose, did you? Hey! There is a big event now, it's not the time to lose your temper!!"

Z2 is still sending out telepathy and urging.

The two individuals not only have different attitudes towards humans, but also have extremely different personalities.

Z1 has a gentle personality, and sometimes looks like a young Pokémon, with a bit of childlike innocence.

It is said that in the past, he used to look like a "muppet" and often hung out with some cute little lolita humans.Z2's temper is much more rough and mature, and he hates such childish behavior.

After calling for a long time, there was still no response, and Z2's face gradually became panicked.

"Logically speaking, that guy from Z1 shouldn't just leave here casually, right?!"

Team Flare? !

The last time it was captured by Team Flare, this group of humans already had the target codename of Z1. Does this mean that traces of Z1's existence have been discovered?
Has this been captured by Team Flare's gang?
"Fat man, walk faster!!"

Z2 was confused and quickly urged Fatty Hali.

Fat Hali walked like a puppet on strings, his movements speeding up a bit.

Although he was completely unconscious, he still gasped instinctively and his movements began to become messy.

As a fat man with poor physical fitness, Fatty Hali could not walk such a long distance.

Z2: "."

What a jackpot!

During this period, every time it absorbs the power of cells, part of it will be converted and used to warm and improve Fatty Hali's body.

But until now, why is it still so muddy and unable to support the wall? !

I had known it was parasitizing on that genius frog.

Relying on the power of that Pokémon, coupled with the power of his own Z-god, he would probably be able to defeat Team Flare by himself!
There was no other way, so Z2 had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue to give part of his strength to Fatty Hali, and the latter's movements stabilized.

After walking briskly for more than ten minutes, we finally came to a long and narrow stone path.

At the front end of the stone path is a spacious stone cave room, which is huge and spacious and closed on three sides by rock walls.

This is already the end of the ending cave.

"what happened?!"

Controlling Fat Hali into the stone chamber, Z2 couldn't help but let out a surprised sound.

Originally, there should be a green lake in the center of the stone chamber, which contains rich life-healing power - the effect is somewhat similar to the spring water of the Nest in the Aromatherapy Wetland.

A small stone platform protrudes from the center of the lake, which is where Z1 always lives and sleeps. This stone chamber also has Zygarde's aura that destroys the pressure, and no wild Pokémon dares to enter.

But at this moment, all the warm and healing lake water disappeared, revealing the dry river bed at the bottom.

The bottom of the river bed looks very strange, even a little scary, like a stack of black and purple thorns and vines, converging and rising toward the center.

This is the power of Zygarde. While monitoring nature, he can also summon the huge plant roots buried deep in the Kalos underground as his own power to punish those who destroy the ecology.

Just where did Z1 go?
Z2 quickly scanned the dry riverbed and found many traces of battles, and some places were even pierced with holes visible to the naked eye.

There were even some scorch marks, as if the place had been burned by a blazing flame.

"Damn it, it's still a step too late. Has Z1 really been taken away!?!"

Z2's anger is rising, it must be that group of weirdly dressed humans again!
What is the purpose of this group of people trying so hard to capture these two core individuals?
Z2 suddenly became a little confused. Its original purpose was to find Z1 and complete the integration. But now, it doesn't know what to do next.

At this moment, footsteps and human shouts came from the direction of the trail behind.

"Hello? Fatty Hali, are you in there~?"

Unknowingly, Xiaozhi has also found this end space.
(End of this chapter)

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