He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2622 The traitorous ninja attacks, An Kun!

Late at night, Xiaozhi was still sleeping soundly in Koga Ninja Village.

After experiencing so many things during the day, he was sleeping very soundly at the moment. Pikachu was also curled up in the simple straw mat and sheets, sleeping like a dead pig.


The croak-headed frog was leaning against the corner, closing his eyes in a rather cold manner, replaying the day's battle in his mind.

It can also perform better!

Moreover, at this moment, its experience value is full and its evolution is imminent, which makes the frog feel quite restless and urgently needs to do something to vent.

Although many people in the Koga Ninja Village just introduced their new partner, the Bubble Frog, in an attempt to let the frog move around and leave some descendants here.
It's just a foam frog. It looks too young to be handled at all!
rumble! !
At this time, there was a violent shaking sound all around.

And one after another, violent vibrations came from all around, accompanied by explosion-like movements, causing the entire wooden house to shake.


The croak-headed frog was naturally the first to stand up and immediately entered a state of alert.

"zzz" "zzz"

However, the person and the mouse on the tatami looked very similar. They were still sleeping soundly and were not affected in the slightest.

Croak-headed frog: "."

It is worthy of being an old partner that has been traveling together for many years. At this point, the tacit bond between it and Xiaozhi is lost.

Without any extra movement, the frog directly threw out two balls of foam and landed on the faces of one person and one mouse.

It didn't hurt anything, but the cool touch made Ash and Pikachu wake up from their sleep.


Then there were continuous explosions all around, and the ground shook.

"What's going on? Earthquake?!"

Xiaozhi woke up quickly, subconsciously holding Pikachu and looking around.

A kunoichi also hurriedly ran in at the door. She was the daughter of Yang Xiao, who was assigned to serve Xiaozhi nearby.

Of course, currently the strongest person in Koga Ninja Village is Xiaozhi, and Yang Xiao also wants to ask Xiaozhi to protect his daughter.

"Master Xiaozhi! Oh no, it's an enemy attack!!"

Aukui, who was wearing a pink kunoichi costume, said anxiously, her face flustered.

Xiaozhi frowned. It was already late at night. Are there still attacks?

It’s not like what the six major sects would do before.

Although the ninjas of those schools don't look like good people, they may even want to eliminate the Koga style at once. But out of shame, at least they won't launch a surprise attack that night, right?

Xiaozhi quickly grabbed his clothes, carried Pikachu and ran out, while the frog followed behind cautiously.

As soon as he walked out of the house and came to the empty village square, Xiaozhi discovered that this ninja hidden village had already changed.

In the dark night, there were many armored birds flying, such as Vulture Na and other fierce birds, and they were all mounted with ninjas dressed in black to launch air attacks.

There were also many on the ground, surrounded by these black-clad ninjas from all directions. Each ninja was accompanied by ferocious Pokémon such as Alidos, Tank Skunk, and Kuchiki.

Boom! !

Fierce offensives were launched one after another, causing fire and explosions to rise everywhere in the village, and nearly 1/3 of the area was reduced to ruins.

"Is it really a raid?!"

Xiaozhi was shocked, he didn't expect to take action that night.

The ninjas of Koga Ninja Village have not yet fully recovered from the injuries suffered during the day, and their combat effectiveness is not at its peak.The new partner, the Bubble Frog, had basically no fighting power. He was easily suppressed by these black-clad ninjas and gradually retreated to the village square where Xiaozhi was.

As for the ordinary villagers without any fighting ability, the situation was miserable. They fled in panic amid the fire and explosions, and miserable wails echoed all around.


Xiaozhi couldn't help but feel angry. Just now these people were eating with him.

He quickly looked around, trying to figure out who the leader of this group of black-clad ninjas was.

To capture the thief, capture the king first, and arrest the leader of the opponent first!
Just as he thought of this, a figure quickly shot towards Xiaozhi's direction.

But it wasn't an attack, it was more like being knocked away by something.


Without waiting for Xiaozhi's command, the frog had already flown out a ball of foam and hit the back of the flying shadow.


The latter fell into the open space next to Xiaozhi. Although he had the cushioning force of the foam and did not suffer secondary damage, he was still beaten to the point of losing all his physical strength and was seriously injured and fainted.

"Elledo? Wait a minute, I remember this Elledo."

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows. He had seen it before when he was eating. This Elledo seemed to be Mr. Yang Xiao's ninja partner.

Sure enough, Yang Xiao was injured on his shoulder and soon chased after him, looking at his Eluredo worriedly.

"Damn it, this guy has become so strong."

Then he looked hatefully towards the direction of the source of the inverted flight.

"Mr. Yang Xiao, what's going on now!"

Xiaozhi hurriedly walked over, and the latter's daughter also followed behind with a look of anxiety.

As for this Elledor, it seemed that it was defeated by a commander with a sharp blade. The latter was sitting on the ground arrogantly at the moment.

After driving more than ten meters, a bald ninja wearing a black ninja uniform was standing next to Commander Pi Zhan, looking at the location of several people with sinister eyes.

"It's An Kun. The rebellious ninjas of Koga Ninja Village actually gathered so many rebellious ninjas to raid this time!"

Yang Xiao looked at the bald ninja angrily. It seemed that this man was the leader of the group.

"Rebel Ninja, An Kun?"

Xiaozhi's expression condensed and he couldn't help but become serious.

The middle-aged ninja with a bald head looked a bit like a Kai-ryu person during the day. However, Xiaozhi quickly shook his head. Kai-ryu ninjas still looked more decent.

The bald rebellious ninja in front of him, with a goatee and a sinister and cruel expression, seemed determined to destroy the entire Koga ninja village.

"This man used to be a ninja from our Koga Ninja Village, but he defected because of some issues with the former leader. He even became jealous of our village. I didn't expect that he would directly launch a raid today!"

Yang Xiao angrily said that it was said that An Kun had cheated on their former leader, which caused the former leader to become furious and Hong Wen died violently.

This also led to the Koga Ninja Village being leaderless in the next few years and falling into civil strife.

However, even though their Koga Ninja Village has been fighting among themselves and is like a piece of scattered sand, they can still use hard power to fight against the alliance of the six major factions without losing, which shows their strength.

"If it hadn't been for An Kun's opportunity to sneak in and destroy us yesterday, we wouldn't have been severely damaged during the day and unable to defend ourselves against the enemy!"

Yang Xiao clenched his fists while supporting his Elle Duo.

(End of this chapter)

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