He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2629 Both evolve, 3-headed dragons!

Chapter 2629 Both evolve, three-headed dragons!

It was already three or four o'clock in the afternoon, so the few of them were not in a hurry and simply continued to stay by this beautiful creek, preparing to set up camp here tonight.

Although Xiaozhi experienced the thrilling adventure in the ninja world last night, he is still full of energy. He took off his shoes and played in the creek with a group of Pokémon.

"Dianlong, use the wave of the dragon!!"

Citron was also training his Pokémon. The electric dragon in front of him opened his mouth, and a bunch of pink and purple dragon-shaped flames roared out, blasting a water-flowing boulder in front of him to pieces.

"It's pretty powerful, huh? Wait a minute, when did you evolve?"

Xiaozhi was nodding seriously one second before reacting the next second.

Before entering the Ending Cave, Citron's partner was still the Velvet Sheep, right?
"Hey Xiaozhi, I haven't always been stagnant~!"

Citron touched his nose proudly and said cheerfully.

Within three hours of Xiaozhi's absence, his furry sheep successfully completed its final evolution and turned into a handsome electric dragon!

And once you evolve into an electric dragon, it also means you can finally use mega evolution!
At this moment, there was a keystone bracelet on Citron's wrist, and the keystone in the center shone with a strange light.

This was a trophy he and Serena obtained together. Before the second keystone was found, the two planned to share it, and whoever needed it would use it first.

Nowadays, Serena's Green Cotton Bird is still close to the final step and has not yet evolved. Naturally, Citron has a taste of it first.

"Here we go, mega evolution!"

Citron's face was red and excited, and he couldn't wait to try it.

The next moment, his finger touched the keystone bracelet, and light suddenly bloomed.

The Electric Dragon Mega Stone obtained from the secret base of Team Flare also burst out with dazzling light at the same time.

A surging momentum emerged, and the electric dragon's whole body was wrapped in an energy cocoon.

As the energy flames exploded, the electric dragon showed a brand new attitude!
It still looks like an upright kangaroo with a light yellow slender body and a white belly. However, after the mega evolution, the originally smooth skin has the fluffy wool of the furry sheep period.

The tail and the top of the head are covered with dense, cloud-like white fluff, and there are some blood-red energy beads in many places.

The originally honest and peaceful aura was now joined by some turbulent, domineering pressure unique to dragon-type Pokémon.
Mega Electric Dragon!

"Is this the Mega Electric Dragon? Just like the name, it has dragon attributes."

Serena took out the illustrated book and immediately exclaimed with admiration.

The mega electric dragon's temperament suddenly became noble and ethereal.

The most excited among them was Citron, whose face was red with excitement.

He was a little worried before, worried that his trainer level was not enough and that the Mega Electric Dragon would go berserk like Korni's Mega Lucario.


But at this moment, Mega Electric Dragon looked at Citron with a smile and chirped softly, making the latter feel relieved.

It seems that the originally docile electric dragon did not change its temperament after evolution.

"Dragon Wave!!"

Citron tried again, and sure enough, this time he got a bonus to this attribute, and his abilities were greatly improved after his mega evolution.
Boom! !

The dragon's wave shot out by the mega electric dragon has been greatly increased in both scale and power, directly blowing up a hilltop in the distance into a pile of rubble.

In an instant, the surrounding air was filled with strong dragon energy, making people afraid to be careless.

Of course, it could also be because Ash released an entire team of Pokémon.A large number of dragon-type Pokémon gathered together, making the surrounding aura tense.



Under the influence of the aftermath energy spread by Mega Electric Dragon's powerful dragon wave, at this time, Xiaozhi's Garbage and Serena's Green Cotton Bird suddenly fixed their eyes and froze in place.

Immediately, his body trembled, and in response, both of them burst into dazzling white light!


"How come they all evolved together?!"

Ash and Serena looked at each other in disbelief.

Is it because of Mega Electric Dragon's surging dragon-type moves that the two Pokémon, who were only one step away from evolving, exceeded their limits?
The next moment, both Ash and Serena's eyes lit up, staring closely at their Pokémon.

The first is Garbage Algae, whose body rapidly expands and grows in size. What was originally just a small body has climbed to a size of nearly two meters!

The dark purple seahorse's body, tail, and slender arms are all covered with brown skin like dead leaves and seaweed.

The blood-red eyes look a bit fierce, and the head is covered with cross-shaped red leaves, which is quite weird!

Poisonous Algae Dragon officially acquired the dragon attribute and became a poisonous dragon!
On the other hand, the evolved form of the Green Sheep Bird is an old acquaintance.

As the white light dissipates, the beautiful and gorgeous Tanabata bluebird spreads its wings, and its body and wings are covered with fluffy and lovely white cotton.

It's a coincidence that after the electric dragon mega evolved, it gained dragon attributes that it didn't have originally.

The same is true for Garbage Algae and Green Cotton Bird. They themselves have no dragon attributes.

Once evolved, they both gained additional dragon attributes. Are they echoing each other?

"Does it look like you're getting stronger?"

Xiaozhi smiled and rubbed the poisonous dragon algae. The latter looked like his whole body was poisonous at the moment.

Moreover, his original appearance of a naughty boy suddenly changed into that of a mature leader, and his image changed drastically.

However, Poison Dragon Zao still held a metal film in his arms, and it seemed that his hobby had not changed.

Then Xiaozhi looked at Serena beside him. The latter's entire body was almost stuffed into the fluffy cotton feathers of the Tanabata Blue Bird. The latter also folded its wings and hugged Serena in circles.


However, he also noticed that each person and the bird looked at Citron and Mega Electric Dragon with a bit of envy.
Xiaozhi understood instantly and couldn't help but smile. Then he took off the keystone bracelet on his wrist and handed it to Serena.

"I'll let you use it first, Serena~! You should also want to try your own mega evolution, right?"

Now that Qixi Blue Bird has completed its evolution, it is natural to start using mega evolution.

"Ah Xiaozhi!"

Serena's face instantly turned red and she became panicked when her thoughts were read.

However, after seeing Xiaozhi's honest smile, Serena finally nodded emotionally and whispered softly like a bird:

Taking Xiaozhi's keystone bracelet and carefully putting it on her wrist, Serena could even feel the remaining warmth of the bracelet.

She shook her head quickly to concentrate.

If you think too wildly, there is a risk of failure in mega evolution!
(End of this chapter)

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