He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2632 Is the treasure the keystone?

"The other two ancient gods?"

Xiaozhi's expression paused upon hearing this. He had never thought about this before.

Yes, like Rayquaza in the Hoenn region versus Groudon and Kyogre, or Giratina in the Sinnoh region versus Dialga and Palkia, or the three gods of Unova. .
They are all closely related to each other!
Since we don't know what purpose Team Flare has against Zygarde, we turn our targets to the other two ancient gods.

Having already taken action against Zygarde, he will naturally not let go of the other two. Maybe he can follow the clues and figure out the true purpose of Team Flare.

"The other two ancient gods of Kalos, one is the god of life creation, Xerneas, who is said to be able to share eternal life with other creatures."

"The other one who opposes it is the God of Destruction, Yveltal, who has the dangerous power to take the lives of other creatures!"

Xiaozhi listened carefully to the doctor's story. He only knew the approximate names of these two opposing ancient gods before.

One shares life with others, while the other takes life away from others
He is an ancient god who is related to life.

"Somewhat similar to Phoenix King?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but muttered that Phoenix King's sacred flame could also destroy the target, or create life.

"Although these two ancient gods are not as well known as Zygarde, there are also not many records of their habitats and purposes."

"It is said that Xerneas, the God of

"Yveltal, the God of Y, is the complete opposite. He will sleep in the form of an "egg cocoon". When sleeping, he will take away all the life force of everything around him. Therefore, his location must be in a deserted place. barren land."

Listening to what the doctor said, Xiaozhi nodded. The information was indeed much more complete than Zygarde's.

"With the power of Team Flare, it is not difficult to find the locations of these two ecologies in Kalos. If they really want to get their hands on the ancient gods, there is a high probability that the sleeping Xerneas and Ivelta Well, maybe it all fell into their hands."

The doctor said in a serious and low tone.

After an in-depth investigation, he also had a huge change in his view of Team Flare. It definitely had some unknown purpose, and it might cause a huge disaster to the entire Kalos region.

Thinking about it, Miss Katsuki's prophecy might have been caused by Team Flare!

"Anyway, let's keep in touch more in the future. I always have a feeling that something big will happen at the Miare Alliance conference in a month's time."

Dr. Bratano rubbed his head and looked a little tired through the 3D projection.

These days, he has to investigate the sundial building in Baike City, investigate Team Flare, and contact the Kalos Alliance. He is almost exhausted.

"I understand, doctor. If you see Fat Hali, remember to notify me too."

Xiaozhi did not forget to remind Fatty Hali.

Buratano nodded and prepared to hang up.

"By the way, doctor, we are now in Lianli Town. It is said that the treasure you left behind when you were a child is buried here. Is it true?"

Before hanging up, Xiaozhi changed the topic and couldn't help but asked curiously.

"The treasure of Lianli Town?"

Dr. Buratano was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses, and his tone suddenly became panicked.

Through the 3D stereoscopic projection, you can still see him rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment, and his cheeks can't help but turn red.

"Haha, it does happen, but it happened when I just became a trainer, so I'm a little embarrassed~"

At that age, Buratano was quite a middle school student and liked to think about life, so he buried the so-called "treasure" in Lienli Town, and maybe he would dig it out again in the future. But later on, Dr. Bratano became famous in the Carlos area, and word spread about it, and many people came to Lianli Town to dig for his treasure.

"It's just that I'm ashamed to say that I don't even know where it is buried~"

The doctor laughed dryly:
"But Xiaozhi, you can go search boldly. Although I don't remember where it is buried, the 'treasure' inside may be of some use to you~!"

After saying that, the doctor hung up the phone.

The last words actually made Xiaozhi become interested in this so-called "treasure".

There are also two ancient gods of Kalos, Xerneas and Yveltal. I don’t know where they are now. Have they really fallen into the hands of Team Flare?
It wasn't until dusk that Serena Citron and the others rushed back to the Pokémon Center.

Serena and Sonic Dragon looked a little depressed, while Citron was very excited and his face was glowing red.

He also held a radar machine in his hand, holding it carefully like a treasure.

In this round, his treasure-hunting machine won a great victory, successfully defeating Sonic Dragon's ultrasonic power!
As for Youlijia's expression, it's quite weird. Her little face seems a little contradictory?
“Is the power of technology really great?!”

Xiaozhi, as the king of support, was the first to greet him and praise him and applaud him.

However, for such a smooth and useful machine, I always felt like something was missing.
"Yeah, brother's machine didn't explode. Even if I win, I feel like I've lost."

Yulijia spread her hands and couldn't help but complain.

But soon, Xiaozhi's eyes fell on Serena's palm. She was holding a small candy box.

It looks very old, about the size of a palm, with a lot of dust on the surface, and the four corners are rusty.

"Qiang Qiang~! This is the treasure buried by the doctor. We plan to open it together after meeting Xiaozhi!"

Serena showed a crescent smile and looked at Xiaozhi while holding the candy box.

Citron and Yurika also had the same expression.


Xiaozhi felt warm in his heart and his tone became much slower.

Serena and the others are worried that they will be lost because of the disappearance of Fat Hali.
Friends didn't need too many words of gratitude. After Xiaozhi solemnly nodded to a few people, he looked curiously at the old candy box.

I took it and weighed it in my hand. It didn't weigh much, but when I shook it, I could clearly feel something like a ball rolling inside.

Seeing that several people wanted to open it by themselves, Xiaozhi did his part and opened the rusty candy box with his backhand.

The first thing to bear the brunt is an evolution keystone.

Although the box had been sealed in the dirt for more than ten years, when it was opened, the surface of the keystone still shone with a strange luster.

"It's the keystone!"

Seeing this, Serena and Citron looked at each other, their eyes shining brightly.

If they find this second keystone, then they can each have one, and they no longer have to share the same keystone bracelet in a chilling manner!

However, underneath this small keystone, there was a piece of paper with a few lines written on it.

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