He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2635 The crushing power, the power of the dragon!

Nian Meilong, who has a laid-back personality, was also unceremonious. He poked his head out of the metal snail shell and roared out a powerful dragon wave from his mouth!

The newly arrived Sonic Dragon did not miss this opportunity to join in the fun. It spread its wings and the two big round ears on its head roared and trembled, and then blasted out two violent sonic booms visible to the naked eye!
The five dragon Pokémon gathered together to attack with all their strength. Although their attributes were not the same, they were combined together. Their power was superimposed and multiplied, and they all attacked the Dragon God Pillar at the other end of the stream.

Wow wow wow!

Even the water surface along the way below was pressed by this blow and the water waves broke on both sides, almost exposing the bottom of the river bed.

Such a blow made Meng Leigu, who was watching the show leisurely beside him, not to be underestimated and cast his curious gaze.

Even its full blow can only be a [-]-[-] split with this exaggerated combination attack, right?

How to block that "Dragon Egg" Pokémon?
The only one with a calm expression was Xiaozhi. He spread his hands and shook his head helplessly, as if he could already foresee the next scene.

He has seen the destructive power of the Dragon God Pillar. It is ridiculously strong!

Sure enough, the Dragon God Pillar at the other end of the creek bank floated up, stood sideways, and opened its sides slightly.

It's like the head of a fire-breathing dragon, with teeth and a mouth.

The deep red dragon egg with cracks and lattice marks at its core is constantly shining with light, and its energy is condensing rapidly.

Finally, all of them were concentrated at the "Dragon's Mouth", and a deep and majestic pink beam suddenly shot out! !
Boom boom boom! !

The overwhelming laser shock wave was unstoppable and collided with the oncoming five combination moves!

However, after only a moment of stalemate, the pink dragon flame beam completely penetrated and destroyed the opponent's combo move of rotten fish and shrimp, and shot towards the two-headed tyrannosaurus and others behind with unstoppable force!

Totally overwhelming power gap!

Boom! !
The two-headed tyrannosaurus and other dragons were unprepared and were all hit by the pink beam. Suddenly, there was a huge explosion on the bank of the waterfall and stream, and a big crater was blasted out of the ground!
When the smoke and dust dissipated, the five dragon Pokémon were all in miserable shapes, with scars all over their bodies, lying staggered in the gravel pit.

His eyes were wide open, as if he had just been ruined, and his mind was filled with disbelief.

Five against one, they were killed instantly? !


After striking this blow, the Dragon God Pillar stood horizontally again, using the upper and lower jaws of the dragon head as its left and right hands, suspended on both sides of the body.

"Sure enough, the dragon's power is still so powerful!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Dragon Power, this is the exclusive move of the Dragon God Pillar. It is extremely powerful and is the ultimate move that destroys the death ray level.

However, like the Coal Turtle's "fire-breathing" trick and Kyogre's "water-spraying" trick, it can only exert its greatest power when it has full physical strength.

The current Dragon God Pillar is in its full state. This dragon's power is unleashed, and coupled with its own super-powerful characteristic - Dragon Jaw - the power of all dragon-type moves will be greatly increased.

The combination of the two, let alone the combined attack of these five dragon-type Pokémon, can be suppressed steadily even if the Thunder Drum next to it is added together!


The fierce thunder drum next to him also showed a look that he did not dare to be careless.

This human who had subdued himself inexplicably had so many powerful Pokémon in his hands.

"In terms of destructive power alone, the dragon power of the Dragon God Pillar is already a first-level god-level offensive." Xiaozhi compared secretly in his heart.

But it's just pure attack and destructive power.

As a first-level ancient god, his all-round qualities are extremely high. In comprehensive comparison, the Dragon God Pillar is still slightly inferior.

"How about everyone, have you seen how powerful the Dragon God Pillar is?"

Seeing this group of arrogant Dragon Pokémon struggling to crawl out of the pit, Xiaozhi walked over with his hands on his hips and couldn't help but tease them.

The team is full of dragons, and they really need to be tortured, otherwise they will not be able to control them at all.

"Ouch~!!" "Roaring~!!"

Sure enough, the simple attack of the Dragon God Pillar instantly convinced all the Dragon Pokémon. The two-headed Tyrannosaurus and the Baby Tyrannosaurus, which were originally the most arrogant, all ran up and surrounded the Dragon God Pillar to express their desire to become their disciples.


Seeing that the juniors were finally in place in terms of etiquette, Dragon God Pillar Regidrago opened and closed the left and right dragon jaws with satisfaction, and his face flashed.

As a veteran Pokémon that has been sealed for who knows how many years, Dragon God Pillar still attaches great importance to these traditional etiquette, superiority and inferiority.

The Dragon God Pillar even closed the left and right dragon jaws, cracked the front end slightly, and pointed it at the sky, and the surging power began to gather again.

It will be taught to the younger generations on the spot, a "Meteor Swarm" ultimate move!
"Sure enough, we still have to invite the old man back!"

Seeing that all the dragon-type Pokémon instantly became brothers and sisters, even the Thunder Drum next to them couldn't help but curiously approached. Xiaozhi nodded with satisfaction.

This time please ask Dragon God Pillar.
Next time, take them to the reverse world and let these dragon Pokémon see the power of Pluto Dragon, Giratina!
It's time to find a time to ask little Lugia to open a passage to the reverse world somewhere in Kalos.

Boom! !
Traces of explosions were heard one after another not far away, causing the nearby Koga Ninja Frog, who was practicing dexterous jumping high in the jungle, to frown slightly and land on a tree to rest for a while.

Those dragon Pokémon, which only have muscles and intimidation power, are really noisy.
As it happens, there is a clear flowing stream next to it, and the Koga Ninja Frog is ready to jump down to get some water to drink.

"Armor ninja.?"

Just when he was about to fall, Koga Ninja paused for a moment and found two figures walking towards the creek below.

On the left is a human woman in a green dress. She has long red hair tied into two bunches at the back. She is wearing a hat, and her specific face cannot be seen clearly.

Next to him was an old acquaintance of Koga Ninja, a demonic red fox with a wooden staff in his hand.


Koga Ninja raised his eyebrows slightly, it was not Serena's demonic red fox.

The one in front of me is more mature, and her manners and movements are more gorgeous and noble. It seems that she is specially trained in this field.

The Koga Ninja simply turned its head and prepared to drink water by a stream. It had no interest in striking up a conversation with a stranger.


However, even though it was not interested, the demon fire red fox with shiny hair below discovered it hiding in a high place and shouted a warning!

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