He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2668 Goodbye Genin and Chuunin, 3 draws? !

After finishing their trip to Yingxue City, Xiaozhi and his party officially headed towards Desert City.

Originally, Serena wanted to invite everyone to her hometown. After all, Yingxue City was not far from Chaoxiang Town.

The towns in Carlos basically surround the city of Miare, forming a circle, and the starting point due south is Chaoxiang Town.

Several people made a big circle to the west, and at this moment, Yingxue City was almost back to the starting point.

"Forget it, I won't go back to this home for the time being."

Having just accepted the armored tyrannosaurus, Serena raised her forehead and shook her head, deciding not to go west, but to the east.

This time, they followed Defu's advice and put away their maps throughout the journey, intending not to take the officially marked roads.

"Anyway, since Desert City is located in a desert in the northeast corner of Kalos, we can always find our destination by walking all the way east and then north."

Xiaozhi's brain circuit is extremely simple.

Fortunately, the other people were also accustomed to following the rules. When they heard Xiaozhi's idea, they all raised their hands in approval.

"This princess also agrees~!"

Diamond Princess Dianxi also raised her little hand in a similar manner.

She also plans to find the legendary phantom beast Hupa Quilt, and use the power of the latter to find the ancient god Xerneas.

To the east of Yingxue City is a deserted snowy land, which looks quite desolate. Occasionally, there are a few Nula and Snow Li monsters sticking their heads out from behind dead trees or stones to look at a few people.

Because at this moment, not only Xiaozhi and Serena are behind them, but also a giant armored beast.

Serena: ".."

An armored rhino followed him steadily, its huge shadow even covering him directly, and the pressure was still quite high.

"I see, since it's a Pokémon we exchanged, it's best to follow it for the first few days."

Citron nodded and agreed.

But with the ferocious appearance of the armored Tyrannosaurus and the sharp tip of its nose like a drill, following behind it, I always felt like my heart would get cold at any moment.

"But he looks pretty docile?"

Xiaozhi smiled. Speaking of which, Armored Tyrannosaurus was still a Pokémon native to his hometown.

Then in the Sinnoh region, a new evolved type - Super Armored Rhinoceros was discovered.

Serena also smiled bitterly, reaching back and rubbing the hard shell of the armored tyrannosaurus.

"After all, it's the Pokémon that watched me grow up."

In the past, her mother forced her to practice armored rhinoceros riding, and she always used this one.

Mom also did it for her own good. After looking at the armored tyrannosaurus for a long time, it is actually quite cute.

Serena breathed a sigh of relief, officially accepting this armored tyrannosaurus.

In short, the next step is to get ready for the Alliance Conference in a month!

Two days later, Xiaozhi and his party were already some distance away from Yingxue City.

The original scene of ice and snow was no longer visible. The climate suddenly became much warmer. They came to a beautiful green forest canyon area.

"Well, it's still Christmas today. Without snow, there would be no atmosphere at all."

However, despite the beautiful scenery, Youlijia couldn't help but complain.

Serena beside her also nodded repeatedly.

If I had known, I would have stayed in Yingxue City for a few more days and left after Christmas.


Xiaozhi realized later and almost forgot about this festival.

While resting and setting up a tent by the creek, Xiaozhi quickly took out his picture book and quickly typed a line of holiday blessing text, then checked a large group of people and sent it to them.

During the holidays, I still have to send a few words to my old friends.

"Oh, how about it, Koga Ninja, did you notice anything around?"

Just as the Koga Ninja Frog was jumping back and forth among the branches of the tall forest and returned to the camp, Xiaozhi put away the illustrated book and couldn't help but ask.

Since they don't follow the map at all, they need to send one or two agile Pokémon out to explore the environment first.     "Kai Nin.!"

However, the Koga Ninja Frog flew down in front of and behind Xiaozhi, squinting his eyes and looking a little weird.

It found a familiar valley area and a familiar cave on the outside.

"A familiar cave?"

Xiaozhi was stunned and couldn't help but look around. This must be their first time in a place like this. How could they be familiar with it?

Before Koga Ninja joined the team, when he was still a Bubble Frog, he probably had never been to such a far place, right?


Before I could ask any more questions, a bush next to me suddenly shook and made an unnatural sound.

Xiaozhi and Koga Ninja's eyes squinted, and their bodies became alert in an unusually synchronized manner.

"Flying water shuriken!"

It didn't look like a wild Pokémon, so Xiaozhi was ready to test it first.

Koga Ninja understood, and slapped his palm on his waist, instantly condensing two water shurikens and throwing them out quickly.

The sudden sound of fighting also caused doubtful looks from several people who were preparing to light a fire for cooking.

call out! !

The flying water shuriken shot into the bushes. Sure enough, there was something hidden inside, and a flexible figure quickly sprang out from it.

Immediately afterwards, there was the same movement. The palms were placed on the waist, and the flying water shuriken was condensed and projected from mid-air.

The Koga Ninja showed no sign of weakness and once again threw out three flying water shurikens, and with extremely precise accuracy, he hit the three incoming flying water shurikens.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! !

The shurikens collided in mid-air and exploded into three water balls.

Using the smoke and dust, the flexible figure in the air swooped down, and held a dark purple short blade in one hand, slashing straight at the throat of the Koga Ninja!

Secret attack on key points!


This secret attack on the vital point was extremely sharp, completely penetrating the Koga Ninja's body.

The attacker's figure fell to the ground, and everyone finally saw him clearly.

"Another Koga ninja frog?"

"Wait a minute, could this kind of action be...?!"

By the creek, Serena and Citron looked at each other, but stopped talking.

Xiaozhi, on the other hand, was smiling without any panic.

It is true that the Koga Ninja Frog's knife-shuttering movement was very cool, but the "Koga Ninja Frog" that was struck turned into a ball of foamy ooze and collapsed in the next moment.

This is just a substitute technique for bubble flow.


The Koga ninja frog quickly turned its head and its expression changed drastically.

In this regard, Xiaozhi just took advantage of the situation and commanded:

"Now, Iai Slash!"

The Koga Ninja Frog that had been hiding in the dark suddenly jumped out and rushed to the face of another Koga Ninja Frog almost in the blink of an eye, and the palm on one side was holding a short white light blade.

The next moment, Iai Slash hovered at the throat of the Koga Ninja. If he moved forward a little further, he could hit the vital point and deliver a critical blow.

The outcome is decided!

"As expected of Xiaozhi, your Koga Ninja, I lost again."

From a direction in the jungle, a figure dressed in blue ninja clothes walked out. He looked to be about the same age as several others.

It was the genin who had a close relationship before.

No, now he has been promoted to Chuunin, Sanpei!

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