He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2679 The sweaty trio of darkness! ?

After successfully defeating his opponent, seeing that the middle-aged man wearing a Kodora mask had completely lost his fighting spirit and was half-kneeling on the ground in silence, Xiaozhi did not choose to pursue the victory.

He never kills people without will!

Then Xiaozhi looked around, and there was still a melee going on everywhere in the village. Various ninja Pokémon were constantly clashing with each other with their moves, and raging explosions and flames could be seen all around.

But the situation is not too bad.

Although the enemy has more rebel ninjas, Serena and Citron are also strongly joining the Ninja Village side.

Especially Serena, she directly released all her Pokémon.

"Iron-armored Tyrannosaurus, rock critical attack!"

"Bully Panda, arm thump!!"

"Turtle-legged giant armor, shell blade!!"

In front of Serena, three ferocious giants have lined up in sequence, launching powerful attacks at the rebellious Ninja Pokémon such as Alidos, Heiluga and others in front of her!

"Demon Fire Red Fox, big characters Explosive Flame!!"

"Huayedi, magic shines!!"

"Mega Tanabata Blue Bird, high pitch!!"

The moves performed by the other three beautiful Pokémon are much more beautiful, but the surging power contained in them is not inferior to the three rough guys in front, or even more!

Especially for Qixi Blue Bird, Serena directly activates the mega evolution, and combined with the characteristics of the fairy skin, the pink moves she plays are both powerful and dreamy and beautiful!

This large wave of rebellious ninjas is undoubtedly the perfect experience package. Serena is worried about having no place to train for the next alliance meeting.

If she hadn't been worried that she might become a "violent woman", she would have wanted everyone to stop taking action and leave the sandbags to herself.

"Well, then I'll leave this place to you!"

Xiaozhi let go of his trust, looked at Xitron, and then looked at the high slope of the mountain road at the edge of the village in the distance.

The rebel ninjas hiding there are wrong, it should be the dangerous trio of darkness who are the most troublesome.


Thinking of this, Xiaozhi put his palm on the shoulder of his Koga Ninja.

Koga Ninja understood this and secretly exerted his power.


The next moment, one person and one frog disappeared out of thin air.

"Is it Koga-ryu's teleportation technique?!"

Sanping, who was fighting fiercely nearby, blurted out in surprise.

This is a high-level ninjutsu in their village. Only Jonin-level companion Pokémon can perform it, and even his Koga Ninja can't do it yet.

And the ninjutsu scroll he gave Xiaozhi was only at the genin level. How did Xiaozhi use the Koga Ninja?


Almost instantly, Xiaozhi and Koga Ninja appeared on the high slope of the mountain road a hundred meters away.

As for how you learned it.

"Of course I stole it~!"

After the teleportation technique was successfully performed, Xiaozhi let go of his palm and smiled proudly.

Many people have already demonstrated this advanced teleportation technique in front of his Koga Ninja. The principle is naturally not a real ninjutsu, but a move similar to teleportation.

But there are some differences. At least it cannot be used frequently in battles like a Hu Di, and it can continuously move and change positions instantly.

More can only be this kind of one-time teleportation over a distance of tens of meters or a hundred meters, and the cooling time must be several minutes.

For the talented Koga Ninja, after watching it several times, it is already his thing!


Seeing a person and a frog appear around them out of thin air, the expressions of Yiping and Qingzang, who were having a tense confrontation, changed.

Of course, the changes in their expressions were completely opposite, and Qingzang was naturally shocked.

Is this kid so strong? He easily defeated Liang Lianban who showed his true strength.

Not to mention joining forces with Yihei, even Xiaozhi's Koga Ninja alone may not be his opponent!

Qiuzang's eyes squinted, and when he saw Ash's version of Koga Ninja up close, he couldn't help but feel moved in his heart. Perfect posture, a born ninja!

It's just that the trump card he prepared was used to deal with Qi Zan. Now no one can deal with this kid!

On the other side, Yiping's expression was naturally overjoyed. He didn't expect that the friends that the third brother made casually in other places could be so powerful.

There is also the appearance of the Koga Ninja Frog. I have never heard of the Koga Ninja Frog being able to change its form.

But none of that matters anymore.

"Xiaozhi, please help rescue Teacher Qi Zang. I can still deal with this guy for the time being!"

Yiping quickly said that the top priority now is to solve the sudden appearance of the mysterious dark trio.

"Okay! Leave it to me!"

Xiaozhi nodded. This was exactly what he planned to do. He walked side by side with the Koga Ninja towards the Dark Trio, as well as Saizo and the Turtle Foot Giant Armor who were trapped in the middle and could not move.


Koga Ninja has already taken out the flying water shuriken from his back again.

Since one was thrown just now, the newly condensed size of this one is now 30% smaller, but the power is still considerable.

It wanted to try throwing it out to see if it could break the protective barrier of these three white-haired ninjas.

Xiaozhi suddenly raised his hand, interrupting Koga Ninja's eagerness to make a move.

"Wait a minute. These are all my old acquaintances!"

Koga Ninja: "?"

Do you have any strange acquaintances like this?

So Xiaozhi walked over slowly and saw that the three pale long-haired ninjas ignored him, and the Koga Ninja was also watching curiously.


Ash coughed slightly to give the Dark Trio a heads up.

The Dark Trio are quite confident in their combined superpowers. Apart from being defeated by "that one" in this life, they have never failed.

The three of them were in a corner-turning formation facing inward, the other two had their backs to Xiaozhi, and only the farthest one was facing him head-on.

Seeing someone approaching, he glanced subconsciously, but quickly lowered his head again, full of disdain.

Here comes a stranger.

"Hmph, even that Koga ninja frog can't defeat the ninjutsu of those three people!"

The prisoner next to him was also paying attention, and sneered secretly in his heart.


However, the next second, the dark trio facing Xiaozhi suddenly realized something. After realizing it, they quickly raised their heads and looked at Xiaozhi again.

Wait a minute, why does this person look familiar? !

Although the clothes have changed, the height seems to be a bit taller, especially the face seems to have undergone plastic surgery. Although it is slightly darker, it has become more mature and handsome.

The most important thing is, isn't this face the nightmare that has been haunting the three of them? !

It was because I was dazzled by using my superpowers and had an illusion.

Or is that devil in explosive clothes really showing up here? !

This cold killer ninja's expression suddenly changed, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

The minds of the Dark Trio were united, and the thoughts of one person were soon perceived by the other two at the same time.

The next moment, although the three of them had tense faces, they all started to sweat profusely! (End of chapter)

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