He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2687 The Arabian Nights Demon God Hupa!

Chapter 2687 The Arabian Nights Demon God Hupa!

"It's just that when Balza opened the magic pot, Hupa's body was locked by something, and he could no longer move freely!"

Speaking of this, Hupa held his little head and was full of fear.

It's a terrifying feeling as if your body is about to be taken over by an outsider!

Fortunately, it struggled hard, and the superpowers of the brothers Balza and Mayali were used together.


Xiaozhi was stunned and couldn't help but interject.

It sounds like a superpower, and the name seems familiar.

"Hupa doesn't know for sure, but it seems that people in the Valley of Creation can use this power.?"

Hupa rubbed his head and answered ambiguously.

According to the Balza brothers and sisters, their power comes from the creator god Arceus?

"In short, my power, coupled with the power of the Balza brothers and sisters, barely managed to drive out the dangerous things in the magic pot!"

Hupa went on to say that the so-called "dangerous thing" seemed to be another evil version of himself?

"But then, the mass of things also revealed its original shape. It was a giant demon god Hupa. It was very evil and cruel, and it was more powerful than Hupa!"

Having said this, Hupa held his head again, full of fear.

The next scene, of course, is when it confronts the huge demon god Hupa.

"While fighting it, two of my golden rings were knocked away and their whereabouts are unknown."

Hupa just raised his hand and looked at his wrist in despair.

Unexpectedly, the wrist that was supposed to be bare now had two golden rings.

"I was shocked! Why did these two rings come out!!"

Hupa exclaimed in surprise, "Scared" seemed to be his mantra, and he would be startled every few sentences.

"That's not right. I remember that I was clearly beaten away."

Hupa's ability is to use the golden ring to summon the desired object from a distance.

When you need to fight, you can even remotely summon powerful Pokémon, or even fantasy beasts and mythical beasts to help!

At that time, in order to face the huge "Shadow Hoopa", Hoopa enlarged the two golden rings on the horns and prepared to summon two legendary Pokémon to help!

It's just that its ability is not enough, and it is temporarily unable to directly summon a first-level god to fight.

Even if he is forcibly summoned, the other party will not obey his command.

Its limit is to summon and command the second level gods.

So Hupa planned to summon two second-level gods, one was a giraffe-like Raikou, and the other was a dinosaur-like Suicune.

It looks majestic and very powerful.

"It's just that my plan didn't succeed. The Demon God Hupa also had the same ability as me. It interrupted my casting motion first and used its golden ring to eat my golden ring!"

Hupa said aggrievedly.

The golden ring can not only summon things from far away, but also teleport things in front of you to distant places.

It is estimated that the demon Hupa wants to teleport his golden ring to a distant place where no one cares, so that he will completely lose the ability to teleport.

"I was shocked. Why did it suddenly come back to my wrist!?"

Hupa immediately rubbed the golden ring on his wrist with joy. He thought he would never see it again in this life.

"That's it. Haha"

Xiaozhi smiled dryly and rubbed the back of his head. It turned out that this was the cause and effect. At that time, the two golden rings were thrown into the shipwreck at the bottom of the sea by the demon Hupa. It is estimated that the Santeanu suddenly appeared so strangely on the seabed of the Azure Bay in the Carlos area. Was it the devil Hupa's fault?

It thought no one cared about it, but it was accidentally picked up by itself.

Now he is back to little Hupa as if he is searching for his master automatically.

The location pointed by the two golden rings at that time was the undulating water and thunder drum that Hupa originally wanted to summon.

That makes sense.

After playing with it for a while, Hupa gently threw the gold ring on his wrist, and then hung it on two curved horns.

The horns are where the gold ring usually hangs.

However, sometimes if he is afraid of losing it, Hupa will shrink it slightly and put it on his wrist.

"Unfortunately, my third golden ring is not here."

It's just that Hupa's mood changed very quickly, and he quickly lowered his head in disappointment.

There are actually three golden rings that it can use to cast teleportation summons - two on the horns, and one that is usually worn around its waist like a swimming ring.

But at this moment, its waist is empty.

The story of its battle with "Demon God Hupa" has not yet been finished. This is the first time for everyone to hear the deeds of this desert demon god. It is like a fairy tale in the Arabian Nights, and they are listening with gusto.

"After my golden ring was eaten by it, the other party also wanted to eat me too!"

The other party's target seems to have always been its body?

"Fortunately, in the end, Balza used all his strength to barely block the attack of the Hoopa, and successfully used the magic pot to seal the Hoopa again."

Only then did it understand why the old man in the Valley of Creation, the ancestor of Balza, warned his descendants before they died not to look for the magic pot easily.

"But the last attack of that Hoopa still blew me away. The golden ring on my belly was also blown away. I was shocked. I didn't expect that Hoopa could still be alive!"

Hupa patted his chest with lingering fear and took a long breath.

After that, it’s now.

"I was blown away and fell into the desert. I had no strength at all. My three golden rings were gone and I couldn't use my abilities."

"In the end, I fainted in the desert. Until now, I was rescued by Xiaozhi."

Everyone nodded suddenly and thought about it for a long time.

From what I heard, the Demon God Hupa has been re-sealed, and the crisis has been resolved?

It's just that Hupa's expression is not so calm. He always feels that something is wrong in his heart, and even when he thinks about it, he can't help but break out in cold sweat.

It has a bad premonition that the huge demon Hupa will come out one day and swallow its body completely.

"Anyway, thank you Xiaozhi for your life-saving grace~"

However, Hupa was a little heartless, and soon he floated happily again, with the two gold rings on the horns shaking gently.

"In return, Hupa can grant your wish~ Now you can say it~!"

Hupa patted his chest proudly, saying proudly like a little devil making a wish.

It is said that Desert City has become such a developed desert oasis city because the former "self" fulfilled the wishes of local residents, summoned countless oil for them, and poured into several super large oil fields.

Thanks to the benefits of oil, although Desert City is located in the desert, it is still a fully developed town. Everyone living there can really be described as "extremely rich"!

But Hupa himself has no memory of these.

(End of this chapter)

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