He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2689 The Valley of Creation of Arceus?

Chapter 2689 The Valley of Creation of Arceus?

"What's wrong? Ai Lan, you scared me just now!"

Next to him, Manon was looking around in panic. Why did the golden ring that suddenly appeared suddenly disappear?

"Well, forget about those things, Manon, you've had enough rest, we're ready to go!"

Ai Lan didn't worry too much about teleporting the golden ring.

The world is so big and full of wonders, and it’s not surprising that it might be the power of a legendary Pokémon.

"Hey, are you on your way again?"

Hearing this, Manon immediately collapsed on the ground with his head downcast and muttered:

"Obviously Ai Lan doesn't need to spend time going around challenging gyms and collecting badges now. And don't you already have the invitation letter for the Strongest Trainer Competition?"


Next to him, the mature fat Hali even comforted his trainer gently and rubbed Manon's head.

Ai Lan didn't say much about this. After a short rest, he got up and left, as if he didn't want to wait for Manon at all.

But the starting pace was extremely slow, obviously waiting for the latter.

Although Manon complained all the way, he always followed Ai Lan.

Here is an unexpected travel combination of a mature handsome boy and a bold girl.

On the other end, Hupa has switched the positions of several Fat Hali, but none of them is the one belonging to Xiaozhi.

Everyone's initial admiration for Hupa's ability to make wishes began to change.

Although none of them said it directly like Dianxi, they still couldn't help but secretly thought:

"Useless guy!"

"I'm shocked, how could this happen?!"

There seemed to be something wrong with Hupa's ability. It was sweating profusely while holding on to the two golden rings.

It can find the specific Fat Harry based on the aura on Xiaozhi's body and the memory of the image of Fat Harry in his mind - the combination of the two.

But why does it seem that my ability has completely failed and I can't find the location of the fat Harry?

"Well~ Anyway, don't worry yet. Maybe Hupa, you have just recovered and can't use your full strength. Or if the third golden ring is not found, you won't be able to use your full strength either."

Xiaozhi could only rub Hupa's little head and comfort him.

Seeing that the latter was still trying to throw the golden ring, Xiaozhi quickly suppressed it and hung it back on the latter's horn, signaling to be calm.

He is someone who has seen the power of Hupa's golden ring, and the violent thunder drum he conquered is proof.

If you find the third golden ring, maybe Xerneas or your own fat Hali can find it back.

Xiaozhi still believes in Hupa's power!

"So the top priority is to find the third golden ring, hehehe~!"

Citron pushed up his glasses and suddenly sneered mysteriously:

"In order to deal with such emergencies, I have invented a special machine in advance."

"As for the golden ring, it should be at Balza's place!"

However, Hupa directly interrupted Citron's performance.

At that time, it was fighting the demon version of itself. The opponent "ate" its two golden rings first, and Hupa was about to use the third golden ring to resist.

He was blown away.

But the third golden ring seemed to fall near Balza.

"Balza has a unique power and can sense the location of the golden ring. He should have preserved it!"

Hearing this, several people showed their complacent expressions again, but Citron, who had not been given a chance to perform, was dejected.

"Then the next step is just to find Mr. Balza?"

"Hehe~ Balza should be waiting for Hupa at the Valley of Creation~!"

Hupa smiled proudly. If it were normal, it could directly teleport Xiaozhi and others to the Valley of Creation.

But now that it only has two golden rings, it doesn't dare to confirm whether its ability can be used accurately.

"It's not a big problem~ The Valley of Creation should not be far from here!" Hupa flew high into the air and closed his eyes to feel the surrounding atmosphere.

Although the golden ring cannot be used to accurately lock the position, it is no problem if it is just to determine the orientation.

"It's there!"

After a few seconds, it opened its eyes and pointed diagonally forward.


Xiaozhi raised his hands and looked around. From their position, they could already vaguely see the outline of the edge of Desert City.

After a long delay, the silhouette scene in the distance did not disappear, proving that it was not a mirage.

And the direction Hupa is pointing is to the west of Desert City. Can you faintly see a mountain peak?

"Well, anyway, let's go to the Valley of Creation first and help Hupa regain his strength!"

As the captain, Xiaozhi took the lead and walked in the front.

After this incident is over, you can go shopping in the desert city next door and experience the local wealth.

"Leave it to me~ Hupa will lead the way~!"

Hupa, on the other hand, flew to the front with high spirits and led the way.

It can only be said that it is indeed a phantom beast. Although it has been buried for several days, its physical strength has been fully restored and it is full of vigor and vitality.

So the group of people once again embarked on a journey into the desert under the scorching sun.

About two hours later, the exhausted people finally arrived at the foot of the mountain.

"Come on, come on, Hupa grew up here~!"

Seeing the familiar scene, Hupa suddenly became excited, spinning circles in the air and dancing.

Because it was too hot outside, several people did not dare to delay and quickly followed Hupa's guidance into a valley tunnel.

"Speaking of which, this place is somewhat similar to the Ninja Village?"

After passing through the tunnel and entering the valley area surrounded by mountains, Xiaozhi couldn't help but complain.

As soon as they came out of the cave, a gentle breeze blew in front of them, and everyone couldn't help but move in unison, with expressions of surprise on their faces.

"Hey, what's going on here?"

"I feel cooler all of a sudden?"

"It's so comfortable, the wind here~!"

After several hours of being exposed to the desert sun, the environment in the valley made Xiaozhi and others squint their eyes comfortably, enjoying the strange feeling here.

It was scientist Citron who came to his senses first and looked around in disbelief.

"Strange, why has the environment here changed so much all of a sudden?"

The yellow sand that was all over the ground just now disappeared, and there was solid dirt underfoot.

In fact, the town in front of us is not an oasis town. There is not much greenery in the valley. At first glance, the whole place is earthy yellow in color.

But it has nothing to do with the desert environment.

It seems that this valley has some strange power and is completely separated from the desert environment outside.

"Are you shocked? This is the Valley of Creation~"

Hupa happily introduced to several people like a master:

"Hehe~ The legendary creation god Arceus created the world in this valley~!"

(End of this chapter)

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