He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2700 Emperor Yan’s boyfriend?

Among them, Thunderdrum is considered an outlier among this group of Pokémon.

Although his identity is a bit vague, he actually has a level two god-level combat capability.

"Thunder drum, use dragon sound to encourage!!"

Xiaozhi raised his hand and shouted, now he can successfully command the action of this thunder drum.

The slender neck of Thunder Drum was like a thunder dragon. Although its body was much smaller than Arceus, its head was one head taller than Arceus.


The thunderclouds around his neck began to rotate, and the thunder drum suddenly raised its head and let out a high-pitched roar.

The sound covered the whole place, and all the more than ten Pokémon on our side lit up with amplified red light!

Dragon sound encouragement is a skill that Xiaozhi only recently learned about. It is said that it is a dragon-type move that has just been developed in other places.

The sound of the dragon is encouraging, which is also the dance of the dragon.

This is a move that uses one's own dragon's roar to boost the morale of the entire team. All of a sudden, other Pokémon become excited and extremely focused.

"Then the Dragon Hammer!!"

The moves of Thunder Drum are quite rare, but the move of Dragon Hammer is different from the wooden mallet.

The next moment, Meng Lei Gu used his slender neck as a hammer and his head as the head of the hammer, pressed forward, and smashed it!

It is said that this is a unique move of the coconut egg tree that is unique to Alola. It uses the slender trunk neck to directly smash down, causing high damage.


It was just that Arceus' clone turned aside and dodged the dragon hammer.


Although this move looked very fierce, it was somewhat indecent when someone pressed it with his neck, so the Arceus clone decisively chose to avoid it.

However, encouraged by the thunderous sound of the drum, the other Pokémon's offensive became even more fierce!

Especially Koga Ninja, who is a top student, his whole body is gushing with exaggerated tornadoes of water, directly entering the Koga Ninja that is bound to evolve.

Wow! !

It even did not disperse the water tornado around it, but maintained this state and rushed towards Arceus. Not only the power but also the momentum were a whole level higher.

"A form I've never seen before.?"

The clone of Arceus frowned slightly. This was the first time he had seen the strange-looking Koga Ninja.

His eyes looked at Xiaozhi next to him with a little doubt.

Why do the scents of this frog and the human next to it become so strangely the same?

"Koga Ninja, Water Wave Sword!!"

Xiaozhi shouted loudly from behind. At this moment, he had eyes and ears in all directions and needed to take into account the situation of all Pokémon.

Koga Ninja, who was holding back the evolution, raised the water-flowing short blade, jumped up, and struck hard at Arceus' face.

Sizzle! !

However, a strong electric current suddenly burst out from Arceus' body, turning into an electro-optical tank and crashing into the Koga Ninja Frog's attack.

Crazy Volt! !

Boom! !

There was another violent explosion, accompanied by countless arcs of electricity shooting out in all directions, and the scene was violent!

Even the Koga Ninja was inevitably knocked backwards, leaving a large mark on the ground.


Pikachu, who had been aiming for an opportunity next to him, suddenly shouted and found an opportunity. He sprinted and accelerated on the ground, and his whole body also burst out with sharp lightning!

Crazy Volt, not as good as one of its Volt attacks!

Pikachu's strength surpassed all the Pokémon here. The clone of Arceus had been suppressing its own strength, but unexpectedly this electric rat suddenly came out and killed him.

Boom! !

Unprepared, the clone of Arceus was hit hard by Pikachu in the face. The huge body followed and retreated sideways. The body was even covered with paralyzing arcs, causing considerable damage. This blow worked!


The clone of Arceus became a little angry. Your electric mouse is not much weaker than its clone, but you actually mingled with a group of juniors and waited for an opportunity to attack? !

But then I felt happy again.

I originally thought they were just a bunch of rabble, but even with Emperor Yan's continuous treatment, two days of high-intensity fighting would consume at most 30% of my battery.

But now after playing for almost an hour, Xiaozhi’s Pokémon have quite good potential and quality, and they are becoming more and more skillful in cooperating with each other.

It is possible that more than 50% of your own power has been consumed!

The battle in the Hall of Beginning continued until dusk.

During this period, Xiaozhi went outside again and brought back several large boxes of Pokémon food for everyone to enjoy.

After all, treatment can rely on Emperor Yan, but daily physical strength still needs to be supplemented by food.

Bah, bah, bah!

After a long day of special training, all the Pokémon were hungrier than usual. They scattered around this space, sitting on the ground without any appearance, feasting.

Since there are a total of more than ten Pokémon scattered here, a lot of ration crumbs are scattered randomly, making the scene look a bit messy.

Fortunately, the believers from the Valley of Creation did not come in, otherwise Xiaozhi would have been expelled from the country for the crime of "disrespect."

Arceus clone: ​​"."

The latter still stood in a corner of the arena, looking at Xiaozhi and his group quietly, his eyebrows twitching slightly.

Hey, is this a place to eat? !

Didn’t you take it into consideration at all, the Creator God?


When Xiaozhi saw Arceus staring straight at him, he thought he was hungry too, so he picked up a food box and handed it over.


Arceus clone: ​​"."

In order to consume power, he finally turned his head and pretended not to see this scene.

As a pure energy body, it does not feel hungry and does not need any food supplies.

"Has the God of Creation turned out to be so powerful?"

Xiaozhi rubbed his head and didn't think much.

It was rare for him to have time to rest during high-intensity special training. He took a deep breath, sat next to Emperor Yan, and ate the dinner specially prepared by Citron.

Speaking of which, I haven't had a heart-to-heart relationship with Emperor Yan for a long time.

Since the latter did not participate in the battle, he just continued to release the sacred flames beside him, so he did not lose much physical strength.

The legendary Pokémon had excellent endurance, so Entei didn't eat much and just lay there quietly.

The atmosphere of one person and one dog is a bit awkward.

Finally, Xiaozhi found the topic and took the lead in breaking the deadlock:

"Speaking of Yandi, I just heard Dr. Omu say that you recently had a boyfriend?"

Emperor Yan frowned, neither denying nor admitting, as if he didn't want to talk about this topic.

This reaction made Xiaozhi even more curious.

"That's weird, Entei, you're not a legendary Pokémon. You should have no gender, right?"

While speaking, Xiaozhi's eyes moved slightly downward, scanning Yandi's crotch area.

It's just that the latter's limbs were lying on the ground, and its belly was close to the ground, making it impossible for Xiaozhi to identify the male and female on the spot.


However, Xiaozhi's slightly malicious look made Emperor Yan growl in dissatisfaction in protest.

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