He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2707 Doubles Battle! vs prince and princess!

"Let me introduce to you, this is Prince Saliman~!"

Uncle Shouqiao quickly quickened his pace and respectfully introduced the man on the left.

Although Prince Saliman still wears the robe and turban that the locals are accustomed to, the colors of his clothes are richer, and there are various gemstones inlaid at the junction of the clothes, which is completely different from ordinary people.

He is about 18 years old, with brown skin, a proud and handsome face, a raised chin, and a proud look of wealth.

"This one is Princess Sara~"

The bridge guard raised his hand to face the woman next to him, who was probably 1 or 2 years younger than Prince Saliman.

She has a delicate and beautiful face, wearing a lavender tulle dress, which is also covered with gorgeous pearls and gems, making her a dazzling princess.

"The princess of Desert City?"

Serena and the others couldn't help but marvel at Princess Sarah's appearance and clothes.

Especially Dian Xi, who was in invisible form, clenched her fists angrily when she saw Xiaozhi staring at the princess.

Only she, the Diamond Princess, is the real princess!

All the jewelry on the other person's body combined are not as good as the pink diamond on her head!

"that is?"

However, Xiaozhi's focus was not on the princess's appearance or clothing, but on the gem pendant she wore around her neck.

Hanging above it, if he saw it correctly, it should be the keystone, right?

Does this princess also understand mega evolution?

Yulijia even jumped up excitedly, knelt down on one knee and proposed to her brother:

"Keep! Princess Sara, my brother is going to worship you. Aww!!"

But before he could finish his words, Citron grabbed him back with the long-tailed monster's mechanical arm and quickly covered his mouth.

Who knows what the relationship between the two people in front of them is, brother and sister, or an unmarried couple?

This is a monarchy. If you talk nonsense, you will be thrown into the river of barbaric bass.

"Hello, I am Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, and this is my partner Pikachu, and Hupa~"

"Your Highnesses, Prince and Princess, I am Serena"

Xiaozhi and the others quickly interrupted and introduced themselves.

Although the two people in front of them were graceful and elegant, with a bit of arrogance on their faces, they didn't seem to be difficult people to get along with.

"Are you the master trainers from other places that Lao Pa found? Are you too young?"

Prince Saliman frowned and looked up and down at Xiaozhi, who was standing at the front.

Speaking of Hoopa, how come this Pokémon that I have never seen has the same name as the demon in that legendary story?

But these are not important. Prince Saliman clasped his hands behind his back and said in a deep voice:

"Then let me see your strength. If you perform well, you will be my prince's good friend. If you perform poorly."

He suddenly looked at Xiaozhi, making no secret of the threat:

"I will throw the electric rat on your shoulder into the Bass River!"

Pikachu: "?"

You can get shot while lying down, so can't you just throw away these humans? !

If you throw away a Pikachu, it only has a few pieces of meat on it!

Pikachu was secretly annoyed and moved his little hands, preparing to give the prince electrotherapy.

"Be patient Pikachu, I just want to see the current strength of my Pokémon."

Xiaozhi comforted him and let Pikachu jump into Yurika's arms to wait and see what happened.

"Brother, let me participate in such a fun thing!"

Next to her, Princess Sarah with long orange hair couldn't help but interject. Her voice was clear and sweet, and she seemed to be a playful princess.


This also made Citron relieved. It seemed that it was not a fiancée relationship.

"Together? Doubles.?"

Prince Saliman frowned slightly and looked at Xiaozhi hesitantly. This young boy is probably the only one who takes over the throne.

"That's right, Serena, will you come too?"

Ash looked back at Serena.

"Huh? Me?!"

Serena was stunned, a little off guard.

"That's right, Serena is an elite trainer who has collected eight badges. She is the one who will win the championship in the next alliance conference!"

Xiaozhi immediately introduced Serena to the two of them with great enthusiasm. Hearing the flattering words, the latter's cheeks turned red and she said coquettishly:

"Ah Xiaozhi, how can I win the championship?"

However, these words made Prince Saliman’s eyes brighten:

"The Alliance Conference? It's the one with Mega Charizard, right? I watched the live broadcast. The trainer named Ai Lan is very powerful. I didn't expect your girlfriend to be so powerful."

He is also a conference fan.

Serena quickly denied it and shouted softly:

"Hey! I'm not as good as that player Ai Lan. No, I'm not a girlfriend either!"

"So is Serena that powerful? So doubles and doubles, brother!"

Princess Sarah couldn't wait any longer, staring straight at her brother with two big bright eyes and urging her.

Prince Saliman held his forehead and shook his head helplessly:

"If you want to fight so much, then let's play doubles."


Princess Sara immediately raised her hands to celebrate.

After this interruption, the relationship between the few people suddenly became quite familiar.

Only then did Xiaozhi realize that once it came to the Pokémon battle, there seemed to be no distinction between ordinary people and royals. Everyone was a normal trainer.

"Lao Pa, you can be the referee!"

So Prince Saliman gave the order, immediately opened the field, and fought on the lawn of this courtyard.

Speaking of which, not many people in their royal family like Pokémon battles.

He counts as one, and his sister counts as one.

Sara's strength is definitely not weak, and she is his only opponent for daily sparring.

It was just that Saliman was tired of facing his sister all the time, so he posted a notice to find a new powerful opponent.

So the four people from both sides stood on both sides of the lawn, ready to go.

"Ahem, then there is a limit on the number of doubles."

"Each person can use two Pokémon, right?"

Prince Saliman said loudly, Xiaozhi and Serena nodded without objection.

The bridge guard uncle named Lao Pa also knew what he was doing, and he immediately said loudly:

"Then the rules of this doubles match are that everyone can use two Pokémon, and they are not allowed to change them midway. Until all Pokémon on one side and two people are unable to fight, the winner will be determined!"

Lao Pa still understands the normal rules of doubles battle outside.

"Ash, come on Serena~!"

Yulijia and Citron were sitting on the steps nearby, shouting to come on.

The four people on both sides met their eyes, breathed steadily, and threw their elf balls at the same time.


It's quite a coincidence that the Pokémon sent by Ash and Serena are all tall fossil dinosaur Pokémon!

On the left is the majestic and fierce strange jaw dragon, and on the right is the mature and steady ice and snow dragon!

call out.!

The moment the ice and snow dragon appeared on the stage, snowflakes fell on the field. The snowy weather made the atmosphere in the courtyard suddenly much more serious! (End of chapter)

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