He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2727 The 2-good 3-cloud god!

"I don't have any other Pokémon with me."

Seeing that there was no life threat to his friends in a short time, Xiaozhi temporarily calmed down and looked in front of him.

Facing an opponent at the level of an ancient god, apart from Pikachu, the only ones he can put on the field at present may be the Koga Ninja, which can also be of some use.

The rest of the Carlos team will probably get it for nothing if they go up there!

Fortunately, although this demon god Hupa has a violent personality, he is similar to little Hupa in his heart. He is probably also a playful type who likes to play pranks.

He likes to play with his opponents, so he didn't immediately direct the two gods of Fangyuan to attack, but it gave him time to think.

"Hip-hop~ I love seeing you humans struggling the most~!"

The demon Hupa was still sitting in his seat, laughing wildly.

It doesn't matter anymore. When he has enough fun here, he can go to Desert City and the Valley of Creation. None of those people can escape!

What kind of pot of punishment? You don't think that something like that can trap him a second time, do you? !

Xiaozhi turned his head and glanced at Saliman. The latter's Rock God Pillar could only protect himself at best.

Now I want to delay the war

No, if you want to defeat the opponent, you can only rely on it!

"The decision is yours, little Hoopa!!"

Ash suddenly raised Hoopa high above his head and roared loudly.

"Ah, you were shocked?!"

Little Hupa opened his mouth wide and quickly retracted towards Ash's body.

He was frightened to death when he saw the appearance of the demon god Hupa. Wasn't it free to go up there? !

"Don't be afraid little Hupa, you and that guy are both Hupas. If he can summon the three gods of Fangyuan, you can also summon the three dragons of Sinnoh!!"

That's right, as long as you summon an ancient god who is stronger than the opponent, you can easily delay time or even defeat the opponent.

"Ah, but I can only summon level two gods at most."

Little Hupa felt guilty.

Although now its three rings are gathered together, its strength has returned to its previous state.

But before, the most it could do was recruit a few second-level gods to act as thugs!

Not long ago, when Balza and I fought against the demon god Hupa, he wanted to summon some strange second-level gods like Waves of Water and Thunder Drum to help out.

He is not even able to forcibly control his will like the demon god Hupa.

The summoned thugs must also seek their opinions. Only when the thugs are willing to take action will they take action.

However, as a fantasy beast with the ability to summon at will, it is a unique favorite. Under normal circumstances, the summoned thugs will also be willing to help fight.

"In short, believe in your own power! You are the real Hupa. Not to mention the second-level god, even the first-level god and even the creation god can be summoned!!"

Xiaozhi continued to give Hupa guidance and encouragement, and the latter finally had a little more fighting spirit.

"In that case, come out!!"

Little Hupa gritted his teeth and flew to the top of Xiaozhi's head, trying to activate all his power.

The double rings on the horns and the third ring on the belly flew out at once, quickly growing in size in front of him.

"Haha~ Is it the power of the impostor?"

Demon God Hupa was not in a hurry. He knew the upper limit of little Hupa's power, so he watched the show leisurely.

The three golden rings shone with light inside, and a majestic and fierce aura floated out from them.

"Ho ho!!" "Ho ho!!"

Before he could see him, two arrogant and violent shouts came from him, and it sounded like he was the master who feared neither heaven nor earth.

"It's saved!"

When Saliman saw this, he felt happy. It seemed that he had summoned an incredible existence!

Just Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows, why did this voice sound familiar?

The next moment, two flowing clouds flew out of it first, accompanied by the roar of ghosts crying and wolves howling.

The clouds flying out of the third golden ring are one step behind, appearing more stable and mature.

Everyone took a closer look, and on one side of the two clouds in front was a green-skinned man with a slowly blowing cyclone around him. On the other side was a big blue-skinned man, with arcs of electricity flowing vaguely from his body.

On the third cloud, there is a brown-skinned man, with his hands folded across his chest, and his body and face are as strong as a rock.

Xiaozhi: ".?"

Three cloud gods.

I asked you to summon a first-level god, how did you get these bastards out? !

No, Earth Cloud in Sanyun God is still a normal person, while Tornado Cloud and Thunder Cloud are second-rate.

The next scene was not beyond Xiaozhi’s expectations——

The tornado clouds and thunder clouds that were originally summoned and prepared for a big fight have already begun to gear up.

"Maybe one day, I will be called by the golden ring to help Hupa fight."

This is the memory engraved deep in the hearts of every mythical beast and fantasy beast, so as soon as the golden ring appears, they know what to do.

"Thunder Explosion~!!" "Rolling Roar~!!"

The thunder cloud clenched its arms, and dazzling blue lightning burst out from the whole body.

The tail of the tornado cloud flicked, and the hurricane gradually took shape at the end.

The corners of their mouths were raised, showing extremely confident expressions.

However, the next moment, they finally noticed the blue whale in front of them and the flightless lava beast.



Otherwise, Thunder Cloud and Tornado Cloud were brothers. Both of them were shocked, holding their cheeks with their palms and screaming loudly.


The speed of the thunder cloud was extremely fast, and his body instantly turned into a blue arc of electricity, escaping back into the golden ring.

Well, in my memory, I asked them to help Hoopa fight.

But today he chose to say no!

Although Tornado Yun's speed was a step slower, he still didn't show any attachment and ran away quickly.

He even wished he could immediately enter the spirit beast form and add a pair of wings to increase his speed!

Xiaozhi: "."

Not surprisingly, these two guys are just here to make fun of them.

In comparison, Di Yun, the eldest brother among the three cloud gods, is much more reliable.

He immediately noticed the two gods of Fangyuan. They had a strong sense of oppression and were actually one rank higher than him. They were not opponents that he could defeat.

The land god also backed down.

But then he noticed Xiaozhi next to him

When they were in the Hezhu area, Xiaozhi was kind to the three brothers.

After thinking about it again and again, Tu Tuyun did not run away in embarrassment like his two younger brothers. Instead, he lowered his figure and landed next to Xiaozhi.

Although he is no match for the two gods of Fangyuan, he can still do his part.

"Thanks, Di Di Yun.!"

Xiaozhi was a little surprised and couldn't help but feel grateful that Di Diyun could still stay under such circumstances.

He is worthy of being the only reliable existence among the three cloud gods!

At the very least, they now have a second-level god on their side!

"Hip~!! A land cloud, haha~!"

However, the demon god Hupa seemed to be watching a drama, sitting down on the huge throne and laughing loudly.

The harsh laughter also made Little Hupa feel ashamed, and he could only lower his body and fly in front of Xiaozhi:

"Xiao Zhi. I still failed. I can't summon a first-level god." (End of this chapter)

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