He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2731 The war officially begins, the gods fight!

"As expected of the Raquaza boss, are you still so ruthless?"

Xiaozhi's mouth was crooked, this was too violent!

Well, if you want to demote Black Rayquaza, your idea of ​​becoming the eldest brother is postponed indefinitely for the time being!

"Damn, have the ancient gods of flash come out?!"

Beside him, Saliman's mouth couldn't close at all.

He thought his Flash Menus was at its limit. Now a Flash Rayquaza appeared? !

Never show off your wealth in front of Xiaozhi again!

"Damn it, who is this human brat?!"

And the Demon God Hupa, who had been watching from behind, looked completely panicked.

Could it be that this human brat is actually the incarnation of Arceus, the God of Creation? Otherwise, how could he summon so many ancient gods at will? !

"How do you learn this, Teacher Dazhi?!"

Little Hupa's mood was very complicated. On the one hand, he was happy that he finally had the strength to fight against the demon god Hupa.

But on the other hand, Xiaozhi can summon it better than it, which makes Hupa feel even more frustrated.

"Don't worry Hupa, help me summon a Latias."

Xiaozhi seemed to sense Hupa's thoughts, smiled and rubbed the latter's head:

"Summoning the first-level gods is my strength. But summoning the second-level gods is your force."


Hupa's expression was stunned. Although this was indeed the truth, he just felt that he was even worse? !

"I know, Latias with Ash's aura. Come out!!"

Hupa still cheered up, positioned himself remotely, and quickly summoned a Latias from the golden ring.


The next moment, Latias, who had red and white hair and looked like a streamlined small plane, flew out of it.

Originally summoned by Hupa inexplicably, I thought he was going to fight something.

The kind-hearted Latias is willing to help Hupa fight.

Until I noticed Xiaozhi at the door of Jinhuan.


Latias's eyes immediately glowed, and he let out a sweet and clear chirp. His slender and cute head ran into Xiaozhi's chest and rubbed it hard.

Xiaozhi still smells good~!

Xiaozhi rubbed Latias, and the situation was not completely relaxed now. He did not say hello too much:

"Halardias, I'm going to ask you to let me ride you today!"

Latias nodded, quickly suspended in the air, and moved his lower body in front of Xiaozhi.

The slender neck turned his head, his cheeks were blushing, and he looked at Xiaozhi with expectant eyes.

Saliman: ".?"

Damn it, why does the expression on this Latias look so much like the expressions on those favored concubines when he used to peek at his father sleeping?


Ash was not polite and turned over to sit astride Latias.

"Sallyman, find a place to hide yourself."

Xiaozhi finally warned that the latter was protected by the Rock God Pillar, so self-protection should not be a big problem.

So with Pikachu on his shoulders and little Hoopa in his arms, he rode the wind with Latias.

It would be too much to watch such a fight between gods and goddesses all the time.

You have to ride the most familiar Latias and experience this magnificent battle in the air!

"Latias, they are fighting gods, don't get too close." "Wuyi~!"

Being able to be ridden by Xiaozhi, Latias was in a happy mood, and was even immune to the scene where the powerful ancient gods were everywhere around him.

In the desert in the distance, Ash could already see the black Rayquaza and Groudon, and Kyogre was officially fighting.

So he fixed his gaze and also looked at the many ancient gods in front of him.

“Then everyone, let’s do it!!”

Following his loud roar, both the enemy's ancient god with red eyes and his own ancient god seemed to have heard the initial gunshots, and they all took action——

The first thing to start was Lugia's father-son game.


The former Sea God Lugia let out a sharp roar, inhaled sharply from his mouth, and the surrounding air suddenly flowed into his abdomen visibly.

Air is constantly compressed and energy is constantly condensed.

Finally, his mouth opened, and a beam of translucent air light cannon suddenly blasted out, aiming directly at Little Lugia.

It's Lugia's signature move, air blast!

Little Lugia is not inferior at all, and now it is fully capable of competing head-on with the ancient gods.


It let out a roar of demonstration, clenched its black and purple wings, and tore a hole in the space in front of it like sharp claws.

Immediately afterwards, the whole body glowed with a black and purple light, as if it had turned into a transparent and incorporeal ghost dragon, escaping into the void and losing its shape.

The fierce aerial explosion went straight through the air and did not hit the target.

But in the next moment, a group of nether black light rose out of thin air in the air behind Poseidon Lugia, and little Lugia sprang out of it strangely.

Wow! !

Using its wings as sharp claws, it suddenly made a cold claw mark on Lugia's back!

Shadow Strike! !

The merciless action clearly shows that he has been holding grudges for a long time. This is a true father-son game!

On the other side, the feud in the Sinnoh region has officially begun.

"Hmph, let's take it out on you two stupid stupid dragons!"

Because he was inexplicably lower than the black Rayquaza, Pluto Dragon Knight Ratina was still a little unhappy.

After today's battle is over, he will use his signature shadow attack to increase the strength of the arrogant black Rayquaza!

Today, let’s fuck Palkia and Dialga in front of us first!

Whisper! !

Giratina was seen taking the lead in attacking, and the ghost wings behind him flapped continuously, and a violent and chaotic evil hurricane blew out, covering both time and space dragons.

Strange wind!

Palkia was blown back several meters, but as an ancient god of the same level, he would not be completely restrained by a strange wind.

"Ho ho ho!!"

I saw the space dragon Palkia roaring like a ghost again and again, and the pink pearls on the shoulder armor flashed with dazzling light.

Then he raised one arm, turned it into a sharp blade, and slashed forward!

Whoops! !

A bright pink crescent-shaped slash, an Archon cleavage that can easily tear apart space, slashed across the air towards Giratina's dragon head!

On the other side, the Dragon of Time Dialga did not show any weakness, raised his head, and the blue-purple diamond on his chest also flashed with full power.

Boom! !

The next moment, a blue-purple energy beam that could surge even in time shot out from his mouth!

It's Dialga's exclusive move, Spacetime Roar!

As soon as they came up, the time and space dragons both launched their ultimate moves. This ruins area also became weird because of the appearance of time and space moves. (End of this chapter)

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