He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2740 The origin form of the Sinnoh twin dragons!

"Wow, will Palkia and Dialga change forms too?!"

Not far away, Xiaozhi, who still had the energy to peek, opened his eyes wide in surprise.

He had seen Giratina's form transformation. Normally in the reverse world, the latter was a different form, and he was already used to it.

But this was the first time he had seen a pair of Sinnoh twin dragons that could also change form.

In Dialga's new form, his body and limbs have become more slender, making his overall figure appear to be more upright.

The surface of the body is gradually blue, the feet are lighter, and the head is almost black-blue.

The slender neck also made the blue diamonds originally embedded inside look extremely abrupt at the moment, protruding from the front and back of the neck in a cylindrical shape.

Palkia's original dragon figure now completely transformed into the form of a centaur, and even its tail became a scattered horsetail.

The thick horse-shaped lower body and the upper body are also slender human-shaped body. The original wings have also shrunk a lot, spreading out behind the back like the wings of a Pegasus.

"Well, it's a bit eye-catching."

Xiaozhi couldn't help but complain.

The original Palkia and Dialga were still majestic and domineering. But now after their transformation, they both look quite curious.

Palkia's centaur form is barely acceptable, but Dialga's "long-legged" alpaca appearance is really eye-catching!

Although they look ugly, the combat effectiveness of the Sinnoh Double Dragons has improved a lot.

Whoosh! !

The slender body also gave Dialga faster movement speed. His body flashed in the air and appeared behind Giratina out of thin air.

The forelimbs were raised, and the spike-like ends were condensed with shadow claws, and they struck hard!

"So fast!"

Xiaozhi was shocked. He didn't look like the bulky man in metal armor he had before.

Giratina was also exposed to the opponent's new form for the first time, and he quickly imitated Rayquaza's Dragon Dance, with his long snake-like body winding and moving in the air.

Although the opponent's move seemed to hit Giratina, it only passed through his soft body and did not cause any damage.

But on the other side, Palkia didn't know when he had flown directly above Giratina, and the centaur's four-legged iron hooves trampled down hard!

Tread hard!

The powerful horse's hoof kicked Giratina's head hard, preparing to knock it down from the air!

"Same super speed"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but make sharp comments.

The transformation of the form of the Sinnoh Double Dragons and even the Third God actually does not change the overall racial value, it is just a shift in the focus of various abilities.

It seems that both Palkia and Dialga converted part of their defense power into speed, making themselves more aggressive.

And Palkia also focuses more on offense, directly converting defense power into attack power!

"Damn it, you two guys!!"

Giratina, who had been deflated continuously, became furious again, and his whole body spurted out crimson flames, as if burning, with overwhelming momentum!

The next moment, facing Palkia's horse's hoof trampling, he directly pushed up high!

Reverse scale! !

Covered in the evil light of the reverse scale, Giratina directly rushed away from the trampling attack.

Boom boom! !

He even hit Palkia's chest hard with his head, knocking the latter backward and throwing him away.

It's not over yet, Reverse Scale is a continuous move.

"Emperor Hoho!!"

Giratina roared repeatedly, and the red fierce light on his body had not dissipated. This time he turned back down from the high altitude and rushed towards Dialga.

However, when Dialga entered the origin state, his four curious long legs were not just for looking at, they also gave him extremely strong mobility. Kick.!

The four legs were slightly bent, and the body suddenly jumped up like a spring, easily dodging the reverse scale attack.

Boom! !

Losing his target, Giratina crashed into the desert, creating a large pit of quicksand.

And Giratina was a bit unlucky today, falling into a chaotic state of reverse scale in the third round.

Boom! ! Boom! !

For a moment, Giratina seemed to have his consciousness controlled. He kept crashing into the pit in front of him, releasing all his power, and the surrounding ground continued to fight.

However, just because he was beating for air, his body was covered with sand, like a mudworm wallowing in the sand, which was quite embarrassing.

Xiaozhi: "."

Today, the strength of this Pluto Dragon has been decreasing.

But the opponent is always here to help him. Xiaozhi thought about it and prepared to control Mega Latias to help him.

"Xiao Zhi, I can't stand it anymore!!"

However, the little Hupa in front was directly blown away by the aftermath of Demon God Hupa's evil wave, and fell into Xiaozhi's arms.

Fortunately, it was just the aftermath. If it was directly hit by the evil wave, it might die suddenly on the spot.

"no solution anymore."

Seeing this, Xiaozhi had no choice but to retract his idea of ​​helping. The demon Hupa in front of him couldn't let him leave.

"Hold on, Giratina, I'll come to help you right away after I finish my opponent!"

Xiaozhi could only mourn for a second of silence for Giratina, who was rolling on his scales in the desert.

And at this moment, in mid-air, the long-legged version of Dialga, the diamond orb that seemed to be stuck in its throat, emitted a dazzling light. It raised its head, and the energy gathered above its head.

When Dialga entered the origin state, the Roar of Time was not shot out from his mouth, but condensed above his head.

This temporarily solved one of Xiaozhi's questions——

When Palkia entered the origin form and turned into a centaur, his upper body had no arms.

There is only a disc inlaid with large pearls on the shoulder, but the entire arm seems to have been cut off at the waist, which is quite curious.

He was wondering just now. How could Palkia wield the terrifying Archon Slash without hands?

Now you know!

The pearls on Palkia's shoulder armor also lit up, and a pink energy glow gathered on the top of her head.


The next moment, it transformed into a bunch of sickle scimitars, splitting the air and slashing diagonally!

At the same time, Dialga's power was also condensed, and a silver-blue beam of light that looked like a river of time also shot out!

Time roars! !

Two more exclusive moves were fired at Giratina.

Xiaozhi was shocked. Even though these two moves are both time and space-based, they are essentially dragon-type moves, and they have an outstanding effect on Giratina.

In a state of chaos, even the Ancient God would be in danger if he was hit by these two attacks in succession!

At the moment of crisis, a beam of emerald green light suddenly shot across from a distance.

The trajectory was straight, leaving an insurmountable barrier ravine out of thin air in the middle, blocking the attacks of Roar of Time and Archon Crack at the same time.

Boom! !

The two moves completely detonated midway and did not hit Giratina.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi's eyes suddenly lit up, because in the green beam, a domineering black flying dragon had been revealed! (End of chapter)

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