He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2745 Chaomeng is coming!

Chapter 2745 Chaomeng is coming!

"Guigui. How powerful is this?!"

The meteor swarm bombarded by, almost turning over the ground in this area, with meteorite cracks everywhere.

And all the ancient gods were lying on the ground in pieces.

Although they have not lost their ability to fight, they look uncomfortable.

"And this meteor swarm"

Ash also noticed that Rayquaza's meteor swarm did not seem to significantly reduce his special attack.

After all, it has been used once before. Normally, the power should be weakened, but the power of this meteor swarm is still strong and does not appear to have weakened at all.

It seems that the description settings of some skills have changed when placed on the Ancient God.

For example, the destructive death ray released by Rayquaza has no freezing period at all.

The meteor swarm blasted out will not weaken its own special attack at all.

However, no one noticed that a figure appeared on an uninhabited ravine hundreds of meters away.

But what if it’s five against one.?

He has pale skin, a gray cloak around his collar, and a purple tail faintly visible from behind.

Mewtwo is a Pokémon created with the help of part of Mew's genes. It also has some original memories from Mew in its memory, knowing that there is a first-level god like Rayquaza.

Similar to Xiaozhi, Mewtwo's pupils shrank and he also let out an exclamation.

"How about we take advantage of the opportunity and take action now?"

Chaomeng, he just arrived in this desert area from Miare City.

One-on-one, he is confident that he can steadily suppress any ancient god among them.

But this is the first time I have seen Mega Rayquaza, even the shiny black version.

"This power...!"

"I didn't expect that I wasn't the only one who could mega evolve...?!"

And he just happened to witness the meteor swarm released by the black Rayquaza. Like the end of the world, the meteors and meteorites that blocked the sky and the sun all bombarded down, knocking all the ancient gods to the ground.

For a long time, Chaomeng was the only one among the first-level gods to be able to master the evolution of mega, and he was the most special being.

Originally, Mewtwo was extremely confident in himself, both in his command level as a trainer and in his pure combat power as a Pokémon.

I just found out today that there is another Rayquaza.

And the opponent’s combat power after mega evolution at this moment

Chaomeng frowned, looking at the black flying dragon in the sky, with long golden energy whiskers floating around his body, exuding an extremely majestic aura, which made his expression fluctuate.

"Did mega evolve?"

Then Chaomeng glanced down again, and saw several ancient gods who were beaten into a state of embarrassment in the desert.

"Can I beat him now?"

Who is this black flying dragon in the sky that can deliver such a devastating blow? !

He is also a person who can use mega evolution, and he recognized the reason for Rayquaza's form in the sky at a glance.

However, after seeing this scene, the absolute confidence in my heart began to waver.

Chaomeng's eyes narrowed, and evil thoughts appeared in his heart for no reason.

Taking advantage of the 1v5 situation with Black Rayquaza, he could sneak attack from behind and most likely severely injure the flying dragon.

And the five injured ancient gods below could even use the Mewtwo Ball they invented to catch them all forcibly!

Chaomeng took out a black elf ball from his waist. The shape and pattern were somewhat similar to the master ball, but the overall color was black.

This is the exclusive Super Dream Ball that he invented after stealing Silver Company's research data on the Master Ball. Not only can you capture 100% of Pokémon, you can even forcibly conquer Pokémon that have been tamed by other humans, including when the Poké Ball is taken back!

However, it can only be used on ordinary Pokémon at best. For level two gods, there is already a chance of breaking free.

However, now in front of me are a group of ancient gods who have fallen to the ground in a panic. Maybe I really have a chance to conquer one or two ancient gods! ?

When the time comes, I will ride Ratina in the sky and Groudon on the ground.

When he thought of this, Chaomeng's eyes became even more fiery!

"Okay, no one has found me yet."

Mewtwo was seven or eight hundred meters away from the battlefield where Rayquaza was, but his superb and powerful superpowers allowed him to clearly perceive everything on the battlefield without being noticed.

It was just when it made some movement and prepared to approach quietly.

"Wait a minute, is that human...?"

Chaomeng suddenly noticed that there was another small battlefield very close to the battlefield, and his expression sank.

Of the two sides fighting, one is a Pokémon named Hoopa, right?

Although Chaomeng has never seen him, he automatically has the relevant impression of Hupa in his mind - that is, when Hupa asks you for help, you should try your best to choose help.

On the other side, there was a human riding on the back of Latias.

"This human being feels so familiar?!"

Chaomeng tried to expand the perception accuracy of his superpower and locked on Xiaozhi.

Wait a minute, this person is the human that we met briefly in Pokémon Village, right?

The latter also carries an object with his own aura——

Qualification invitation letter for the competition!

"Is this person also a contestant in my competition? Interesting."

Chaomeng was a little stunned. He didn't expect that a mere human being could intervene in a battle of this level.

It seems that the strongest trainer competition that I have carefully prepared is worth looking forward to.

"Wait a moment!"

But when he carefully detected Xiaozhi's breath for the second time, Chaomeng's expression suddenly changed, and his palms subconsciously clenched.

The reason for the familiarity is not only the chance encounter in the Pokémon Village not long ago, but also a long time ago.

"I came into contact with this human being a long time ago!"

Chaomeng suddenly put a hand on his forehead. Why did his head start to hurt inexplicably when he thought about this.

It seems that at that time he was still working for Team Rocket, confined to a bulky armored machine, guarding the Evergreen Gym

As a result, inexplicably, he seemed to have entered a strange spiritual world.

And in the spiritual world, a spiritual boy appeared and started a hand-to-hand battle with him.


These memories have always been buried deep in Chaomeng's soul, almost forgotten, but now that they are brought out again, the latter can't help but take a breath.

At that time, I seemed to have been beaten quite badly!

And the spiritual young man in the memory at that time gradually overlapped with the human figure riding Latias in front of him.

"Is it him?!"

Chaomeng's eyes regained clarity, and the person who beat him up in the spiritual world was right in front of him!

"Abominable. What a disgrace!"

Being beaten up by someone, even though it was just consciousness in the spiritual world, still made Chaomeng very angry.

But vaguely, there is a strange feeling.

After being beaten, he seemed to feel refreshed?

(End of this chapter)

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