He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2752 Ancient God, each chapter and each family!

Chapter 2752 Ancient Gods, everyone goes back to his own home!

But if you want to help Hoopa reshape his body...

The big and little Hupa in front of him were looking at him eagerly, curious about what he would do.

Xiaozhi looked up at the sky and looked at the rows of ancient gods in the sky.

Although the fight lasted less than two hours, the appearance of this group of ancient gods seemed to have been watched continuously for a week or two.

Even so, now that the battle was over and he formally looked at these ancient gods for the first time, Xiaozhi still felt that they were magnificent and domineering.

Especially the black Rayquaza among them, in terms of momentum and flying height, it is faintly higher than all the other ancient gods.

"As expected of the Dragon God Boss!"

Ash touched his nose, then sat on Latias' back again and flew towards Rayquaza.

"Well done, as expected of you, you did not disappoint me~!"

As soon as he got close, Ash gave Rayquaza a thumbs up and praised it.

Anyway, his mission was just to help Xiaozhi stop the controlled ancient god, but he never said that he would help build the body...

He quickly waved his hand, indicating that Rayquaza didn't need help.

"You want my scales again? No need to talk!!"

This was what he originally wanted to say, but it was suddenly snatched away by Xiaozhi, and he was speechless for a moment.

The ancient gods here are not as good as wild dogs. It should not be a big problem for one person to throw out some body materials and create a new body of the demon god Hupa.

He was able to help Xiaozhi beat the demon Hupa completely to death, which saved him some trouble in building his body.

Little Lugia is really deadly!

"... "

Does this kid think he is the boss? !

Poseidon Lugia looked a little embarrassed, with a lot of blood stains on the surface of his silvery smooth body.

Forget it, just fight!

It's just that the other party's attitude towards him still doesn't seem to have improved much, and he still looks at him with a wary expression.

However, the black Rayquaza's dragon whiskers flew up, and he shook his head angrily:

Do you really think that his dragon scales are something from the street? Rayquaza immediately distanced himself from Xiaozhi.

Rather than fighting against other ancient gods, he wanted to try out the potential of the God of Creation in the Creation Theory!

After waiting for a long time, there was not even a sign!

There was no hope for Rayquaza, so Xiaozhi could only look at the others——

In this regard, Poseidon Lugia, who had regained consciousness, could not blame him for anything. He had always been indebted to this child.

Xiaozhi: "..."

Rayquaza was not in a happy mood right now.

They made such a big fuss... It stands to reason that Arceus, the God of Creation, might also come to see what happens, right?

Speaking of which, Black Rayquaza was still a little dissatisfied.

Xiaozhi got straight to the point and talked about the problem of the demon god Hupa.

Rayquaza: "..."

What even made him break through his defense was that little Lugia flew to Giratina's side.

The two dark ghost dragons mingled together and had a close relationship, more like a father and son!

Lugia: "...!"

He seemed to still be able to hear sneers around him...?

"Lugia, long time no see~!"

At this time, Xiaozhi flew over with Latias and said hello.

Lugia knew Xiaozhi. At that time, he was beaten by Groudon on the Orange Islands, which caused the local people's faith to collapse, and the Poseidon's priesthood was lost. Xiaozhi was a witness...

No, it’s just that he doesn’t want to continue being Poseidon!

The relationship between the two was not bad. At that time, Lugia only regarded Xiaozhi as a young and promising human descendant.

But now in less than a few years, the other party has grown up...

It's incredible.

"Building Hupa's body...?"

However, Lugia hesitated in the face of Xiaozhi's request.

Since you want to build a physical body, shouldn't you choose materials that match the attributes of that Hupa?

"Wait a minute, the other party seems to have the smell of superpower attributes..." Lugia raised his eyebrows. Demon God Hupa had been releasing waves of evil, which made him ignore that the latter was actually a combination of superpower + evil attributes. .

As for the other ancient gods, their relationship with Xiaozhi is very average.

Especially the twin gods Gurado and Kyogre from Fang Yuan, as well as the twin dragons from the Sinnoh region, Palkia and Dialga. They are all ancient gods who don't like to think or talk.

No matter what he does, he likes to follow his body's instincts, instead of having so many thoughts in his mind like Rayquaza and Lugia.

So when faced with Xiaozhi's request, these four ancient gods all had straight faces and did not respond at all.

Their will has been manipulated inexplicably, and they still need to create materials from them?

Dream on!

After their bodies recovered, the ancient gods did not attack Demon God Hu, so they all had a good attitude and were ready to turn around and leave.

As for Reshiram, he was originally Ash's Pokémon. After the battle, his body turned into a ball of fire and flew back to the light stone in Ash's backpack.

Today's consumption is a bit heavy for her...

And after a battle with Kyurem, she became even more eager to fully integrate the ice dragon genes and achieve her perfect form.

So Reshiram flew directly back to the light stone and entered a state of silence.

As for Kyurem…

Faced with Xiaozhi's request, he just sent out a telepathic response indifferently, and the cold voice made people's hair stand on end:


Kyurem simply replied with one word.

He is similar to Gurado, Kyogre, and the Sinnoh Twin Dragons. They are all beings who don't like to use their brains to think, and their telepathic abilities are a bit stiff.

However, Xiaozhi and Chi have a great connection, and Chi is his trainer...

Faced with Xiaozhi's request, Kyurem did not choose to refuse.


As soon as he finished speaking, Kyurem's ice-shell wings suddenly cracked and broke. This scene shocked Xiaozhi, thinking that the opponent was going to harm himself, so he gave half of his wings to himself.

However, the body of Kyurem's wings is actually very small, like two slender wires, with thick ice shells condensed on the outside, and they will crack when they crack.


A piece of top-grade material, the thousand-year ice cracked from Kyurem's back and fell into the desert.

The extremely cold energy caused the surrounding sand to freeze into ice flowers...

"Um, thank you..."

Xiaozhi could only scratch his head in embarrassment. He and Kyurem hadn't spoken much yet, and the atmosphere seemed a bit stiff.



After these things were done, all the ancient gods also took action and prepared to leave.

Ash was riding on Latias, watching the gods leave in unison... This scene was extremely rare and spectacular!

First, the dragon god Rayquaza took the lead with his sinuous black body, flying towards the high-altitude clouds.

Then came Sinnoh's Space-Time Twin Dragons, one step behind and following behind.

Lugia originally wanted to say hello to little Lugia, but seeing the latter getting together with Giratina, he could only turn his head away and fly into the sky lonely.

Giratina and Little Lugia were naturally along the way, preparing to fly high into the sky and tear open a hole in the air leading to the reverse world.

Although Kyurem's wings were broken, he still had the ability to fly. He said nothing and flew in the direction of Hezhong.

Even Kyogre is flying in the air.

Only Groudon was still clumsily stepping on the ground, instinctively walking step by step towards the Fangyuan area.

All the gods were flying in the sky, and only Groudon was walking below.

"This wonderful composition..."

Xiaozhi tilted his lips, this scene was a little hard to comment on.


Even after Kyogre flew a certain distance, he plunged into the sea, and the huge waves even poured on Groudon's head.

Groudon: "..."

The latter just walked silently, with steaming water mist constantly coming out of his head...

(End of this chapter)

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