He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2759 The fat house devil!

Chapter 2759 The fat house devil!

Returning to Desert City, the streets here are still noisy and crowded with pedestrians.

Xiaozhi and his party naturally went directly to Saliman's royal palace, preparing to spend the last time here before the opening of the Kalos League.

"My best friends, you can live here wherever you like~! We are all old acquaintances, just come as you get used to it!"

Saliman waved his hand, indicating that his things belong to everyone and there is no need to be restricted.

After this battle, not only did Little Hupa and Xiaozhi become more fond of each other... Saliman also seemed to become everyone's best friend, which was a life-long friendship.

Saliman doesn't think the biggest gain from this incident is conquering the Rock God Pillar, gaining the bodyguards of the Three Cloud Gods, or settling in the favor of the Demon God Hupa... The most important thing is that he and Xiaozhi have become iron friends!

This magical out-of-town trainer has refreshed his cognitive limits time and time again!


Xiaozhi and the others didn't bother the former too much. They must have just experienced this disaster, and Saliman also had a lot to deal with, right?

"Then I'll go find Sarah first. Let's talk about it during dinner tonight. Then we'll have a grand dinner to celebrate!"

After saying that, Saliman went to meet his sister in a hurry.

Previously, I had been watching the whole process in the desert, leaving the entire city's operations to Sarah alone. The latter must have been under a lot of pressure these past two days.

Fortunately, the war disaster caused by the demon Hupa did not affect Desert City.

She just wants to be a trainer like Serena, and has no interest in running a city or even a country.

However, Saliman's status in their hearts is still very high. Although he is a bit extravagant... but it is not a big problem. Desert City and the former ruler of Desert Country have never been frugal!


"Hire someone who knows how to search for treasures with a high salary. In a few days, I will be looking for some gadgets in the surrounding desert."

"elder brother!"

She also has the ancestral bloodline of joining in the fun in Desert City. If it weren't for the purpose of stabilizing the overall situation, she would have stayed at the scene with Saliman to watch.

Everyone below blinked blankly, and the following plans sounded a bit baffling.

In addition to the heart palpitations and panic caused by the aftermath of the powerful ancient god's attack, the citizens of Desert City actually enjoyed a gorgeous fireworks show.

When parting, he also reminded me:

"By the way, Serena and the others are back too, you can go and play with them!"

"Also, fill up my private jet. I have to go to the Unova area as soon as possible..."

"Thank you Sarah, leave this place to me, you go and have a good rest."

At this moment, on the shore of a luxurious swimming pool behind the palace.

"Oh! Then I'm going to ask what happened yesterday!"

"In short, I will first stabilize the order of the entire city...and then summon the best craftsmen. I plan to build the tallest building in the whole process..."

Saliman, on the other hand, looked at the ministers and officials who were looking at him one after another, rubbed his head vigorously, and then prepared to fight.

A group of ancient gods set off fireworks for you. This scene is unprecedented!

At the long table in the inner hall, Sarah was sitting at the front, giving orders to the ministers and officials in front of her. Her pretty face looked a little haggard today.

After seeing Saliman walking in, Sara came over happily.

Sara immediately held up her skirt and ran towards the inner hall in a hurry.

Saliman rubbed his sister's forehead. His sister had grown up too.

Xiaozhi and his group set up a ladder on the shore and sunbathed leisurely.

I'm really exhausted these two days and need a good rest.

"Chirp Chirp...!" "Chirp Chirp...!" Serena and Princess Sarah's lounge chairs were located in the center. Their heads were very close to each other and they were whispering.

The topic is nothing more than yesterday's fight between gods, or the upcoming alliance meeting.

From time to time, he would peek at Xiaozhi, who was wearing only a pair of beach shorts, and burst into laughter.

Even though Xiaozhi usually wears clothes, he looks like he has a normal physique... But after taking it off, you can still see obvious muscle lines on his arms and chest.

Coupled with Carlos's painting style, Xiaozhi's skin is slightly dark and mature, which is very in line with the aesthetics of the locals in Desert City...

Even Princess Sara couldn't help but look at it a few more times.

Of course, Serena soon forced her head to straighten!

Xiaozhi's beach chair was placed next to him, and next to him was a giant lounge chair nearly five meters long, blocking almost half of the aisle.


The demon god Hupa is lying on his back, with six arms on both sides floating to the back of his head to hold him, with an expression of contentment and enjoyment.

This is life!

There was plenty of sunlight, and next to them were some coolie tundra bears and ice-type pangolins introduced from the Alola region, blowing the freezing wind, which was very cool.

On the giant table next to the demon god Hupa, there are various juicy and sweet tropical fruits, enough for thirty people.

And a glass of Coke half filled with ice cubes.

Demon God Hupa didn't even touch his head, just shook his finger slightly.

call out…!

The next moment, a gold ring floated from the corner of his mouth, and another gold ring appeared on top of the ice cola, with straws sticking out of the gold ring.


He took a sharp breath, and dense carbonic acid bubbles burst in his mouth, immediately making Hupa look comfortable again.

This is how he, the Demon God, should live his life!

Especially Coke... In the past, people only offered him juice, but they had never had such a delicious carbonated drink!

If I had known it was so comfortable, who would have wanted to commit violent acts of killing and causing chaos? They would have come here to retire and enjoy life.


Xiaozhi's lips twitched when he saw Demon God Hupa's operation of using the teleportation golden ring to drink Coke without raising his head.

You will really enjoy it!

What fat nerd can resist this kind of ability!

"... "

Serena, Citron and others were still a little uncomfortable with the sudden transformation of enemies into friends, and looked warily at the giant demon beside them from time to time.

However, the latter was lying on the sun lounger, holding his head and crossing his legs, as if he had turned into a fat otaku devil.

It doesn't seem so scary, but rather cute?

At this moment, not only Xiaozhi and others, but also Diamond Princess, who had not been seen for a long time, was also sitting on a small lounge chair next to her, sunbathing.

Everyone is an acquaintance, so she doesn't need to be careful to hide her body anymore.

The extravagant pink diamonds on her outfit shone with dazzling light under the sunlight. Even Princess Sarah couldn't help but look envious when she saw it...!

(End of this chapter)

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